Steemit TODAY: Podcast No. 37 - Interview with @anarcho-zealot (Witness)
SteemPonderings: “Folks, this is @steemponderings welcoming you to Podcast No. 37 of Steemit Today and I’m with today’s guest, @anarcho-zealot who, as you may know, is a Witness and a recent speaker at SteemFest3 in Krakow, Poland. Anarcho-Zealot, welcome.”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Thank you for having me.”
SteemPonderings: “Anarcho, it would be remiss of me not to inquire about your latest oratorical fisticuffs with @quillfire. What’s going on between the two of you?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “QuillFire’s a war criminal.”
SteemPonderings: “That’s pretty sharp-elbowed, isn’t it? Would you care to elaborate?
Anarcho-Zealot: “QuillFire’s a communist, dictator, fascist, Nazi scumbag.”
SteemPonderings: “Some have said you’re just angry because you don’t like his suggestions about how to reform the blockchain. Those same people say your ad hominem attacks are unjustified and, to be frank, childish.”
Anarcho-Zealot: “They’re communists and fascists too.”
SteemPonderings: “Not to be pedantic, but you do know that communists and fascists are each other’s opposites. That you’re actually hurling around mutually-exclusive insults.”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Not true. If you’re communist or fascist enough, you can be a 'communistic fascist' or a 'fascistic communist.' He wants to implement blockchain Rules of Conduct. So ... he's both.”
SteemPonderings: “... Fair enough. What are your thoughts about the future of STEEM and Steemit?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Well, STEEM and Steemit are not the same thing. Everybody keeps making that mistake and me and the other Witnesses keep correcting them … literally hundreds of times every day.”
SteemPonderings: “But isn’t that just because most people associate STEEM with Steemit given that Steemit is the blockchain’s primary, and obviously most important, application? And hence, they use the two terms interchangeably because 99.99% of the time it creates no confusion?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “No, it’s because they’re communists and fascists.”
SteemPonderings: “Advocating for Rules of Conduct to stamp out Gaming of the Reward Pool, introducing common-sense mechanisms for enforcement and using STEEM and Steemit interchangeably … that’s what you think makes people communists and fascists?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Exactly.”
SteemPonderings: “In your Krakow speech, you were very optimistic about the future of the blockchain. With the price of STEEM at less than $0.40 and it having dropped from a Top 20 cryptocurrency to barely Top 50, some are having a hard time sharing your optimism.
QuillFire, for one, says that all the cheating on Steemit drains the Reward Pool and castrates the curation feedback loops upon which the entire endeavor is predicated. That all the vote-buying and vote-rigging is making failure inevitable by emasculating Steemit's raison d'etre, its Central Premise that, Content Shall Be Compensated Commensurate With Its Quality. How say you?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “QuillFire's a communist, dictator, fascist, Nazi scumbag.”
SteemPonderings: “So ... getting back to the reason for your extreme optimism.”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Look, most people just don’t understand the fundamentals of cryptocurrencies. They don't understand what really drives the process. It is this ignorance of Anarcho-Economics that is shaking their faith in STEEM. STEEM will be worth $1,000 in six months.”
SteemPonderings: “$1,000 … up from less than $0.40 … in six months! Help me understand how that happens?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Alright, let me break it down. What substance covers 70% of the Earth's surface?”
SteemPonderings: “… Water.”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Exactly. And what happens to water when you heat it up?”
SteemPonderings: “It ... boils.”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Precisely. And what exactly happens when it boils?
SteemPonderings: “It ... turns into a gas. Water vapor.”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Right! And ... what is the everyday word for 'water vapor?'”
SteemPonderings: “… Steam.”
Anarcho-Zealot: “BINGO! And if you look in the dictionary … guess how they phonetically write the word ‘steam?’
You think that’s just a coincidence?”
SteemPonderings: “You don’t?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “No, I don’t. ‘Steam’ is the transformation of water into a new state of matter. ‘STEEM’ is the transformation of fiat into a new state of money. Just as the Earth needs water, humanity needs STEEM. That's called, 'DEMAND.' It all makes perfect sense.”
SteemPonderings: “Hang on just a second. Isn’t that exactly the kind of 'ideological nonsense' that QuillFire’s always railing against? Indeed, because of it, he refers to you as an, ‘Asshat in search of his lunch.'"
Anarcho-Zealot: “QuillFire's a communist, dictator, fascist, Nazi scumbag.”
SteemPonderings: “In fairness to QuillFire, a lot of other people might find your line of reasoning a bit weak. Have you got anything else?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Alright, how about this:
Water, water everywhere,
And all the boards did shrink,
Water, water everywhere,
And not a drop to drink.”
Do you know what that is?”
SteemPonderings: “It’s a quotation from Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s famous poem, ‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner.’"
Anarcho-Zealot: “Negatory. That’s what the Bilderbergers and their puppets, the Central Banks, want you to believe. You’ve been drinking the Kool Aid.”
