Attention Newbies! Make Big Money FAST on Steemit!

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Want to make $100 a day here? $200? It is EASY, let me show you how. A simple way to get lots of followers! Anyone can do it! Nothing could be simpler.

Hey, wait a minute. Did you really think it was that easy? That picture of Benjamins and a couple of cheap promises was all it took to get you here? Hold the phone. Let's erase all that clickbait and start from scratch.

Yeah, I lied.

Sorry to break it to you, but Steemit is not a get rich quick scheme. I know, I know, you saw a story somewhere about how you could make money by posting here. And, yes, that's true, you can make money here. But nobody (at least nobody who was being honest) said anything about easy.

But if you got here by clicking that shameless clickbait, odds are you've been trying to make some easy money here. I'm hardly an old timer here, but I have learned a few things along the way. Since you're already here, it can't hurt to read a few of them.

  • Stop begging for upvotes. It does not work. And it's beneath you.
  • Stop asking people to follow you. Again with the it doesn't work and it's beneath you. Even more to the point, someone who follows you for the sake of following you, or who wants you to follow them might get you a follower, which is worth a big fat nothing. You hear me right, a follower is worth nothing. There is a HUGE difference between a follower and an engaged follower. I have over 800 followers. A newbie might be impressed by that, perhaps even jealous. But it's an entirely meaningless number. Out of that 800+, I have maybe a few dozen engaged readers, ones who actually read my posts on a semi-regular basis, upvote or flag me (hey, at least they read my post), make cogent comments, and so on.
  • Did you ever watch Field of Dreams? All you need to be successful on Steemit was right there in front of you. Build it and they will come.
  • Don't start your post with "Hello dear Steemians!" Whatever possessed you to think that might be a good idea?
  • Even worse, don't start off with "As you know, I've been..." No, we don't know. You're one of dozens of posts on the New page that are whipping by. Why would you assume that anyone who sees a post there has any idea what you've done in the past?
  • And don’t be in a rush to cash out what you do make here. Power up. Accrue Steem Power for the long haul. A few years from now, you might be astonished at the wealth you’ve built by not succumbing to short-term thinking.

One more thing. For the love of all that is holy, carefully proofread your post before uploading it. If you can't be bothered to write something that's at least passably literate, why should anyone waste their time reading it, let alone upvoting it? I will cut lots of slack to non-native speakers of English who are posting in the best English that they know. If your mother tongue is Korean or Bahasa Indonesian, my hat's off to you. Your English is clearly way better than my Arabic, Russian, Turkish, or any of a dozen other languages I've seen here. But if you grew up in Iowa or New South Wales and post in a way that makes it clear that you think there, their and they're can be used interchangeably, I have absolutely no patience for your drivel.

images are from Pixabay

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As you know, I've been...

Just kidding...

You are 110% correct @preparedwombat... The single most important thing every person needs, the only thing equally important as quality content, the "holy grail" of Steemit success if you will... Engaged Followers...

To prove your point - I arrived on this post not for the secret of Steemit success click bait, but for the quality content I already know was here...

Oh and BTW... Nice Post... LOL...

Harsh words that need to be said. I'm guilty of the shoddy proof-reading (usually minor mistakes, but sometimes worse, however I re-read my posts and correct as I go), and give out too many upvotes to newbies simply because it makes them happy. (Some chick told me she was excited for Christmas for the 030% upvote I gave her. It's fucking adorable I'm only human man

But I've drunk the kool-aid so to speak and Steem has become more than just decent ROI for me, it's allowed me to write for the first time in years and money is nice but, perhasps this is pathetic, the validation better. Not just ego inflation, but the thought that maybe I am good afterall?

I've been getting a lot of vote begging since recent post of mine, which is annoying, but recently if I find their post, well, shit, I'll offer some advice how to improve their content.

they just wanna hustle like everyone else man

E: though yes you're correct hustling in a tongue your atleast semi-fluent in would be preferable haha

E2: How in the world did I drift so offtopic

grate posts sre, thanx for this information on make many money.


Though surely accidental I can't help but give him an upvote for botaudacity (that worked in my head)

Possibly the funniest thing I’ve read all day. 😅

@preparedwombat Well done. Steemit is about investment. Investment of time and content. I see many ...cut and paste and the lack of effort shows. We can all agree that we have different differences but that makes this platform great. Learning from each other and sharing each others experiences will make this platform shine :)
P.s There's always room for improvement. Steem on.
Sincerely, - @splendorhub

To the point. Thank you for the grace in stating the facts. I have been on Steemit for a year and a half and worked to achieve the small levels of success. It does take time and QUALITY CONTENT!

This was very entertaining to read as well as helpful! Thank you! Dropped a follow as well :)

Very good info for noobs. I made a lot of mistakes when I started and Steemit definitely takes work. I changed my perspective and focused on the relationships first, then rewards usually follow.

I was going to upvote and flip you some crypto.. but for some reason you decided to not accept it? It’s helpful for noobs.. you should show them some upvotes and a payout for this :)

nice post

Very well said,I liked it!