Why is STEEM POWER Value Dropping Like a Sack-o-Potatoes!?

in steemit •  9 years ago 

Anyone Notice This? If you have a shit tonne of STEEM POWER I guess you don't care. I know, you got lucky and lucky don't need to give a shit.

Even though we little folk are earning STEEM POWER on our STEEM POWER, the ESTIMATED VALUE has taken a nosedive. This is based on a weekly average of STEEM's price I guess - so what should we think if it drops another 15% next week!!???

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Yes I noticed this. Does anybody know why this is happening? What is expectation that value will increase again? Is there any relationship to steem value and US stock market?

No, no connection - other than people cashing in their STEEM and heading for the hills.