Salted fish

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Recipe Salted fish anchovy + basil cooked basil


Salt fish, cut "fried
Salted fish teri, fried until kriuk
4 cloves Onion, sliced
4 cloves of garlic, sliced
Sufficient cayenne pepper, sliced
3 fruit starfruit vegetables, sliced
Sufficiency of Javanic acid water
Royco chicken, sugar
Pepper, cilantro
A little basil
to taste oil


Saute onion, garlic and cayenne until fragrant, add a pinch of ground pepper, coriander powder, stirring,

Put fish, tamarind water, add chicken royco and sugar "if I like kinda noodle, so rasany it kya nano" sweet salty sour hihi

Add back starfruit and basil stir "until wilted .. So dehhh ..

Recipes @pora

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