Steemit Family Time ~ Chat With Me!

in steemit •  7 years ago 

"Lazy men are soon poor; hard workers get rich"

"What does this say about how hard we should apply ourselves to whatever we do?"

My daughter brought a game home to teach her children how to have a polite interesting discussion. Many people are new to social media, they are learning English, or they only know how to comment for curation rewards. You can practice with me on how to have a fun conversation in English. My writing is poor and I am not the best at commenting, so this will be great practice for me as well.

When it comes to learning or creating, hard work does make me rich but not in cash, I am poor in cash. I'm rich in creativity! Maybe someday I will get rich but I love working hard no matter what I do. I guess I am not motivated to get rich.

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Lucky for those who were born with golden spoon in their mouths. We really need to work hard in whatever we do.But I guess before putting some hardwork on it, we have to love first on what we do and hardwork will follow. We will reap what we sow so if we are not hardworking enough, there will be no positive results.
Thanks for reminding us @reddust. 😊

I think hard work is good for the soul😇

i totally agree with the statment beceause those who are working hard, nothing will stand in their way to acheive their dreams, and the lazy men i think they don't even have dreams, and those who do not have dreams die poorly . thank you dear

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Maybe a lazy man doesn't mind being poor and cherishes his peace rather than craving riches? What does this say about how hard we should apply ourselves to whatever we do?

working hard yes. But the question is how do we work hard. I would rather work smart. Or at least work hard in a smart way than just to work hard. When you only work hard you do not necessarily move forward but keep doing the same thing hoping to move forward some day. Thanks so much @reddust.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I forgot about that part....hahaha, I learn short cuts when painting as I go through the process, infact I find short cuts for everything, that makes doing tedious things fun.

A wonderful game to teach young boys English conversation is wonderful
It is best for you to be creative to be rich in money. Not every thing in life is just a tool to help live a decent life.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Exactly @klasanaj, not everything is about money. What ever I do I try and do my best but I like finding an easier way of doing it so it isn't that much work...hahaha

What is the nature of your business ?

We haven't that conversation in our childhood. Specially in English form. For that, if we want, to speak alot, we write alot 😁 but useless.

Practice writing in another language isn't useless, practice makes perfect! What do you think about "Lazy men are soon poor; hard workers get rich"
What does this say about how hard we should apply ourselves to whatever we do? I think working hard and feeling good about doing a great job is the best kind of richness!

Yes, I agree with you. Lazy men are soon poor..... those people who work hard they are prosperous in their life and on the other hand hard workers get rich....coz they worked hard and earn their hard work’s result....

Maybe working hard at what ever we do will bring a richness that has nothing to do with money?

this pepetah is very very nice,
such as sprawling base rich,
in this way the mind of the child will quickly think and develop well.

I learn a lot from these questions as well! I mean should we work hard or work smart?

we do not need to work hard now, we just use the mind, how we can make money.

I would love to make a lot of money so I could travel the world and visit all my steemit friends!

yes yes yes, do not forget to our place in indonesia aceh.
I also want to meet our friend, if later we have money we will also go around your place @reddust.

I agree with you because lazy people most of the poor and hardworking will definitely succeed. good luck always friend @reddust.

I think many people may work hard but I think we need some luck and business sense to get rich. Unless we are looking for a non monetary kind of rich...

I know a lot of poor people that work very hard but their society only allows a certain caste to get rich.

yes friends of successful people is someone who has a lot of experience. Because in every experience there is a new motivation.

yes friends of successful people is someone who has a lot of experience. Because in every experience there is a new motivation.

Games like this develop children personality and give him the opportunity to think more

Yes it does @soufianechakrouf, what do you think about the question:

"Lazy men are soon poor; hard workers get rich"

True quote just who's work hard get rich lazy people become homeless that is the fact life isn't easy you should work if you want profits

How hard should we apply ourselves to what ever we do?

the more we work , the more we get.
But it's hard to follow the same rhythm

Actually the question is and sorry I forgot ... What does this say about how hard we should apply ourselves to whatever we do? I try to do the best at what ever I do even if I am not making any money....but I feel happy dong a good job.

As i said in my yesterday topic money is important but it isn't a necessity 😉

I'm in, for practicing English. For me, the quote means like, " no one ever tastes the fruit of success without any hardwork".

Oh that is good! But should we work hard at everything we do?

Hmmm, that's a good thought! I think we should work hard and at the same time work smart, for double success. ;)

well said @reddust

Lazy men are soon poor; hard workers get rich

This rule doesn't apply on real life all the time as i saw many coach potatoes enjoy high status in life by doing nothing , but in the steem community rule certainly applies. Your hard work really pay back you. if you don't earn too much you earn respect, creativity and talent. These are the solid earning as these earning cann't be theft. Thanks for sharing @reddust

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I thought it might work here on steemit, I do know most of the successful people work very hard and don't cheat. I see a lot of people cheating the system like with large accounts and up vote themselves posting 6 or 7 post a day and making tons of rewards. But others are working very hard and didn't bring lots of investments make very little....

What does this say about how hard we should apply ourselves to whatever we do? I think if I was just looking to get rich , I would give up and miss opportunities just around the corner.

absolutely right it apply on steemit.

