Sensation vs Perception

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Difference between sensation & perception


Sensation is a process where we can sense something after receiving information from our five sensory organs: eyes, nose, ears, tongue, and skin. These five sensory organs receive stimulation from the environment & send a signal to our brain. Brain converts the signal to sense such as feeling, smell, sound, taste & sight. It is much more physical.

Perception is almost like a sixth sense. It is nothing but a personal experience. What person thinks or looks at his or her environment is called perception. It's varying from person to person. It's one kind of mental image of something or somebody. Perception is very much psychological.

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Nice one👍thanks for explanation

you have solved one of the biggest confusion i had :P

Is this out of a psych/philosophy textbook or is this an original thought?

Good stuff.

Thank you for the post!