Yeah! you wonder. ¿Why not even my own followers view, read, comment, vote or resteem my posts lately? ¡My 'particular' view!

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Yep! they all probably are mostly just dead fishes. Or probably most of them have been infected by the horrible virus of the twitter syndrome where apart from you, they are also following a few thousand more of other steemians without any useful purpose at all. And they are finding it almost impossible find your posts from all that avalanche of posts that already floods their feed page. So, they never have the chance to choose an article to view, read, comment, vote, resteem or interact with for anything.

No doubt that darn "twitter syndrome" already must have destroyed their lazy-ass forefinger brainlessly scrolling down daily with no purpose throughout their feed in search of... well, ¡Nothing! nothing at all to interact with.
Oh! and add to that, all those who not even have a decent mouse with a proper scroll wheel to comfortably perform such undesirable task. ¡Wadda pain in the ass! ¿Huh?

They simply are here following thousands of other people accounts exclusively with the hopes that those who they follow also return the deference with a follow to their own accounts and in this way increase artificially their 'followers' numbers on their profiles asap. Just to have something to brag about and then, everyone happy in that dumb & void illiterate skeletons dance. ¿Am I right?

But all is not lost yet my friend. And I'm gonna try to give you some good news to cheer you up a bit with a couple of 'Abstract Aural Bits' and my own conclusions next.

¡A Change Is Gonna Come!

It has been told before, that sooner than later, the new Groups/Communities feature on steemit is around the corner after the next arrival of some soft or hard fork movement within the pipeline of planned improvements on the website.

And jointly with this, also a significant improvement in the classification of categories, labels, subjects and tags with which we use to identify & highlight our articles before submitting and publishing them. So our posts can be found easier by everyone.

¿Are you listening steemit development team?

But until that actually happens, we will have no choice but wait patiently till the official announcement on the @steemitblog account page claims that all those so desired features every steemian is eagerly expecting has been finally established and put into practice available for the use of the whole community.

Perhaps, only by then, we all will have the chance to happily exclaim out loud at unison...


¡Hocus Pocus!

"Giggles, Comments, Resteems & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cheers!! :)

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I think I sprained my scroll finger! Now every one is going to think I am giving them the bird... shakes head in shame...
The Struggle is real! think it is like for every hundred followers you get a comment and an upvote. Better use a bot if you want more than 10 upvotes and you have less than 500 followers...

Oh mate! then we'll have to make the proper funeral arrangements for your sprained scroll finger asap. Before it starts to stink. LoL

And yep @jesse2you, your math calculus is pretty accurate. One lonely vote/comment from each 100 followers. So, no doubt The Struggle is real!

Thank you for passing by to comment, upvote and since we are already in this. Realizing your current trend to resteem posts lately, don't be shy and resteem this one also. ¡To help free the sheeple even more! :)

In other words.. ¡Spot On! @tranguyen LoL
Thank you for your meaningful graphical comment. :)

It might be your posting times, I recently moved to the other side of the world and it's very difficult to post when my active followers are awake!

Yeah! that's right @eoincurran. Posting times is indeed an important variable to take in account on these poor interacting results. Specially for you over there in the land of kangaroos and koalas. In fact, you are actually replying to this post right from the future Haha. Since you are around 14 hours ahead of my time. LoL :)

haha, when the world ends I'll give you a 14hr heads up ;)

Excellent!! Yes! do that mate. So I'll have enough time to find and wear for the first time that kickass brand new tie stored in the back of my closet to be buried with it looking posh & gorgeous.

And by the way. If by chance I'm still alive, just for a change, consider also gimme the lottery winning numbers here and there in advance sometimes. }:)

I have a MacBook Pro so scrolling is like gliding your fingers through the clouds. But I also wonder why everything's so slow here. It's like my third week and I've been more active posting and commenting for the past 10 days but no activity whatsoever. And it's not like I'm begging for upvotes but the views count is also really low, so the "community" thing is either on a break o people are starting to care less and less or I dunno man. Last week I pinned the low payouts to the fall of crypto, but that only accounts for a 30% decrease in $ and has nothing to do with the views and activity.

I concur with your view @algarcia. Definitely the sudden low payouts & the fall of crypto actually shouldn't have nothing to do with the views and activity. Hence, this post to try to figure out among us all what the heck is the real reason of all this interaction decay. Comments & Resteems are free without costing anyone a single cent!!
But yeah, like I said above.. Maybe a big bunch of people here are currently saving some Steem & SBD to repair their wrecked & broken forefinger to try put & wet it again "inside" when the big bowl of "kool-aid" into the party is full one more time and start to promise better "trips". }:)

I upvoted now just in case hahaha.

De repente me acorde de un viejo loco que conocí en Sabana Grande hace como 15 años que decía que vivíamos en la Matrix. Una vaina surreal. Lo vi dos veces en la vida y mas nunca.

Jajajaja, en muchas ocasiones yo he tenido también que al presentarme, decir que mi middlename es Surreal. ¡¡James Surreal Bond!! :)

El tipo era gringo ademas, hablabamos en inglés. Lo conocí en McDonalds de La Castellana y se parecía a Dumbledore, decía que no tomaba Coca Cola porque eso te mantiene conectado al sistema y que hay algo más allá, el podía verlo porque tenía los sentidos desarrollados. Energías y vainas. La última vez lo vi por el Video Color Yamín del bulevar.

I guess I'm one of your 1 in a hundred.

I should celebrate when I get 4 votes from just 180 followers then. I guess that's what happens when you don't play the F4F game. I follow people who make rational and good comments and post things I'm interested in. I wish that my followers are interested in what I have to offer them. Dead followers are not worth much.