RE: A Beginners Guide To Success on Steemit - 2.0!

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A Beginners Guide To Success on Steemit - 2.0!

in steemit •  6 years ago  (edited)

I'm proud of my accomplishments whether these folks like it or not. I'm proof the system works as intended and I'm not the only one. I know of quite of few people who've done as good if not better than I have without ever buying into this sales pitch that it's "hard to get noticed". It's hard to get noticed everywhere. The moment someone comes along, creates a problem, then offers what they call a "solution" for a fee, you know they're just feeding you a line of BS. They're also using a tactic big tobacco used long ago. They say things like "once you're ready and have confidence in your work, promote it." So if you're not buying votes, does that mean you're not confident? Is it a sign of weakness? They used to say smoking was cool. You're not cool unless you smoke. That made people feel inferior to smokers, so they started smoking. These are old tricks but I'm not surprised people still fall for it. They're weak, they need a crutch, they hear someone say something like "this makes you look confident", and they jump all over that shit.

Much like a smoker, they'll spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on these bots and have nothing to show for it. 23333 SP now. That's what you get for working, discipline (even though I'm a freaking nutcase on my blog), and not handing out your hard earned tokens to pay for the toll road leading over a cliff just because someone said you can fly.

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The biggest threat to those who are here for passive income generation, are those with an actual product to sell. As the pond grew wider, your circle didn't matter as much. Clearly, you guys are really threatened. I suggest you calm down and try to work on your posts. It won't be like back in the day when all of you circle-jerked each other and good content never got noticed or never earned anything here. Now, people are going to trend with their hard earned investment - some may lose, others will win. But the days of passive circle jerking are always numbered. Just get used to it and stop pathetic whining - it's embarrassing

Now, I will save all of you the effort - yes, I'm a newb who doesn't understand anything. No problem, I still have my self respect and my confidence. This post is a good post. Well promoted. Good luck to all the winners in this thread.

Do you feel better now?

I've handed out 287 votes to 129 different accounts in the past seven days. I can usually do better than that. Many of those accounts have far less SP than mine, some have more, and I certainly didn't vote for all of those people you just insulted so I get something in return. If I could help more people, I most certainly would. I nearly made the top 100 on this list of the most effective curators last week. I'm there quite often. I guess I made this list. Top 250 in all of Steemit for one day.

I've pressed that button manually 21492 times. You could spend all the money you have to get yourself on trending. You still need someone like me to come along and vote for your post in order to make any money.

I read your comment below as well. You're the guy who said, " I prefer paying my ticket to get to the top to jerking people in a circle. I value my freedom and I don't do anyone any favors." You value your freedom so you're willing to become dependent on a middleman to get to the imaginary top? That's interesting.

In your other comment you also displayed how you've fallen for the sales pitch "believe in yourself first then come to us and give us your money" line so I'm not surprised to see you come here to tell everyone how confident you are.

A lot of what you said proves you're new, especially the "back in the day" stuff you speak of, as if you were here to see someone like me start at the bottom and work their way up. I didn't know anyone, started with nothing, and I don't appreciate you downplaying my efforts and making it sound like earning 23300 SP as writer/artist/entertainer on Steemit is a bad thing or insinuating I did something wrong.

Anyway, thanks for, nothing. And don't forget to tighten up that helmet before you go out today.


I don't have time to read your entire content. Please forgive me for that. I read your first line - to answer, yes. I feel great. Always do. If you want my attention, produce good content, I will read it. Thanks for reading mine.

AND fuck you again.

As eloquent as always - at least it's a short comment this time.

Shouldn't you be responding with your other account and voting with this account to make it appear as if someone agrees with you?

LOL! Have a good day dude.

I appreciate hard work and dedication, I am going to follow you and hope to learn some stuff on what it takes to at least swim with the dolphins one day.

It's hard to get noticed everywhere.

I think @joeparys is preying on newbs who's never created content and don't know what it's like doing these kinds of things.

He knows perfectly well what you said but well, whatever gets upvotes right? One look and you can see he's doing exactly what Tai Lopez did, "teaching" people how to be a millionaire and only then become a millionaire from the lies he sold.

For sure yea. Depends on what kind of content people want to see. And of course if that content ever shows up on their feed