isn't hard to do....A Yellow vest power down... - Copied and Reposted from @lucylin

in steemit •  6 years ago  (edited)

As I cannot bookmark or upvote this great post by @lucylin, that was made invisible by some Steemit "Whale" ... I decided to copy and repost it.

.....If steemit, from the starting up of it's existence to right now, today - was nothing more than a psi-op. An experiment...
....If all the big players (and many small ones), were just playing around to work out the reactions of people...
.......If all the big accounts belonged to one agency and they just pushed buttons on here, to study human behavior to incentives and disincentives in a decentralized environment...
.....If it only took around 50 dedicated people to handle the entire operation...
.....If all the upvoting and downvoting, and all the 'in house' arguments were just a charade, to keep the activity going...
....If it were nothing but financial ponzi scheme to inflate a value on something that wasn't real, just to extract wealth using other peoples labor of creativity...
....If there was no value in the content, but just only activity....
...If all the real accounts powered down - en masse, with their assets - yellow vest style- to reinvest later (or take profit).
...If the study was see how much abuse people would take, before disengaging...
....If erratic and nonsensical behavior that was negative to the platform, was nothing more than an experiment...
....If people's losses, profits and lives, were totally and utterly irrelevant to these people and this experiment...
....If I was steemit, and wrote this post to screw with your head....
..... as John Lennon once said... 'it isn't hard to do'....
......It's fun to imagine things....
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So, now I've done away with the uber conspiracy......

I have been researching lots this last 3 days, and , in the words of sir Arthur Conan Doyle's 'Sherlock Holmes'

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
If the current flagging wars are not ideological....then what other possible answers remain for the erratic, childish behavior being exhibited right now...?
If they are purely ideological, and the power is all centered with the communist ideologues at the top of this platform, then it makes no strategic sense to continue fighting this war here....
( a 2 year old with learning difficulties could work out that 'they' make zero financial sense in their actions.. )

1/The size of the market is small.
2/The effort in terms of time and commitment is great.
3/ That time spent here, could be put to better use in the information war elsewhere..(like I am doing talking directly to companies in the UK and Ireland right now about 'this stuff'. Red pilling action.)
4/ Strategically, (if it's not an agency psi-op, where the money is irrelevant) the best way to beat the commies would be to destroy the platform by attacking it elsewhere, and extracting wealth from it...

I want steemit to succeed. (if it's not a psi-op).
I do not see it succeeding in any possible way, in the current form - not with the ideologues dominating things and killing the platform with their childish rage and suppression of free speech.
(...if it's not a psi -op, btw - I'm truly embarrassed _for these people _ and their preteen, tantrum behaviors. So cringe worthy).

This platform will fail if the commies are left to run things. (when does the commie's ever running things not fail?).

I will not even bother addressing them directly.
Because their IQ's must be in the low 90's - and as such - pointless to debate with.

Or they are of higher IQ, and they know exactly what they are doing, (psi-op?) and, as such, is pointless debating with them...the agenda has been set, and anything I say or do (or anyone else) will not change that agenda..

....It will be very interesting to see the effect that the yellow vest direct action against the banking system has, won't it?

Never over estimate perceived power through wealth. It's an illusion .
That's 'their' only weapon...

Are you listening, free speechers?
Are you listening, those with big financial investments on this platform?
Are you listening, those who have splinters in their arses, from fence sitting...sit no more, for your own financial self preservation, if nothing else.

I want to see this place grow but if I'm pushed off it by idiots stifling my speech, then I will certainly be explaining the truth about steemit, as I see it, far and wide - to everyone that will listen.
And I have a lot of energy when I'm motivated, and while you might think I'm loud on here, I'm not. Not for me.
I've never been anything except 'quiet and well behaved', here. (for me).

Psi - op or stupidity?
Psi - op or stupidity?
Psi - op or stupidity?
Psi - op or stupidity?
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When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

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....this is not plagiarism