Thank you for providing these observations and suggestions of yours! I'm new to the platform and this post has added value to my initial experience. I'll certainly keep your suggestions in mind as I make my way into this arena with my foundational intent of using Steemit as a channel to speak and share Truth for the purpose of inspiring others.
As you've noted, not being authentic is a mistake, and I'd like to add that this applies to ALL facets of human existence. Not being authentic at any point in ones life will ALWAYS lead to trouble, and in fact, much of the problems humanity faces in our modern world have their root cause in the fact that the vast majority of people inhabiting this planet are not being authentic in terms of conscience. Most of us tend to repress our authenticity in order to gain attention or approval from our fellow man/woman, avoid being ridiculed or punished by false authorities, acquire perceived rewards and other various justifications that can cause us to stray from our moral compass. We do this without considering that there are REAL consequences for sacrificing our authenticity, and we rarely consider how the REAL rewards of being authentic are far greater than the perceived rewards we might get from betraying our authenticity.
To be Truly Authentic requires Knowledge of Self, courage, and a disciplined commitment to Know and Serve Truth. That might sound like some deep philosophical perspective to some, and you may think I'm taking this topic way out of context. However, anybody who gives this topic some serious thought will discover that True prosperity can ONLY result from being authentic, and betraying authenticity will ALWAYS result in trouble.
Thank you again alcibiades for creating this post!
RE: 8 Mistakes I See Beginners Make on Steemit
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8 Mistakes I See Beginners Make on Steemit