Formatting Quirks of Steemit

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Formatting Quirks of Steemit

typesetting image

Steem makes a few additional formatting options available, but they're not without their quirks. I'm trying to capture the ones that I know about here.

Basically this is another self-serving post because I keep forgetting this stuff and if I put it here it will help to reinforce my memory as I type it up, and when I start to forget it I can easily find my post about it.

Generally I forget what each style setting is called, view the page source for a post, locate the .css file and then search it for Markdown. This post will be much faster for me, and maybe it will help others, too. I know there a like a billion "How to format your stuff on Steemit" posts, but they tend to not cover all of these details.


You can center stuff in your post with the HTML <center></center> tags.

For example, this is the correct way:

<center>![image alt text](image.png)</center>

Center tag Quirks

Don't leave any extra new lines between the closing </center> tag and the last element that needs to be centered. If you do, there's a good chance that the text throughout the rest of your document will be aligned center, no matter what other formatting you try to add.

And this will cause everything else on the page to be mysteriously centered:


![wrong image](image.png)


Note that this quirk is exactly the opposite of the <div> tag quirks!

So, if you want to center something, make sure that there is no blank line between the stuff that is being centered and the closing </center> tag.

Pull-Left, Pull-Right

As you may have discovered, you can use <div> tags in your post to make stuff 100% more awesome. With <div> tags you can do things like have text that wraps around an image or have text that is pulled to one side. This allows for some cool effects, like having an image on one side and text on the other, or even having two columns of text next to each other. It's generally awesome.

The way this is accomplished is you put in a <div> tag and assign its class to either pull-left or pull-right. For example, the text at the beginning of this article used a pull-left on the image and then let the text flow naturally around it on the right.

Here's how I lined up my text at the beginning of the article:

<div class="pull-left">

![typesetting image](


Steem makes a few additional formatting options available, but ...

Pull-left, Pull-right Quirks

If you don't have an empty line between your opening <div> tag and you put an image in your <div>, the Markdown formatted beginning of the image will be displayed in a rather ugly fashion right next to the image instead of behaving as expected. This is a bit hard to explain and it was probably hard for you to read, so here's a screenshot to demonstrate.

This is the code that would result in the wrong thing happening:

<div class="pull-left">

And here's what that would look like:

illustrated broken image


This is really the same as the aforementioned pull left/right quirk, but I have trouble remembering the name of this one and there's a tiny bit more I wanted to say on the topic. So, you can justify text with a <div> tag in much the same way you can do the left and right pulling. For example, I made this paragraph justified by doing this:

<div class="text-justify">

This is really the same as the aforementioned pull left/right quirk, but I have
trouble remembering the name of this one and there's a tiny bit more I wanted
to say on the topic.  So, you can justify text with a `<div>` tag in much the
same way you can do the left and right pulling.  For example, I made this
paragraph justified by doing this:


There's a tiny bit more to say about the flexibility of text-justify. If you use it on an outer <div>, you can still have inner <div>s that are pulling left or right, and they will contain justified text. Don't believe me? Scroll back up to the top of my article and notice that the text flowing around the image is justified...

Text-justify Quirks

Just like the pull left or right, you must include an extra line feed before you put in the actual text being wrapped by the <div>. If you don't, none of the markdown in that section will be interpreter and it will look like crap. I had this problem with a few posts. I think I managed to go back and correct them all before they became immutable, but wow, what a PITA.


TL;DR don't use them.

Markdown supports footnotes. The Markdown post preview used by Steemit supports footnotes! If you try to use a footnote it will look awesome in the preview! And when you try to publish it will fail with a mysterious message. You'll have to remove the footnote before you can publish. As a work around, you can fake a footnote by using the <sub> or <sup> HTML tags. For example, if I wanted to make a footnote regarding the image1. You'll notice it's not a link to the footnote below, because it's not a real footnote. It's a pale imitation. If they ever update the engine to allow it, I hope someone lets me know, because it would really be nice for linking sources.

Wordwrap, WTF

TL;DR paragraphs have to be on a single line.

Most Markdown engines that I use (yeah, steemit's the only broken one I know of, actually) will treat blank lines in a very special way. And by that, I mean they completely ignore blank lines when you have a paragraph of text. So, in other platforms using markdown, I would wrap columns to about 80 characters. On Steemit, I have to modify everything that I write so that entire paragraphs are on a single line. WTF...


So yeah, here's yet another post about formatting stuff on Steemit. I'm posting it because it's easier for me to find my own posts than it is to google a half dozen other people's stuff that doesn't seem to have all of these details in one place. Topics covered here included:

  • DIV tags must be separated from content with a new line
  • CENTER tags must NOT be separated from content with a new line
  • bunch of features no one cares about aren't supported (sane word wrapping and footnotes)
  1. Image sourced from Pixabay
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Hello! I have noticed some quirks with the center tags, for my poems I have to remove all spacing and use br tags because the line spacing is so inconsistent. -

I haven't started experimenting with div tags yet -
Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

I've noticed that if there is no closing div tag in place that it will do weird things with formatting, so make sure you have your start and end divs in place before you write your content in, otherwise the formatting is unpredictable.

If I collect enough additional quirks I'll be writing a follow-up article, but so far this is the only new one I've encountered.

Very cool! I like the way you think ;p

Have you seen Its upvote bot has motivated us to start developing an opensource tool - playing around really - but each article gets 20+ dollars, which has been fun. Great for curation as well. I start seeing bugs in opensource project in a whole new light!

I tried to take a look, but I didn't want to give the site all the permissions it asked for with my steemit account. I was going to go back later with an alt, but I didn't get around to it.

Ah yes - my very first post was about that and Im writing another. It is my belief still that this is a mistake for them in the steem connect integration.

Very helpful, thanks!