Matrix - write about it a little, there can be "a capture of mankind" already happened?

in steemit •  9 years ago 

Hello, today I will tell very interesting thoughts about which theories know units.

One of my favourite writers - John Lily, he was a beautiful person!

He carried out surprising operation with dolphins, achieved huge successes in psychology and other sciences, and in the 80th years when computers only just appeared, he advanced very interesting theory.
But before it, I want to take couple of thoughts of Drunvalo Melkhisedek, he wrote that in addition to carbonic consciousness (a t.a our, biological), there is also a consciousness on the basis of silicon! He said that he stones live, capable to think and analyze, and for the proof said about computers that silicon is used for processing and information transfer, but now let's return to John of Lily.

He wrote that many represent Matrixes or extraterrestrial invasion as a certain war where there will be a race of evil beings, in something similar to humanoids, and fight, the weapon against the weapon, etc. will be carried! But, people don't assume that implementation to Earth and capture it can happen absolutely imperceptibly for people, and not only is imperceptible, but also it is pleasant.
And he just wrote about the same, as Drunvalo that silicon is capable to think too of, it is other life form, and advanced the theory that evil beings come to this World as programs and computers, I develop to full-fledged AI (artificial intelligence) and enslave us!
And what they do now? They study us, our life and our planet, you only think - practically all information which was saved up by our civilization - there are in our computers, all secret correspondences and the state plans - on computers, biology, physics, genetics - all this computers! They know about us everything! Both about the whole people, and about individuals!
And as John Lily - and how many people will see off time behind viewing of a porn and similar resources wrote... you understand? It is the most powerful energy which these "newcomers" will transform for themselves.

And now I will continue thought from myself, I lived with shamans in the jungle, communicated much and read other authors, can seem to us that development through the computer is norm, even is a basis of our way more! That each civilization shall come to it over time, use it as norm and so we rise by a step above, but it is only idea, all that World which we see it artificial around! It is artificial, we believe that it real and is norm, but scientists proved long ago that our brain is tens of thousands times more powerful than the strong computer! And about what it speaks?
That if each person developed the brain to the necessary level, then such phenomena as telepathy and other super abilities would become a norm, it also would be the real evolution when we would communicate with the world not through test tubes and electronic circuits, and directly - consciousness with consciousness.

Many spiritual figures who developed the bio-computer to the highest levels also tried to inform of it.
But it is finite and the Internet/computers bears big favor, but the main thing not to give the consciousness to this technique and to be able to use it without losing itself, without becoming the lazy person with surface attention.
I thank for attention, I hope to you it was pleasant.

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Dude, I tried to read your post but it was too difficult to follow. Please, before you post do a spell check, do a grammar check, have someone else read it over and give you notes, edit, and then post. You may have the wonderful thoughts but no one will ever know if you can't communicate clearly. I'm not trying to be rude, but I want to be able to know that I understand you correctly.