in steemit •  7 years ago 

Did @papa-pepper purchase a new vehicle with his earnings from steemit?

No, that's not what I meant. I meant that the "pepper-mobile" is now fully representing the community and platform that we love! If you saw me open the mail when I got back from our trip to Wisconsin, then you already know that along with the other presents waiting for me at the PO Box was an 8" steemit logo from @raybrockman!

Well, it wasn't doing much good just sitting in the envelope, so today a few of the @little-peppers wanted to give my truck a wash so that I could put the logo on. Looks at how these little ones made it sparkle!

They know what a blessing steemit can be, so they were eager to help encourage me to get the logo on our truck. Our "pepper-mobile" was being transformed into a "STEEM-MOBILE!"

Once they had the back window clean, I got the logo out and ready. This was going to be a special day for my people!


Yes, I let the @little-peppers have the honor of unveiling it! They did a great job too! Now my vehicle is a billboard for steemit!

They were as happy about it as I was! It looks so incredible! Not only can others see it, but something else special happens.

When I look in the rear view mirror, this is what I see! How cool is that? Every time I look behind me, there it is!

As an added bonus, the girls kept washing my truck even after the logo was in place! Thanks @little-peppers!


Having this logo on my truck does make me wonder about a few things. First off, for maximum visibility, I will not be able to go the speed of traffic. If I am going the same speed as everyone else, only the guy right behind me will see the logo. Therefore, I must either travel faster and pass everyone (which may not give the best impression) or drive slower and let everyone pass me (which also may not have the desired effect). Do any of you have any advice for me on this one?

I know that a few of you may have seen that the paint is peeling off of my truck too. Do not worry about that. With the places I drive and all of the wooded paths and gravel roads, it is best to have a truck like that. Plus, when @mama-pepper comes back from town and mentions how well the guard pillars around the building at the drive-thru work, I don't have to freak out or worry about how my vehicle looks. You see, it should be the man who makes the vehicle, not the other way around anyway. My truck is "cool" because I drive it... I am not cool because of my truck.


In case you are wondering if these logos are available for anyone to purchase, wonder no longer. Recently, @raybrockman made a post about them and shared that he can ship some to others if they are interested. Check out his post here :

I think it is so cool that people can up with great ideas like this and then offer things like this to the rest of us. I'm not sure what you're driving, but shouldn't every steemian's car have one of these?

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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Thanks for the contributions by the little peppers..... But you said it all “They know what a blessing steemit can be

You are truly a Good Steemian

Thanks my friend!

You are welcome sir

You are so lucky to have little peppers willing to wash your truck! Mine has to wait for the next rain. And it is a working truck as well, but no peeling paint -yet.
Sign looks cool on your window!

Thank you. Actually, there have been a few times when they just choose to wash it. Maybe it is living down the gravel road that makes them want to.

I am sure it is actually fun playing with water and doing "grown up" stuff at the same time. We are not supposed to wash cars at home. For one, we are in a desert and the water in car wash centers gets recycled. The more important part is that everything drains pretty quickly into the ocean and the oils and such from cars are great polluters.
So, when my truck gets a wash, it's in a car wash place.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

NIZZZZZZZZE! I'm not sure how many of these Ray has shipped off. But right now (that i've seen proof pics) there's yours, Ray's truck in Alabama, and i got one on the back of my Volvo -- driving around Vancouver BC!
Steem on papa!

Cool! I might have to stop in BC one day and check it out. Been a long time since I've been up that way!

Vancouver and fun times await!

I'm thinking that would match perfectly with my two tone blue Dodge truck. Mine is in kinda rough shape also. We might end up giving off the impression that everyone on Steemit in Arkansas is poor. Not that there's anything wring with that. :)


I agree that the colors would look stellar.

Ain't nothin' wrong with Mopar. :)

You certainly don't have to be wealthy to get into crypto - and steemit is making it really easy!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

What a cool idea for a sticker 👍! And I find it really cool that you involved the kids into it! I'm a new user, approximately one month, and I find it very constructive that you can put some time into some articles and get paid for that. But the most interesting thing about this platform is that it has the potential to become a strong community where people can interact and change ideas, share experiences same as they already do on other social networks, but except in this one they get paid if they do it! Anyway, great article, with nice photos, well formatted! Thanks for sharing with us!


Check out my latest post and show your support by upvoting it !!!

Thank you!

Great observation! This community is forming some very strong bonds!

I would say just drive normal. People will see it. We're not all going to the same place. Some people will pass you, others will see you as you pass.

Also, you might want to consider adding a "@papa-pepper" sticker as well. That will have a double effect as it will allow other steemian s to know it's you and look you up. It will also be useful to non-steemians as your steemit profile is the first thing that comes up when you google "@papa-pepper".

Good point!

You could also hang around your vehicle more. :) Since people see the logo and not know what it means. If they ask you can tell them.

Taking it further, you can hand them little pieces of paper with the Steemit URL (Or it could be an excuse to have business cards made? hehehe)

does it run on steem dollars?

dude you are all over steemit! hey man yeah if we setup a local gas station to acce[t bitcoin it technically accepts steem dollars (for as long as blocktrades is up!) butr steem dollars are better for gasoline because bitcoin has $5 transaction fees right now so it will be way too expensove to pay or gas when u have top pay $5 for each trasactioon

steem /SBD is FREE for every transactions so its more suitable for everything!!!!!
People will learn this FAST and steem/SBD will be the cryptocurrency for choice for all merchents and for all games and microtransactions

well my comment was more like a joke but I love how you think and dream BIG. To the fucking moon and beyond!!!! Reeeeeeeeeee

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

reeee yes reeee and here's a GIF of britney venti making the war cry

reeeeee indeed my son

steemit on the launch pad

amd hey i need one of these chairs with the flexible tablet holder arm thing like @zixon


Your vehicle is now steem-powered. Cute gif of the peel off... teamwork!