But others are working very hard and didn't bring lots of investments make very little....

If money in your fate it will come to you, but by working hard, people increase their creativity and skill. In my 2 cent opinion earning these things is not bad at all it will give you new direction in life and the best thing about these things is that no one can steal them:). keep sharing @reddust

Well, the FED has turned this on its head. Savers are the biggest losers.
With negative real interest rates, the more you try to get ahead, the more you get behind.

This could be looked at as motivation. But really, we need something to pull us forward, not something to drive us from behind. Still, sometimes you need a fire lit under you butt.

Right now in this world we have to be smart and apply hard work gaming the system That is why I like cryptocurrencies and I am working very hard building up my investment wallet :P hahaha

thank you for sharing, I really like your nature that is always humble, even though you are actually smart and not arrogant people, and I also strongly agree your intention to want to teach the correct English speakers

I have a difficult time writing and English is my native language. I can only imagine and admire those here on steemit that are learning English and learning crypto plus having to figure out how to post an article hard work is a good thing but working smart is even better so you won't burn yourself out!

I learned this raising kids, if I worked too hard I wasn't able to work at all!

The poor work hard, but because they feel worthless, they believe, it is not right for them to be well rewarded for the effort and value they give...
thank @reddust already shared very good information

Maybe the worthlessness has nothing to do with getting rich as in having lots of money? I have been a housewife most of my life or worked as a legal assistant for attorney's, I worked very hard but made very little money. However I felt very happy because I was doing a good job.

"Hard workers get rich" is demonstrably nonsense. Maybe it's an Indoctrination Game? 8-)

I was thinking the same thing. I know some lazy people who make tons of money and some who basically kill themselves working just to barely scrape by. I've done it both ways and neither one is good. But what bothers me is the idea that if you're not working, there's this built-in guilt that comes along with it. A person's worth and a person's wealth are two very different things.

You will get better as you keep practising...... As the say goes constant practise makes perfect. But I don't think everyone but be writing, some people make videos to as well on steemit. And am really a big fan of your works here on this platform, you're multi talented. Thanks for the the post @reddust

This is true but you do have to make an introduction post, I post a lot of my art work and still have to write a little about it...I haven't been on the vlogging platforms that much but If I remember correctly you have to write a couple of coherent sentences to go along with your music, video, or photography.

Also we have to learn a little bit about markdown or html here, you know for formatting. That was a lot of hard work for me, a well formatted post sells better. But along the way of learning I figured out a bunch of short cuts that made it easier to post articles and my art so now I don't have to work that hard :p

If you don't mind me asking, where are you from and what language is main language...... It seems like you're actually learning English?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

When I am very tired I have a hard time writing. My writing has always been awful and English is my native language! That's why I like chatting with non English speaking people. We can practice together.


@reddust wow great post steem promote thank you

Wow... What an innovative and motivational article.... Kudos@reddust for sharing such an important write up...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

What do you think about the question @jajafresh? "Lazy men are soon poor; hard workers get rich" What does this say about how hard we should apply ourselves to whatever we do?

I think is a matter of dedication and consistency in what ever you do... You have to set your priorities right... As they say what is what doing is what doing well.. You have to bridge a line between your goals and dreams they are two different things most persons confuse themselves to think is the same..

very good post..i agree with what you are saying :) creativity and handwork will make you rich with cash someday :)

very good post..i agree with what you are saying :) creativity and handwork will make you rich with cash someday :)

what ever we do we should do it with it fully or not do it because doing something without mood only breaks the work

@reddust, this is an interesting point. Hardwork is of course a valuable part of life, so many accomplishments require it. BUT....

The other side of it I see is the overworking (hu)man who creates poverty through stress and tension due to over focusing by on work and lack of balance. (Been there, done that).

I would add to the card, a (hu)man who words hard AND plays hard will be richest of all.

Some just take this as a state of mind and don't want to get up because rich has a big impact on their mind

great writting to share..

hard work should be done but with intelligence

realy well writing, i totally agree with the statmen,but in the steem community rule certainly applies. if we are not hardworking enough, there will be no positive results.

i don't have to say much but i am learning a lot from this for sure

Thats true those work hard ALLAH reward them. They don't only get rich but makes heir own position in the society. And you are really working so hard. Keep working like this. And lazy people they can't do anything instead of thinking that they will do this or that.

Oh noes, I'm lazy. That means I will be poor :(
But the definition of hard work Is different for everyone :d

wow, penghargaan yang sangat bermanfaat.

sertifikat yang sangat baik dan sangat penting.

I would like to explain something
Here in Macedonia the standard is not so high
And people complain that they get underpaid
I understand that but i think that they are lazy
Just because here you can work your butt of and get more money
but no one wants to do that
So the saying is great
Actually i said to my friend
When you want something you can work for it
I explained about steemit but no one from 27 people wanted to join
except 2 of my friends
The other 25 said that this is fake, bad ,boring
And i just realized they have spare time but they don't want to work
Because they are lazy
And sorry for the big comment

Hey @reddust,

This post is so true. I know the man who works hard and succeed so far. That's why I work so hard. Stay blessed and keep it up

why are you talking like that...??

What do you mean?

why you say you are poor ... ??