Steemit Update [ August 16th, 2024 ] : Community Curators for September - Applications Open

in steemit •  7 months ago 

One member of the team should make a post including…

Details of each team member, including their history on Steem and any positions of responsibility they have held on the platform

The nationality, languages and country of residence of each team member

The key stats of each team member (own SP, CSI, Reputation, Delegations).

Please note that each person can only be included in one application.

Keep posts brief and easy to follow. Include the tag #curatorapplication in the first four tags.

Applications can be made in any language.

Posts should be submitted by 11.59pm UTC, on Saturday, August 24th, 2024.

How Community Curators will be rewarded

Every day all teams will be allowed to allocate one full vote to a member’s post - ideally in rotation.

In total no more than 10% of the account’s voting power should be used on team members each week.

Additionally each week one member should post a report for the team in the Steem POD community with a list of their top 7 posts, with a brief note of why each post was chosen.

These posts should set beneficiaries to share the rewards with other members of the team.

The posts will be voted by @steemcurator01.

Thank you to this month’s Community Curators. You are all welcome to apply again for September.

The new Curation Teams will be announced by the end of the month, with a view to starting at the beginning of September.

As this new team application process will be quite experimental we reserve the right to hand pick teams if not enough suitable teams apply.

Finally we would like to remind everyone that they should not contact the Community Curators asking for votes, or to be selected as a Post of the Week. Anyone found doing this may be barred from receiving any @steemcurator0x or @booming votes.

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Post robado.

Is this system still active even? seems to be no activity.