Is Steem/Steemit A Scam Run By A Gang Of Criminals?

in steemit •  5 years ago  (edited)

Jason Goodman interviewing a Steemit Witness

Jason Goodman with Tone Vays on Steem/Steemit

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Tone Vays literally calls everything that is not Bitcoin a scam... The scam is Tone Vays. And the argument that only mining blockchains are "real blockchains" is ridiculous. If we can get staking to work for consensus it is progress. POW is wasteful on resources, while necessary right now, there is no reason not to try finding a better alternative.

Have you watched the video with the Steemit witness too or did you just read "Tone Vays"?

These are 2 videos from 2018, not from 2016. And they go into detail on what happens on Steemit and how it is being controlled by a small circle of 15 people.

Tone Vays also compares Steemit with other platforms and states how overly complicated it is to use or to comprehend.

These guys expose some serious flaws and issues with the Steem/Steemit project.

Particularly the Ponzi-aspect, that those who got in early printed a lot of money for themselves and that Steemit is the most centralized and heavily censored social platform on the internet.

I can agree with most of what these guys are telling.

As far as myself is concerned, I wait until Steem goes back up and then sell all of it.

Twitter and Youtube are much more professional and user-friendly than this amateuristic geek bubble/echochamber called Steem(it). You just have to click on the Youtube version of these videos and you see immediately the huge difference with Steemit: you see the views (removed by the devs on Steemit), you can upvote or downvote without overpowering or harrassing the poster, you can report the video to Youtube if you think there is something not ok with it. The comments are in general much more substantial than the silly meme randomness like themarkymark and co post here. You can upvote months and years after the content is posted. Feedback can go on for many months or years, wheras with Steemit, everything is dead after 7 days. When I post a video on Youtube I get reactions and to some of them many years after a video has been posted and I get subscribers even when I don't post a video for more than a year. On Youtube you can find anything, on Steemit there isn't even a working search function and not even a bookmark function. Dan Larimer once tried to check these abusers and flagged down Berniesanders into hell, but he eventually gave up and left Steemit.

In stead of a powerful blog platform with free speech, what goes on on Steemit is of the same meaningless volatility, shallowness and randomness level as you can encounter in the readers comment sections of msm media outlets.

Not a very inspiring experience as proven by the fact that 90% of the Steemit accounts are dead fish.

Sup @pagandance

I watched the entire video with Aggroed, and half of the video with Tone Vays until I came to my senses and asked myself "Why the hell are you listening to that Tone douche?" That guy even calls Ethereum a scam and a shitcoin, so yeah, I don't care if the dude can read a chart, his credibility is exactly shit all. The man comes second only to Faketoshi for being an embarrassment to the crypto community and making us all look like a bunch of pyramid scheming nut jobs. So, its quite ironic for him to be calling anything a scam.

I'm going to show your lengthy comment the respect it deserves and reply with a lengthy comment. At the end, I'm going to gift you 100 Hobo tokens out of peaceful friendship with my fellow Steemian.

I was responding to your comment and it became such a long reply that I felt it was best made as a post. You can check it out in all its rant-filled glory by using the link below:

Blake Letras Is Pissed That Steem Got Called A Ponzi