2000 followers and what's next? What is behind those doors? Revelation from @olga.maslievich

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

A year ago, I was in love with Steemit! I could not sleep! I went to bed with thought about Steemit and got up thinking about it! My relatives were jealous of me to Steemit :)

We thought: what will it be - the future in Steemit? We dreamed ... We expected to reach 1,000 followers and become millionaires :) Youthful illusions! But we have experience and it's priceless!

Am I disappointed with Steemit? No!

 Steemit was the Beta version when we came. He had the right to change and we changed and grew in it!

Time "pink glasses" has passed! We are entering with Steemit in mature relationships! 

We are entering a mature market and there is tough competition and that's good! The law of the market - the strongest win! And this stimulates development!

I continue to create original content! And I do not want to use bots! 

I like to find people from different countries, who are close to me with their inner world. I will not list you here, friends. But know - I am deeply grateful to you for moving all this time with me and supporting me with positive comments! And I saw your growth and learned from you!

My blog reads about 1% of my followers! I have good statistics! I'm moving on... What is behind those doors "tomorrow"?  I believe that there is a wonderful future for us in Steemit!

I believe that someday we will meet and will shake hands! Believe in yourself! Believe in Steemit! 

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Steemit 🚀

Thank you !


Thank you for your greetings!

Woww! amazing and I like your post 😊

Thank you for your feedback !!

You are a person of light! Your posts are always full of joy, hope and courage. Thank you for your efforts! And steem on ;)

Дякую вам! Я рада подружитись з вами!

Це взаємно! :)

The next is 5000 followers..
Have a great sunday

You always inspire me! Thank you @lordoftruth for your support.

Congratulation my friend ! Hope this will hit 3000 soon !!

Thank you for your support.

You are welcome my friend !

Да, не все тут так радужно, как кажется на старте. Очень много жулья, которое подрывает веру в справедливое начисление вознаграждений и убивает желание творить, быть оригинальным и играть по правилам. Но пока честных и трудолюбивых здесь все же больше чем жуликов, Стимит остается привлекательным и у него есть шанс догнать и перегнать Фейсбук.
А большинство фолловеров - это просто цифры, только для Бузи они имеют значение.

Congratulations on your perseverance and your progress! May you have rich blessings!