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I agree.
I think some people don't see the difference betwee a post on steemit and a 'share' on other social media.

You're exactly right. It's the raincatchers and the kids hoping for pennies posting anything they possibly can which is killing this for me. I only have so many downvotes available, but there's always more that needs to be dealt with.

Copy one person's work and it is plagiarism. Copy many people's work and it is research. Thanks for clearing things up. I always try to include original sources or only fragments of articles. I would prefer to hear people's opinions and have people add something to the content they present.

I agree. I've read several replies to posts lately defending copying/pasting of entire articles as curation. I thought maybe some people don't know what the difference is.

I agree, and I also will follow best practice

And another upvote for you. My #minnowcodeofconduct post covers my take on correct curation of creative content.

Thanks, I'll check it out.