SteemPonderings: “Well, what is it then?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Well, think about that quotation ... and think about what it's really telling you:
‘Water, water everywhere,’ … Fiat, fiat everywhere
‘And all the boards did shrink,’ … And all the world’s economies shrank
‘Water, water everywhere, … Nostradamus repeats himself for dramatic effect
‘And not a drop to drink’ … We’re all going to die of thirst and starvation.
SteemPonderings: “Did you just say … Nostradamus?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “That’s right. Nostradamus was warning the world about fiat and telling it to turn to STEEM to solve its problems. He was a prophet you know.”
SteemPonderings: “And ... how exactly is it that you know Nostradamus wrote that stanza?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Nostradamus wrote in 4-line quatrains.”
SteemPonderings: “Yes … but so did 99.99% of English poets for centuries … including Samuel Taylor Coleridge.”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Ah, but you're missing pieces of the puzzle? If you rearrange the letters of his name, guess what it says?”
SteemPonderings: “What?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “'A SMART NODUS.’ And what blockchain is based upon'Proof of Brain?' And of what are our brains mostly made? 'Water, water everywhere ...' And what does water transform into ... steam. And how is 'steam' written phonetically?
SteemPonderings: "... STEEM."
Anarcho-Zealot: "LAMBO!" Nostradamus was vectoring in from different directions. Indeed, it could be argued that Nostradamus was STEEM’s First Witness!”
SteemPonderings: “A lot of people might express … skepticism … about your interpretation.”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Yeah ... communists and fascists.”
SteemPonderings: “Like QuillFire?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Exactly.”
SteemPonderings: “QuillFire once said that if he ever meets you in person, he’s going to, quote: ‘Stick your head so far up your ass, you’ll be wearing your eyeballs as earrings.’ Thoughts?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “You know, QuillFire thinks he’s so smart. Always yapping about logic and quoting Aristotle. But it’s obvious he knows nothing about Anarcho-Logic ... and, you don’t see him authoring things like the Lilac Paper either, do you? Just a bunch of stupid poems.”
SteemPonderings: “The Lilac Paper?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “… I’ve said too much.”
SteemPonderings: “Oh, come on. What’s the Lilac Paper?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Well … I can’t get into details, but you know about STEEM’s White Paper, right?”
SteemPonderings: “Yes, of course.”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Well, let’s just say that amongst Whales and Witnesses, there is a Higher Order of Understanding.’”
SteemPonderings: “As explained in the Lilac Paper?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Correct.”
SteemPonderings: “Can I get a copy of this Lilac Paper?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “No, it’s ‘Eyes Only’ for Whales and Witnesses.”
SteemPonderings: “Who authored it?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “I did.”
SteemPonderings: “So … the Nostradamus thing, all the Whales and Witnesses know about that too?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Of course, blockchain transparency.”
SteemPonderings: “But you just said only Whales and Witnesses have access to the Lilac Paper. That’s not very transparent.”
Anarcho-Zealot: “It’s stake-weighted transparency. You'd only be able to read the title ... maybe a couple of footnotes.”
SteemPonderings: “I see. I’ve got to be perfectly honest, Anarcho, I’m not sure everybody’s going to be convinced by your rationale.”
Anarcho-Zealot: “No … well how about this: Was there any 'unusual happenings' on the blockchain on Thanksgiving?’”
SteemPonderings: “Do you mean the wallet glitch that transformed everyone into billionaires and trillionaires?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Exactly. Everyone becoming billionaires and trillionaires ... that would be something about which to be thankful, wouldn’t it?”
SteemPonderings: “Sure.”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Well … what’s the biggest thing on Steemit right now? What’s everybody talking about?
SteemPonderings: “The plummeting price of STEEM.”
Anarcho-Zealot: “No ... @steemmonsters.”
SteemPonderings: “Oh. OK. And …”
Anarcho-Zealot: “And … guess what happens when you rearrange the letters in STEEM MONSTERS?”
SteemPonderings: “Another anagram? I don’t know. What?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “OMEN SETS TERMS.”
SteemPonderings: “And … you find that meaningful?”
Anarcho-Zealot: “Of course. The value of every wallet on the blockchain going parabolic ... making everyone billionaires and trillionaires. That’s an ‘omen’ … and it's ‘setting the terms.’ It's prophetic ... just like Nostradamus. That's straight-line Anarcho-Logic.”
SteemPonderings: “I wonder what QuillFire would have to say about that?
Anarcho-Zealot: “QuillFire’s a communist, dictator, fascist, Nazi scumbag.”
SteemPonderings: Alright folks, that's it for this episode of Steemit TODAY. Anarcho-Zealot, thank you for your insights. If anyone would like to read QuillFire's Series of Articles about how to reform the blockchain before it hits $0.00, here are the links:
1. Jerry Banfield, Down-Voting & Freedom of Speech
2. "Down-Voting as Censorship" - A Series About Fixing Steemit - Part 2
3. "Derivatives" - A Series About Fixing Steemit - Part 3
And the Statistics Shattering:
4. "Central Premise & Proposals" - A Series About Fixing Steemit - Part 4
And the Statistics Necessitated:
5. FOLLOW UP: "Central Premise & Proposals" - A Series About Fixing Steemit - Part 4
You guys know the drill. Be verbose ... but articulate.
