Flagging is for abuse...

in steemit •  7 years ago 

There are no rules to tell you why you should or shouldn’t flag. There is no consensus and many steemers will deem other steemers reasons as inappropriate. You get to decide for yourself your reasons for flagging.


Bad Reasons for Flagging :-

1)Disagreeing with a post
2)Jealousy of rewards
4)Anything other than abuse

What can be considered abuse?

2)Irrelevant spamming
3)Verbal abuse
4)Deceptive tagging

  • don't bother upvoting old/trending topics.
  • find your hidden gems.
  • reputation is everything, make sure to introduce yourself and keep a consistent profile of giving back
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The idea behind steem was to have a self-policing community of creators and curators.

Look, we can't have a decentralized system if we get to decide what is right and what is wrong. The same logic that allows you to say "I consider your reason(s) for abuse to be none-valid" allows someone else to say "well I consider my reason(s) for abuse to be valid!"

What I'm trying to say is that flagging is a feature that should simply be described as "I strongly do not want this creator on this platform". Other than that, any definition is meaningless and unsacred.