RE: Hey Steemit, here's a picture of my "Battle Station" - let's see yours!

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Hey Steemit, here's a picture of my "Battle Station" - let's see yours!

in steemit •  9 years ago 

could you list your gear? is that e-ink to the right or paper?

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I'm not sure what e-ink is, but the laptop is a MacBook Pro (Retina 15") and the old-school machine on the left is the Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh:

e-ink is the type of screen in Kindles, yotaphone, dasung paperlike, oaxis inkcase ect. They are easy on the eyes cause they don't emit light and look better in the sun and take only a small fraction of the power compared to oled so they are good for mobile work. What do you keep the old mac around for?