Full Moon July 8, 2017

in steemit •  8 years ago 

A powerful Full Moon in Capricorn will occur this evening

Depending upon where you are on the planet:

HAST 6:06pm

PDT 9:06pm

CST 10:06pm

EDT (July 9th) 12:06am

BST (July 9th) 05:06am

CEST (July 9th) 06:06am

ICT July 9th) 11:06am


Why is this one of the most Powerful Lunations of 2017

A full moon occurs every month when the Moon is opposite the Sun. What is unique about this full moon, is that the full Moon at 17 Capricorn is conjunct Pluto (The Lord of the Underworld; the planet of "things beyond our control;" the "shadow," at 18 degrees of Capricorn. This is a Balsamic conjunction between the Moon and Pluto, meaning it is an ending or a culmination of deep, emotionally ingrained things; and with Pluto involved it speaks to a transmutive cathartic purging. The Moon rules Cancer in the natural zodiac, and it is associated with our inner most security, feelings and emotions. It is linked with the Mother, or the Mother-land.
Being that a full moon is opposite the Sun 180 degrees, this creates a classic 'tug-of-war' of opposites. At this full Moon, the Sun is at 17 degrees of Cancer and Mars is conjunct the Sun at 22 Cancer. Mars is the planet of aggression, war, masculinity, and action. Being in a new phase conjunction with the Sun gives an aggressive or impatient overture to the Sun in emotional Cancer.

A Wild-card and potentially dangerous full moon

As the opposites pull at each other trying to find a common ground, they are confounded (each on their own polarized sides) by double squares (crisis, conflict, you know 90 degrees of separation). Both the Moon (and Pluto) opposite the Sun (and Mars) are square to Jupiter ("let me supersize that for you Sir") in Libra (relationships...all kinds, the good, the bad and the ugly) as well as to Uranus (sudden, unexpected change) who is currently residing in the last degrees of Aries (the sign of 'fire' first and 'aim' second) and traveling with side-kick astroid Eris (the shit disturber astroid). Basically, this creates a grand cross, of the bad-asses of the celestial heavens.
And to make matters worse, Saturn (Father Time, you know, where the world says, "NO") is in a irritating, frustrating, quincunx, to Mercury (communications) in Leo (did I say drama Queen.)

And then there's Neptune Rx in Pisces Trine the Sun/ Mars conjunction in Cancer

Foggy, delirious mis-interpretations can lead to knee-jerk emotional reactions. Ouch! This is a time to count to 10 and then do it again, before acting and regretting later. This is a dangerous time for pay-back, revenge and getting even. Things can turn ugly.

On a postive note ~

This is a marvelous time to compost some seriously deep emotional baggage that has defined your existence in the past and is dragging you down. Now is the time to consciously choose another path of action for yourself. With that square from Uranus, it can be the catalyst out and into "a whole new world." We can choose at this time with the square to Jupiter in Libra to finally break away from those toxic relationships that are just dragging us down and away from our True Authentic Self.

The deal is, is that you have to Choose and Act on your Choice. Sure, it can just happen by default, but you are not necessarily going to get what is best for your most Authentic Self. And a powerful moon like this, says, that where the chips fall is where they fall.

The Chocolate Astrologer Conclusion

I urge you all to forgive often and think twice, and be patient. And Don't take anything personally. None of these are my virtues. I write this as much for myself as for each of you reading this. As I do with myself, I eat dark chocolate (I know I am a cacao farmer and fine chocolate maker), but you can get some real dark chocolate, no milk. Get that Anandamide flowing in your body. Let the love juice in. This can also be a highly physical time. Exercise, yoga, sex. Anything that is a release for you, and does not harm others, is appropriate and healthy at this time. I recommend forgiving and letting go, especially those emotionally deep things that are festering beneath the surface.

I wrote this exclusively for the Steemit community

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This post received a 2.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @organiccacao! For more information, click here!

Nice one, interesting I am not so much feeling this being that intense of a full moon yet, but perhaps because of being aware and taking the weekend to relax and get away from it all plays a part.

Smart @hugsworld, I am hanging at home too. The beauty of astrology is that it allows us to become aware to the influences and potentially deal with them in the most positive way. That is what "free choice" is all about. There is always a positive as well as a distorted take on every aspect. It's our choice as to how we play it out.
When it comes to Pluto and Mars, and even more so, in an opposition, is a power struggle, which will take any and all means in order to transmute it. On a mundane or world level, it can be scary right now, especially when we look further in depth to how these aspects are translating the charts of current world leaders.
You have brought up in many of your posts about how we can transform ourselves with these energies. Thank you for offering these strategies.
Sending you so much full moon love!

I am feeling it very strongly. I shut myself inside, close the doors and don't come outside for a few days.

Me too @flauwy. Yet, while locked away, don't forget to do some internal emotional housecleaning. That is the upside of Moon in Balsamic conjunction to Pluto. And now, on the other side of that, we have Moon in a new phase conjunction to Pluto. This can be a positive transmutation of our emotions (in opposition to our actions). And both polarities square our relationships, and changing them.
Always we are presented with the opportunity to evolve or distort.