In the 21st century where on the daily basis many currency are being introduced.
But most of them fails and and looses their value so inturn people loose their money.
So to help out the people the team of Duecoins introduced the Duecoins,so that people can get value for their money and can earn profit too.
Lets see what it makes different from the other crypto currency.
How it is going to help the people around?
What are the new features?
And many more.
As we know that Duecoin is a fully decentralized and secure digital currency whose creation is controlled by cryptography.
Duecoin is not issued by a central bank and its value does not depend on bank policies.
Unlike regular currencies where new money can be introduced in the money supply through quantitative easing, the Duecoin price is purely based on supply and demand.
With the technology used by Duecoin, the problems encountered in the global money markets are eliminated through a more efficient use of blockchain technology.
The Orders are matched quickly and booked within minutes, leading Duecoin to serve as a blueprint for the asset market technology.
And the One of the Duecoin’s greatest achievement is the combination of POW and POS mechanisms to ensure that parties across the globe can trade on an inexpensive, quick and secure exchange.
Users do not need a bank account to acquire or spend Duecoin. Users will instead have an exchange WALLET, which gives them access to international financial services at low fees.
There are no lengthy processes, paperwork or postage required.
So these were the main problems which will be solved by Duecoins.
Duecoins has created so much opportunity for the people so that assured profit can be earned.
Duecoins is accepted as a method of payment in your store, or from family and friends.
Duecoin will gain value very quickly, offering massive potential price fluctuations.
Experienced miners can utilize powerful computer equipment to mine duecoins.
Earn commissions as a long term Duecoin holder or by validating transactions on the Duecoin network.
Reducing Risk Factors
Here are the main features which are reducing the risk factors involved.
Lest have a look at this.
As Purchasing of coins during any pre-launch stage may limit your recovery in the event of fraud or theft. While you may have rights under the federal securities laws, your ability to recover may be significantly limited.
Regulatory emerging body of law both in the United States and internationally are still debating most aspects of any pre-launch stages regulations and as such, risks associated with undeveloped regulatory systems still exists; we encourage you to check your local laws to ensure AML and tax compliance relating to purchasing digital assets, and to avoid unexpected transfer restrictions or delays resulting from new regulations as it pertains to the process of acquiring and/or liquidating your Duecoins.
While we have negotiated Duecoin to be available at several exchanges, we cannot guarantee that Duecoin will be tradeable in any particular exchange or the illiquidity and volatility dictated by market conditions once Duecoin is released.
Despite incorporating some of the most advance forms of safety measures in our technology, even if minimum, the potential loss of digital currencies and wallet is an unlikely but an existing risk; we encourage Duecoin users to adopt the same security measures and common sense to keep their Duecoin wallet login information and private keys secured.
According to statistics there is around a 51 percent attack risk with any new cryptocurrency. While unlikely, Duecoin’s performance can also be affected in association with the risk of malfunction, breakdown or abandonment of the Litecoin/Novacoin derivates protocol. While POW and POS structures are in place to reward miners and forgers, dwindling number of miners and forgers can also affect the performance of Duecoin.
- NOVEMBER 5, 2017
DUEC popularity is soaring! In order to handle large requests and immediate market demand for DUEC, we are making a few critical improvements to our official market launch and launch process.
Duecoin pre-sale campaign will consist of five flash pre-sales. Each will remain open only for a limited amount of time, spanning up to a maximum duration of twelve hours . 5% pre-mined Of the pre-mined coins, a maximum threshold of 0.6% will be held by the pioneers of the project, and the 4.4% remaining will be distributed during the pre-sale stages.
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