Thank You Steemit!

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

I woke up this morning with tons to be thankful for. I'm healthy, I have running water, I have a cute little apartment and pets who love me. The list goes on and on. But I got to add something new to that list today! I hit fifty followers on Steemit! I'm so excited. I'm so happy that fifty people enjoy my blog enough to keep tabs on what I post and the pictures I share.

I'm also incredibly grateful to everyone who has upvoted my blogs the last few days because I made enough to cover an unexpected vet bill for this little pupper. I was extremely stressed about it but thanks to all you wonderful people, I have just enough to cover it.

And lastly, thank you for giving me motivation to write and share my work. It feels so good to utilize my writing skills again and to feel driven to post regularly. I can't remember the last time I woke up excited to write something. My blog may still be all over the place as I try to figure out which direction to go in, but I'm having still fun. I'm so happy I was referred to Steemit, and I'm definitely trying to convert my friends and followers into Steemians as well. Have a fantastic weekend everyone, and steem on!

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short, sweet, and to the point, my pleasure... and the perfectly placed pink flower too :)

Haha thank you! I absolutely love that picture of him.

Wonderful to connect with you. I too am extremely grateful for all I have and especially for what I receive from being involved with Steemit. I look forward to seeing your stories in my feed. Ps I hope your pooch is all good now.

Thanks so much, stephen! He'll be okay, it's just a little tummy problem that should be taken care of. Thanks for asking. :)

Congrats on the follow. I remember commenting on your post when you had the issue on Twich. I didn't realize I wasn't following! Sorry! lol Glad to see things are working out for you and your little puppy.

Lol it's okay! And thank you. He's okay, it was just a heartworm scare and some tummy issues but he's heartworm free and on medicine for his stomach issues. He'll be top notch soon. Thanks again!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

@pseudopoise Thank you for posting such a positive article. It's very uplifting!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! There can never be too much positivity :)

You have a fantastic attitude.

All too often we take all the great things we have and the great friends, family, pets and experiences for granted.

I'm glad you are enjoying your experience on Steemit and finding it rewarding to write and interact with everyone on here.

All the best:)

Thank you for being one of my first Steemit friends :D You're awesome, crypto!

Thanks you are making me blush:)


what a nice dog))

Have a fantastic weekend everyone, and Steem on!

And you good luck!

Thank you! He's the best.

I'm surprised your dog doesn't mind the flower. I dressed up my shitzu Jack as a hula girl for halloween once and he responded by shitting in my bed.

HAHAHAHHAHA that sounds like my old cat. He got mad at me and ended up peeing on me in my sleep. I was so mad lol.