How To Increase Followers - A Guide For New Steemers must read and voteup

in steemit •  8 years ago 

For New Users on Steemit
Welcome! Welcome to the first social media where you are getting paid for communicating online. You might have or might not have made your first post, but either way I assume you didn't make as much as the posts in the "trending" or "hot" section did. That's okay. I want to let you know that the users that are getting paid a lot has deserved it. They either invested a lot of money in SP (Steem Power) or spend a lot of hours engaging with the community, and by that creating a following so huge that it will seem impossible for you/me to ever achieve that.

It will take time for you to get there, but you can do it, just like they did it. I can do it aswell and I just figured out how to do it.

How To Get More Followers
The chart you are looking at here, is a chart showing the numbers of followers I have achieved since April 13th. As you can see, unless you can't see, my number of followers has increased a lot in the last couple of days.
steem følgere.png
This chart is a close up of the last couple of days. As it shows you I have gained somewhere near 8 followers a day, which is pretty good compared to before the 6th of May.
steem følgere 2.png

Why Such An Increase?
Start commenting! Yes, it is as simple as that. On the 6th of May I started commenting on a lot more post than I had ever done. I started engaging with the community, and it has really paid off. Not only have I increased my number of followers but it has been a lot more fun being on Steemit.

Pick some topics that interest you.
Scroll down the "new" page, pick a post that interest you, and leave a comment.
Watch and feel the magic.
Don't be ashamed!
Don't be ashamed to ask for a follow. If you are already commenting on something you find interesting, they will probably also find your post interesting. Maybe don't ask for a follow in science when you are a strong believer in flatearth. Or maybe do actually.

Only doing posts won't get you there!
Unless you are a badass writer. I am not, but I have had some decent payout if you take into consideration I am a quite new user and only has 80ish followers.

You can't expect to get, when you are not giving. So start commenting on others post! And trust me, you will get some love, feedback, trust, money etc.

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Thanks for sharing this post, thanks for following me.

I heard it said your community spells love "TIME". Meaning the more time you investing in showing them lm love the better they'll remember you. I'm only 34 days old hehe yet I believe in showing my followers love. They are the ones who are most likely to see my post. So why not go through my list reading, commenting, reesteeming, and if possible up voting. Though I see that as the list gets bigger this requires more commitment on my part. Thanks for sharing.

This seems like a helpful tip. I need to remember to come visit every day. I'm pretty new and it all feels a little foreign, still. (Follow me? :) )

ok my bro i am with you stay in touch