How to make money on steemit. The simplest solution there issteemCreated with Sketch.

in steemit •  6 years ago 


The last few days I've been seeing a ton of posts on steemit specifically questioning the ethics and merits (or lack thereof depending on who you ask) of using bots for upvotes and resteems.

Even here in our tiny little steem surf community we discuss bots regularly. The truth is: you can make money with bots on steemit. My question is: who gives a shit?

There are about 6,497 bots (actually that's an arbitrary number, I have no idea how many there are but it's a fucking lot). And there are methods to get you your whale status, maybe, one day....

And then you'll have the chance to look proudly back on your years of hard work learning the current best bot returns, and staying on top of trends, and your half million shit posts that literally nobody actually liked. Ever. Way to spam steem for pennies an hour dude.

What if, and I'm just spit balling here, what if instead of being a spammy sloptart and wasting your days trying to beat the system you dedicate a portion of that time to learning how to properly document your life, interests and activities, and the rest of your time actually living like my sweet friend here.


And there it is. I've given you the Secret without you even realizing it. Create shit that matters to you. Can't write? Make some videos! Everybody loves videos.

Camera shy? Film others!
Antisocial? Film animals and write right wing propaganda. Easy peasy
Don't like animals? Cook them and eat them and take pictures of your culinary creations and title them stuff like: the only good animal is a barbecued animal. I love animals... Baked, sautéed, deep fried, etc. People love dumbass pictures of food.

It doesn't matter. The point is if it's important to you, it's probably important to others too. Find each other, lend support, and don't be a dick. It's so easy it's s stupid.

I love you whoever you are but seriously, bots are dumb. When it's said and done we will meet at the same place a year from now, but while you spent your days locked inside glued to your screen deciphering ancient hieroglyphic algorithms that drive bots (maybe that's your thing, I'm not judging) I will have spent another year travelling from beach to beach living my life and helping folks along the way.


You have the choice and you have the power. But if you are slinging shit all over steemit, stop. Just stop now and reevaluate how you do things, try it my way for just a while..... Like 30 days, and see if things don't turn around for you.

Hey! I hope you got something from this and don't think I'm a total dick. Actually I don't care what others think of me too much. My granny always said "don't worry about what others think of you son. Most don't and it ain't none of your dang business anyway."

So I'll just say this. I always appreciate upvotes, resteems, etc.... But what I love most is connecting with others. If you've seen success with bots, I would especially love to hear from you because maybe I am dead wrong. Either way, slide into my comments and let's connect.

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I use bots to upvote but not to make money or gain followers. I use bots so I don't have to post a gazillion posts of cats or food pics just to grow my accounts SP to a point its really useful.

Life doesn't start and finish on steemit! That's a point worth remembering! To be really honest I don't really care much about crappy content all over, cause I can't do anything to stop it.

Focus on your life and your own content, make friends along the way and most importantly have fun... but if you're here mainly to make tonnes of money and not to connect with other steemians, who gives a shit? You're free to do whatever you please!

Fair enough. I can't fault you there. You're such a stoic buddy! 😂😂