And remember ...
Go Love A Starving Poet
For God's sake ... they're starving!
I nominate my good buddies @trumanity and @hlezama for participation in this Contest.
Nostradamus was a communist, fascist, dictator, nazi scumbag.
And a good poet.
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Hi Block ... I think I owe Anarcho-Zealot an apology ... and I'm a big enough man to admit it.
I'm glad he revealed the whole Nostradamus thing. Anagram Insights is exactly the kind of Fundamental Analysis STEEM, and cryptocurrencies generally, need. I just hope $1,000 in 6 months was not too much of an underestimate. As you may know, Nostradamus' prophecies were often 'open to interpretation.'
I wonder if Anarcho-Zealot was not, in fact, low-balling STEEM for the sake of caution
They say 'discretion is the better part of valor' so I guess 'playing it safe' is probably a good strategy.
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Apologies are communists, fascists, dictators, and nazi scumbags.
Seriously, this had me in stitches. I don't know this anarcho character, but this was funny stuff.
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Even if @quillfire is still a communist, fascist, dictator, nazi scumbag, Nostradamus gets my vote. He could shitposts so well.
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Who knew Nostradamus predicted the crypto boom-bust-boom cycle? What a smart guy!
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Obviously ... you don't have access to the "Lilac Paper." :-)
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Hi quillfire,
Thank you for your entry in to #comedyopenmic comedy contest. We have asked the judges below to review your entry and give it a funny rating. (They generally have no sense of humor, as the saying goes, those that can't do, start contests and judge).
This will determine your ultimate position when the results are tallied. (That being said, you are free to adopt any position you wish - we can recommend pantsless with beer in hand.)
If you have any questions or queries please feel free to contact one of the judges or come say hi in discord: Click Here
Thank you to @matytan for the great banner
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Thanks, as always, for your support. You guys are doing a great job.
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Damn, I wish I had more SP to vote you up for this one. If this entry doesn't win at least something from COM, then I swear to god I won't participate in COM ever again, or at least until Steem hits $1,000 six months from now.
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If this entry doesn't win at least something from COM, then I swear to god I won't participate in COM ever again...
This is PRECISELY the kind of insightful commentary the blockchain needs. Profound in its profundity.
Thanks mate. :-)
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I enjoy reading your entries for the comedyopenmic. Quite hilarious! Thanks for making me laugh!
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Hi Lavi,
I love writing them as they make me laugh in their creation. Strangely enough, I write them the same way I write a poem. I get a kernel of an idea that seems poetic/humorous, write an outline and then I just keep going back, editing and re-editing, until I think it's become poignant/funny.
Without the experience of 'knowing that I'll come up with something' (that I learned from writing poetry), I wouldn't even begin the posts as I never have any idea what the final product is going to look like ... or even whether I'll be able to come up with anything at all. With each, I risk wasting a whole lot of time for nothing. Somehow (magically), they always come together.
Later today I'm posting another comedy-related article (a true-story run-in with some radical feminists). It strikes me as being hilarious. We'll see. :-)
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This is very well done. A thoroughly good read. Thanks for the chuckles along the way.
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Thanks Steve. I had a good laugh writing it.
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This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.
@c-squared runs a community witness. Please consider using one of your witness votes on us here
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Hi the good people at C-squared. You are doing the yeoman's work of curation on the blockchain. Quality Curation is as necessary to the future of Steemit as is Quality Content Creation. Keep up the good work.
Whales ... these are the guys you should be trailing.
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I couldn't agree more. If Wales followed a trail laid down by these folks we'd transform a lot of things. 😎
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The day STEEM hits $1000 is the day I die of laughter haha! Or a heart attack from the value our posts will all get.
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Heart attacks are under-rated. Here's to your having one. :-)
All kidding aside, stress Is A Killer. Have you looked into hiring a Crypto Life Coach? Apparently, the 'Power of Positivity' will keep you healthy, wealthy and wise.
"STEEM is flirting with $0.30."
"WhooHoo ... That's WAY better than $0.25!"
I guess it's all a matter of perspective.
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Oh I don't need a crypto life coach and I don't stress. ;)
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I think you've spelt 'anarcho-zealot' incorrectly!
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OK, I'll bite. What is the correct spelling of 'anarcho-zealot'?
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I'm not sure TBH!
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OK ... I'm sold. :-)
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Your head is a strange strange place... But somehow fascinating...
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It's funny ... over the years, a lot of women have said that to me. In fact, I'd be hard pressed to think of one who didn't.
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LOL!!!! Hey wait... I'm not a girl...
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You're the gift that keeps on giving hey @quillfire? Truth bombs and funnies rolled in to a beautiful "podcast" for the communistic fascists out there to enjoy!
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Hi @quillfire, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @anarcho-zealot and @steemponderings don't exist on Steem. Maybe you made some typos ?
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So funny. 😎
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Thanks mate.
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