Getting to grips with following, unfollowing and upvotes!

in steemit •  9 years ago 

I have just reduced my following list by 40+

I have read SO MANY perspectives on voting and following in my short time on Steemit, and while for a newbie it can be super confusing, this had led me to some preliminary thoughts. As I read more my views and ideas will most likely evolve.

HONEST personal reasons why I find myself here

I discovered Steemit via a post from Jeff Berwick. The very first thing I noticed was the MONEY. I was intrigued, and we all have our little tales of desperation. Soon though, I came to grips with the concept of whales, dolphins and minnows and the reality of how things work here. (Which I might add, the posts go on about ad nauseum!) Also, you will only receive curation rewards if you have at least some steem power. I was fortunate that two of my articles did okay which increased my steem power and now I have started receiving occasional curation rewards of 1c! I am converting the money I earned into steem power in order to increase my curation rewards.

That (eventually) brings me to one of the reasons for receiving my follows and upvotes. If you are consistently doing well, firstly I would like to know why (your articles provide clues) and I would like to eventually receive curation rewards. 

I do like to blog and it is more productive than playing online Scrabble! I think a lot about the world, and Facebook is the home of my family and friends of many decades, whose views do not necessarily correspond with those of mine. I live in a small conservative town, and run a business and would like to still be able to earn living! Over the years I have actually unfollowed most of the "duty" friends as I found their posts depressing. I have unfriended almost everybody that I don't personally know, except for the special few that I have become firm friends with. Now my fb feed consists of many pages that I am interested in and a handful of friends. For me, a MUST on Steemit are posts that I find interesting and that are not bigoted or offensive. I will gladly follow and support those accounts, as it is relationships, more than money, that sustain us.

Why I unfollowed certain accounts     

I have noticed that some accounts are indiscriminately following masses of people in attempts to gain a following themselves. If I see that you have followed over 1000 accounts I most probably won't follow back.

Then there are the accounts that don't seem to have any common thread linking their articles. I realise that many are trying different things to see what works and understand that. My concerns are about plagiarism and find it horribly unfair when well written and researched articles that have taken hours to write, fall by the wayside, and the dodgy content gets the votes.

Personally I am not crazy about (most) photo's, crafts or recipes. I know these accounts add great value to Steemit, but they are not for me. You may also be brilliant, but if I don't understand your language, I can't follow you.

I would like to support those who support me, but now that I have unfollowed many accounts, it is more difficult to see who my new followers are. If you comment on my blog, I will definitely take a look at your profile. I would like to build a network of interesting, supportive and kind people. I have been posting my articles on the appropriate groups on Steemit Chat, but other than that I am not really a "chat" kind of a person, but will answer messages.

Aaaargh, voting!    

I understand you have a limited amount of votes if you want to receive curation rewards. This is a very conflicting issue, as I am grateful for every comment I receive on my blogs, and it means more than money to me if something I wrote touched someones heart. I know the power "words" have had when I have been suffering through difficult times. I will always vote for something that touches me, regardless of possible curation rewards, and insightful comments, even on blogs that are not mine.

I read another article where someone was offended if their blog was commented on, but not upvoted and I understand that. But the person also did not like it if their comment on a blog was not upvoted. I can appreciate a comment without upvoting it.

Personally, I will not downvote or flag anything unless it is the grossest violation of human rights or blatant  plagiarism.

I am still learning and hoping to build relationships and do well on Steemit, as I am fascinated by the concept.

(And I did it, I wrote one of THOSE Steemit articles!!!)

Thank you for taking the time to read this.        

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  ·  9 years ago (edited)

I struggle with this part as well but I decided to just follow my heart and forget about the limitation placed on me by potential monetary rewards. Limits have a way of expanding to meet our needs so I'm just gonna go with it, I enjoy that more. I do still think about it though whenever I click that upvote button, maybe it is affecting me subconsciously, I really can't say for sure.

