Dear Friends

in steemit •  6 years ago  (edited)


We are here to enable free knowledge sharing

Steemit brings the huge benefit to support creators of great content at no personal cost. It's our responsibility to act on that and help the people who spend hours every week helping us for free. We are the one who can make a difference and create an economy where good content and honest help is rewarded. A world where we stand for quality over quantity and free knowledge over expensive tuition.

Yet, from the 271 people who follow me, less than 3% actually vote on my posts. Despite me creating new tutorials every 3 days of the last months. To be honest, that shines a very bad light on the Steemit community and their values. This is problematic because it drives content creators away from Steemit and back into the hands of big corporations and Fiat money. More people on Patreon are willing to give me a tiny bit of their hard earned cash than people on steemit are willing to spend a single free click on my posts. How is that? What kind of signal does that send? Is that Steemit?

It's not just a single case

I know way more people who create high-quality content and get almost no upvotes than I know people actually benefiting from what they are giving to the community. That is a very problematic situation for Steemit, STEEM, and the SBD. Because if honest and upright content creators feel used and left alone, what is left for Steemit? What happens to a platform when the people who put in the most work get nothing out of it, while people who post memes and stolen content rape the rewards? It ends in being an empty shell with a worthless currency.

Spend fewer votes on posts that are just raping the reward pool by spamming memes and posts that cost them 2 minutes to post and spend MORE upvotes on people who put hours into each post to provide quality content.

I'm looking for the door

I also write this, because I am considering to stop sharing my tutorials here. To be honest, it's an emotional strain and a frustration to see that people can't even give me a free click, where on the classic platforms people are happy to spend their own money to HELP me. I'm not doing it for the money. I said that often enough. But for me, it's a sign of respect. It's a pad on the back and a "Thank you, we see you and we appreciate your help". And for me, it is double as hard to see that it cost you literally nothing to show me your appreciation and still YOU decided to not care and not click. Why is that? And why should I keep on helping you, when I could just as well spend that time in the park, drinking a soda and having leisure time? Yes, it is true, that help is only honest if you ask for nothing in return. But it is just as true that respect and appreciation go a long way. A well will dry up eventually if you don't even consider giving it some shade.

Make rewarding good content a HABIT

So, in your own interest, as much as in the interest of free information and free learning I want to encourage you to CONSIDER UPVOTING good content.

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I up vote a lot but focus on electronic music. I'll try to keep a eye on your page my friend. You should try uploading to dlive or dtube, it will increase your chances of getting a big vote

@toddjsmith1979 The thing is: I don't want pity votes from dtube or curie or any other group. Because that is what they are. Over 90% of my income on Steemit come from people who don't know and don't care about my content. They didn't even look at it. They just have been part of a vote trail from a curie or ocd or dtube vote. What good does that to me? It's empty money that means nothing. The people on Patreon give me money because they believe in me. And it's real money they had to work for. That is meaningful. A pity vote is demeaning. I don't want that.

Yes, i should have put more time into the Steemit community. I know that is my biggest failure. But the thing is: I'm not a peoples person. I like to do things for people by creating things for them. I don't want to meet them online or socialize with them. I'm like a musician. If you like my stuff come and liste, but don't expect me to listen to every demo of every person how came to my concert in return. That's just not me.

They are not pity votes, LOL. That’s s your outlook and you’re welcome to it but calling them pity votes is kinda retarded in my eyes and might keep you in a box here, to each their own

Do you forget I’m a musician? Many of my big votes are from what you speak are “ pity” votes, LOl. You couldn’t be more wrong or closed minded. Good luck