Simple and Subtle. I bet it draws a million questions about our platform. Awesome for all of us. Super cool.

That looks great. Now you can spread the great word about Steemit without saying a word to the other vehicles passing you. Because you know how curious people are going to be when they see it. Thanks for sharing and letting us know where to get our own.

Lucky you!!! You have full time helpers :) Your kids are a reflection of you and they are AWESOME!!! I am loving that window billboard :) Thanks for sharing .. SUNSHINE247

I love the new and improved pepper-mobile. Or should I say Steem-mobile. It's pretty cool. The little peppers did an amazing job cleaning the steem-mobile and then unveiling the new logo. Congratulations to one and all!

This post is precious!!!

When I have some extra money, I'm going to invest some of it in some @Steemit stuff.

At this time, I'm working on something elsewhere that I'm currently calling "THE BIG PROJECT" -- which is a multi-purpose communications site that will include, among other things, heads-up for @Steemit .

Here's something I have up now that is a kind of ongoing progress report, and I'm about to create an updated version of it in a few.

I have several things going on at once, so everything has been slow-going, but it will get done when it gets done...whatever THAT is supposed to mean.

I want to buy a car from the money I get from steemit. I'm currently aiming for a 180sx.

It's cool that you have steemit logo on your truck @papa-pepper .Congratulations on doing great work at steemit and sharing another unique idea .@little-peppers are doing big job of washing the truck.

I was blessed to receive such a gift!
Thank you!

I would love to have that logo!

Me too. Who did it?

interesting postings and perfect photos @papa-pepper

every time @ papa-pepper you share interesting, Following now.

I think Steemit should go to one of those car makers (Nissan, Toyota, etc) and ask them to be part of a promotion to give away a car with Steemit logo and a phrase like "Earn Money Today at" Then give away the car among its members. That's one of the best way to pass the word about Steemit.

@avance2010 -- Cool idea!!!

I can't believe the amazing way this site has been growing!!!

Pretty soon, @Steemit is going to become a household name!!!

Although -- due to being heavy into the multi-tasking at this time -- I haven't been as active on @Steemit as I'd like to be by now ( and, eventually, WILL be), but I'm so glad that my goddaughter ( @tecnosgirl ) steered me in the direction to get me here.

MAN THAT LOOKS GOOD!! HEY, THEY DID A GREAT JOB PUTTING IT ON. THANKS FOR THE SHOUT OUT. 👊😎 . Thats crazy how this platform can reach out and bring people together. this is the future!

When your posting @papa-pepers that can be usufull all of people meke spirit to steemit, thanks for your information about this, please follow me i come from indonesia

Awesome!!! again content you want to read till the end. Congratulations @papa-pepper

dream it and steemit powered up keep driving n moving ahead

Amazing . . I like your post @papa-pepper . . And follow next post . . Thankyou for sharing. .
Will you see my post?🙏🙏🙏

sickkk! :D way to REP

Hi papa-pepper..what a thought you have..must be appreciated ...moving your vehicle together with others and others are following you..nice post.

Great job, in this way our community travel everywhere, Good idea to popularise steemit. You are great and special people, thanks for your innovation, wish you good luck good health and happiness in every walk of life.


Phelimint mentioned you today in chat and now I see u hooked up with my buddy raybrockman. That deserves a follow I think? Logos looking good bud. Cute girls, they did a great job helping u out. Cheers

The @little-peppers are so adorable! You are so blessed @papa-pepper! :)

awesome logo and way to go having it on your truck

Advice: maybe put a sticker on each side as well!

You can buy fuel with Steem ? Good post !

Good day

That's really cool my friend, i would say you can add some wordings below if you really want people to get an idea what is it!
Like for example : Check me out : for more information!

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steemitful life

nice one steem dollars

nice photo, great post @papa-pepper

Thanks man!

welcome. nice to meet you



Wanna come pimp my jeep?

Looks good!

Cool photos.i learn lots of from your blog. @papa-pepper. Thank you so much

Very cool @papa-pepper!

I thought so too! Thank you @lakshmi!

This steemit post alone could pay for enough gasoline to keep that truck driving across multiple non california/texas sized states!

hey i also have steem logos in my car but not directly on the car, i will ask @tytran if he can send me some steemit stickers like these to put onmy car ut i will be pacing them ALL over the car! so it will REALLy be a steemit billbaord!

iu gotta find out where i can get a BIg verson of this sticker, i need a big steemit logo forthe back and i need stickers that say to place on a;l; sides of my car!

I already have a steemit hat and coffee mug and hoodie thanks to @tytran !

yeah you @pap-pepper and @stellabelle made me feel like i could majke it to the top oif the steemit club! I know I will be well on my wel by this time next year to the whale club and i will have 100,000 steempower and 20,000 followers! you are an inspiration and a good leader

many people enjoy your leadership style and find it fair and just.

Continue on with your post about nature and steemit will take on an almost zoological aspect

like pokemon!

steemit is like a pokedex for real life animals! you go and take a photo and name a species and you get steem points for posting rare animals!

we should actually GPS tag wherever we find animals so if we document endangered species we can locate them like people who get paid to do bird watching! BirdWatching blockchain or blockchain for wildlife tracking!

we should actually GPS tag wherever we find animals so if we document endangered species we can locate them like people who get paid to do bird watching! BirdWatching blockchain or blockchain for wildlife tracking!

Now that is an idea! Thanks for all that you shared here! It is encouraging to read!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

my reply will be in 10 cent + upvotes to u and all ur commenters

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