I don't know how to quote this in the reply box, but this was the section you wrote that resonated so much with me as well:

I understand you have a limited amount of votes if you want to receive curation rewards. This is a very conflicting issue, as I am grateful for every comment I receive on my blogs, and it means more than money to me if something I wrote touched someones heart. I know the power "words" have had when I have been suffering through difficult times. I will always vote for something that touches me, regardless of possible curation rewards, and insightful comments, even on blogs that are not mine.

I think that there are the most REAL people on this platform, compared to othet social media. We just need to navigate our way through hope (acceptance and money) and disappointment (when hours of writing and baring your soul make nothing, not even comments). I'm not sure how to go about it all yet. But what I do know is comments like yours encourage me more than anything else. Ps I followed you :D

Thank you for this great article, it hit home with me in several ways. I honestly don't know if you are following me, I rarely check but I do follow you because I appreciate what you write. I'm afraid my blog appears disjointed, but that is who I am. I have many interests and so my writing tends to reflect that. I actually wrote an article a few weeks back about just writing what I enjoy and not worrying about pleasing anyone. Ironically enough, that article earned more SD than most of my other posts that I put even more thought and research into. Such is the way of life. If someone upvotes my post, I appreciate their consideration and am glad that I was able to reach someone. If they comment, that is wonderful too. But I don't typically strive to gain the big bucks on here, its not likely but it could happen. I actually wake up in the morning thinking about what I would like to write about that day. Sometimes nothing comes to me and I write nothing. Every day is different. Keep doing what you do, happiness can only come from within!

I understand varied interests. I suppose it is the way it is presented that makes me suspicious sometimes. It's trite but true, money doesn't bring us happiness, but that being said, good luck to you and good luck to me!

I immediately checked to see if I was still on your list and I am! Thank you. I realize my content is not very consistent at this moment and that I am still trying to find my place in this new space and time. It's a process of evolution, I suppose.

I like you!. As I said I understand trying new things as opposed to plagairism. I like (love) people who are themselves. I don't care about your race, gender and to a certain extent your beliefs. I want to feel your soyl. Um

Oh no, on a phone so much harder ....your soul! Um if that doesn't sound too stuck up!

It's pretty much impossible to keep up with more than 100 followers especially if they are consistently putting out new content. Just follow the people that you can relate to the most, and those that put out interesting and original content.

Definitely. Good quality content can inspire me and help me through difficult days, that would have to be my priority!

This is a great post @onetree. I agree with you. I think in this day and age it is easy to surround ourselves with too much 'noise.' It is a good thing to be selective.

Thanks @bridgetbunchy :)

I was keeping a check on steem stats and realised that some accounts have un-followed me. Maybe my post polluted their tidy news feed but they all had one thing in common. "I wasn't following them back"

Almost a week on for me. I have followed accounts that do well, as I wish to gain curation awards. But not all, if they are too boring I unfollowed. I followed many accounts regardless of ratings if I enjoy their subject matter. I don't check on who follows me or upvotes my blogs, but if they leave interesting comments on my blogs I will definitely look at their profile. :)

Nice piece; I'm sorry I just found it. I agree that a great way to find people to follow is by noticing thoughtful, intelligent comments as well as interesting posts. I also try to add some newbies regularly if they put some effort into their intro. I follow a lot of people who follow me--although not necessarily immediately--but I first try to check that the writing is original.

I unfollowed someone I had accidentally followed and notice there was no distinction between the two actions on steemd. Have you noticed that?

I have never checked that on steemd. I've only recently started seeing who unfollows or follows through a mobile app eSteem. The app is not totally user friendly yet, but it gives push notifications, which I like.

Really though, I just want to see consistently interesting stuff, and I like a personal touch.

I'll have to check eSteem. I only recently found steemd. I find it easier to spot new replies there compared to steemit. I find almost nothing related to steemit to be user-friendly!