Soon Steemit won't be "steem-centric". So what?

in steemit •  9 years ago 

A few hours ago @steemed said that he will begin removing authors of steem-centric posts from his authors list. And I think some whales will follow him. But what will it change? Not much. Because Steemit will still remains "stocks-centric", "crypto-centric" etc.

And now it's time to clarify: how do you see the future of Steemit?

I've seen a lot of comparisons of Steemit with Reddit. Are you serious? You can post a link with a cute cat on video or some funny GIF on Reddit and get thousands of upvotes. Because Reddit is "fun-centric", "news-centric"... "anything-centric" (take a look on top 10 subs). That's why they call themselves "the front page of the internet".
And I'm sure that it's a fault of Whales and Dolphins, that all, that we see trending on the main page is "steem-centric", "stocks-centric" and "crypto-centric". That's you who voted these posts, and because of you every minnow voted and commented these posts in hope to get some curation rewards.

And Steemit will never be Reddit 2.0 with such approach


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That is good news. New people, facebookers, and redditors don't want to see that fanboy stuff every day. After the first week it gets really old.

The incentive to post steemit guides and introductions need to be removed too. Guides should come from official sources, and introductions should be in a users bio. Theses things have become scam magnets, people are making multiple accounts to farm the cash, and there are even How-To guides on the subject. Hopefully there will be some official action to fix this too.

How to Stop the Scams - Stop voting for Introductions and Steemit guides

I'll definitely write a post "Flag comments with links to comment author's articles"

If they are not relevant, sure.
I included a link only because it is directly relevant to the steem centric circlejerk posts you were talking about, and didn't want to post a giant paragraph to fully explain it.
Flagged you back.

Reddit had it's "in crowd" in the beginning too. They were mostly nerds, programmers, computer geeks back then. As more people started participating, the range of discussions naturally broadened. If Steem is successful, there's no reason to believe the same won't happen here too.

Fully agree with you, it was originally filled with people talking about seeing someone else on reddit somewhere.

Steemit will be what ever people vote it to be, its too young to say what it will always or never be. Give it time. Reddit was a shithole for years before it blew up and became what it is today. It was originally very reddit-centric.

Oh, before I forget. The main difference between Reddit and Steemit is that my vote here doesn't cost a sh*t. On Reddit every vote matters.

We are going to see more and more diverse content as Steemit grows. I hope our growing community also accepts diverse opinions and viewpoints even if we find some of them distasteful.