A Strategy For Making It Big On Steemit !

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

Fail To Plan Then You Are Planning To Fail

I have been on #steemit for a little while now, like most people here I have only made a few cents to $1 on a post, I did get lucky once on a comment where I earned a whopping $1388 but I know this does not happen for everyone, although sincerely I wish it did !

To be brutally honest like 99% of the folks here, one of the main reasons I am in steemit is to make money, I am a web developer and entrepreneur, not a professional writer, so being here and writing these posts and articles I find myself way out of my comfort zone, I have however come to the realisation that if I am going to stand a chance of making some extra cash I am going to need a strategy, one which I am going to share with you because I want you to succeed also and who knows perhaps you will leave a comment and be able to add something to the mix that I have not thought of.

The Strategy Plan For Success

  • First and foremost I am going to brand myself and socialise to get known, this I have already started doing my reasoning is simple people go for brands its something that has been bred into us so brand yourself

  • I am going to research what is being voted on and apply my skill set to that demand , I am going to give people what they want to read and not what I can give them to read, it is pointless having a product for which there is no market and making a market for my product is going to take some time.

  • I am going to post 2 quality well-formated articles a day.

  • I am going to upvote 50 posts a day, 40 of which will be on my fellow minnows who are writing great content and not just slapping a photo on with a few words there must be meat (words) and desert (images), the other 10 votes I will spread around to whales and dolphins, on each of my votes I will leave a quality comment after all these can be worth money.

  • Lastly I am going to just focus on enjoying steemit and having fun there is allot of knowlege being shared here perhaps I will learn something.

What Is Your Strategy ?

Follow Me @mrgrey


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Just Allow!!! And it will happen. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

Thank you for stopping by mazi :)

I enjoyed reading this thank you it made me think a little.

A great post mrgrey thank you I really like your ideas !

Stop seeing Steemit as your money cow to milk. Bring actual passion and value to the network instead of rehashing old shit and sucking up to 'get rich quick' trolls.

You'll milk her dry if you don't.

see my past posts there is plenty of passion and value and no i do not suck up to trolls, but fact is fact he is a brand .

Just like you I'm out of my comfort zone writing here. Writing is not my profession. But I'm giving it my all to make it. Most all of my posts have been under a dollar, but I'm not letting that discourage me.

I do have a feeling, you should stop worrying about "how to make money from steemit", to actually start making money from steemit. In the words of Steve (from Tao of Steve): "Let go of your desire".

hence my very last sentance :) Lastly I am going to just focus on enjoying steemit and having fun there is allot of knowlege being shared here perhaps I will learn something.

I am sure we will all learn something here and from the posts

agree love to steemit

My answer to this topic :
I make sure I always surround myself with good, down to earth, fun, real people, who always keep me grounded.
I can't get along with narcissists, men who think they are better than others. Bright red colour enters my brain and boils up when I meet " Show-Off's ". I had to learn how to calm down and shut up, knowing it is not my duty to confront them. Let them find out alone where life will take them with a repulsive attitude.

I agree with you totally mammasitta, thank you for your very wise comments :)

I like your post though . Don't misunderstand . I just have a different idea what successful means . So I upvote you 😘