in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)


In my line of work we develop and manufacture natural biological preparations that are widely used in the agricultural sector.

Our aim is to get a natural harmony back into the farmlands.. where you will still see little insects such as ladybirds all around and the natural occurring little critters etc.. but at the same time protect the farmer's crop against pests and diseases.

I am truly blessed to have a father like mine!

He is the most knowledgeable person I have ever known and absolutely his daughter's hero.

It took him almost 25yrs to compile all his research and development together to provide our agricultural sector a "natural" way of treating plant diseases and pest problems on their crops.. how you ask?.. Here I'll tell you,

We use certain microbes which are natural occurring predators against pests but at the same does not harm the ecology at all apart from doing its job to eradicate the pest at hand . By using these microbes instead of pesticides etc.. we could all be much healthier human beings!!

Remember that old saying.. "You are what you eat!"

Well how healthy do you think your whole system is if you are consuming pesticides, poisons and all the other harmful things which are used to control plant disease and pests on the plants that eventually make their way onto your dinner plates?

We are only now recently starting to understand the importance of GMO free foods.. Clean drinking water WITHOUT flouride.

Don't you think it is a shame that at this day and age with all the technology and facilities humankind have at the availability we should be scared of eating our own food, which by the way GOD had put on this planet with the intention of it keeping us healthy, strong, fertile never mind the fact its supposed to be our main sustenance.

I myself have seen so many people developing cancers, skin irritations, infertility problems to mention a few which where all directly linked to their:

  1. Environment (air pollution)
  2. Drinking water (contraceptives, flouride, pesticides, heavy metals)
  3. Food (GMO's, pesticides, herbicides)

A person doesn't really think about it when you decide to "eat healthier".. I mean you head out to your grocery store and select the nicest looking fruits and vegetables and meats and so on. Not even knowing that you are putting about the same amount of cell damage into your body with all the "healthy" foods you are eating compared to a person living on takeaways !

Doesn't this not sound like our right to be able to not have to worry about these things. Anybody should be able to buy healthy foods. Be it fruit, veg, meat. I dream of a day where even the people on the "breadline" as it is called are able to afford CLEAN healthy food too so that they do not develop obesity / other health issues from all the sugars inside of the pastas, white breads etc.. that they are currently living on.

I am afraid that our society has become so materialistic for the most part that now days even our foods are going to be "peterpan food" sooner than we'd like to admit.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, please follow me @mysticlilly16 for more interesting goodies :-)

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