"Hairstyles past and present"(model rambut masa dulu dan masa kini)

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

"Hi buddy see me again, how are you guys today, healthy is not, keep the spirit ya today ya buddy, I will share a little, hair style past and present,
Hairstyles past and present,,. Hi buddy see me again, how are you guys today, healthy is not, keep the spirit ya today ya buddy, I will share a little, hair style past and present, ,,,, Hair style in the past, this hairstyle of the past, this hairstyle is gone pal alias no model lagi.contained the second ,


"Current model pal, this model a lot of interest in this Aceh earth, because the model once in the circle teenagers, from 2017 until now buddy, this model is still there, pokonya a lot of peminatnya buddy, Come buddy like this, but specifically a man buddy okay, good luck ya buddy,

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