This Should Get Some Whale Votes.....Hopefully

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hey Whales I'm From The Whaling City! No Really!

This is true. I am hoping this can bring in some Whale votes.

I was born and raised in New Bedford, Massachusetts, other wise know as the whaling city.

enter image description here

New Bedford was once the whaling capital of the world.

New Bedford is the city that is mentioned to in the classic Moby Dick novel.

New Bedford is also the home of the Whaling Museum.

enter image description here

So there it is Whales. This has to be worth something.

I know I am just a little fish in the growing sea of Steemit but come on Whales show me some love.

I think being from the whaling city should at least get me a couple upvotes.

enter image description here

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Don't get discouraged...sometimes it's worth the wait.

Thanks for the support

Haha! Love it. It's funny with a tinge of irony. Unfortunately, "the whales", tend to be a little self-absorbed. Spending all day in the mine shafts can do that to a person I guess.

That's ok. Just will keep at it. What we can do is all follow each other and help each other. Following you now.


I did not know there is a whaling capital of the world so thanks for posting.

New Bedford was once the richest whaling port and fishing port. Regulations have cut into the fishing industry here big time.

I guess the whales aren't biting

Everyone knows these guys are the original whalers-

I thought the post would get more votes but oh well.

Newbie question -- What's a whale vote?

A whale is what they call the top players here on Steemit