It was really frustrating that I couldn't find a job, because I didn't want to be without what to do, and because I didn't get anything, I turned to music.
So I took a guitar and learned some Reggae songs, and being prepared, I went to some restaurants.
It was very nice to make popular music for people, many finished eating and sat down paying attention to my interpretations and, sometimes, some more daring came to sing with me.
Suddenly you could not go out, because strong political problems arose, problems that triggered demonstrations throughout the country, and when everything calmed down, people no longer showed the same joy and there was no way to sing again in restaurants.
So I threw myself into the streets to sing on buses and trams, what they call trolleybuses. It was really nice to interact with people while traveling to their homes or workplaces, and I am very grateful to God for allowing me this beautiful experience.
I returned home soon, to my very fought Venezuela, and was received by my beautiful wife and a dinner that I will never forget.
Never leave the place of your struggles, if in that place there are people who really love you. In other countries or cities there will be people who will appreciate it, but in one place there will be someone delivering everything for you.
All photographs are my property.