Hahaha Steembola. God... I think I need to borrow your Fly Swatter. On the other hands since your invention of this swatted I have seen much less bots - so thank you :) Or maybe I am just becoming so unpopular the bots are not even interested lol
Are you sure you want someone sucking out your life blood? I would at least want the promise of immortality ... I used to sell my plasma to pay for my college books. But at least we can generate more blood but you never know about catching some kind of virus from blood suckers...
Well, if you are a minnow with a small account there is no solution except to join groups like PAL who will support you during the months of hard work building your blog. If you have money to invest and don't mind voting on post you haven't looked at to see if they are worthy of attention there are dozens of voting bots, leasing out SP bots, delegating bots and so on. I can't give advice because I have checked them all out. However, if the bot revolution continues from my experience on other sites creator contributions will eventually die out and only a few will survive. There will be no blood left and the system will die...
Even if one networks as this system evolves networking and building a community will be for AI not humans.
Have you found that joining PAL is helpful? I have not really understood how to do that - I was at a meetup where people were talking about it but I still don't get it really... I have tried the bots too - blech... nothing works but time and attention as far as I can tell. Although now Colorado has joined together to create a curation site and an accelerator. I can't participate in the accelerator because of schedules, but I have been to a few meetups. Steemit is still doing for me what I really do need and that is pushing my creativity... i guess I don't really need to "make money" cuz I am not.
I've delegated some of my SP To PAL to help creative people and minnows. I haven't got involved in the Discord group, I like their philosophy and how they treat people. From what I hear it is helping people establish their blog, teaching people how to blog, voting on good content. I do get votes from the creative bot, it's nice but not like getting voted on by a whale....sigh...hahaha
I am using Steemit like you are @in2itivart, it pushes my creativity buttons. I didn't join to make a living although that would be awesome. I want to make money honestly though, not by gaming the system. Plus I am not smart enough to figure out how to game the system, wait, maybe I am through research but I am too busy creating art and taking care of my family and I have a huge guilt button when I know I am doing something wrong. Cheating or using loopholes shuts down my creative energies.
Yea, I can't do anything weird either...I wish I could make a living on here...but I am so controversial I guess, that I am not... like I can't do that thing a lot of people were talking about where they would do those robo-call ads to people's phones - it has a name and people were talking about it on here a few months ago as a way to make a passive income - even some artists who make a lot of money on here were talking about it... but I hate receiving those calls so I can't DO that to people - again the old Golden Rule... I don't even know if I can do things like crypto-mining and stuff. It's beyond my comprehension - instead, I am doing what you said - letting steemit push me creatively - like I just started this comic strip - I have wanted to do that for YEARS - Literally I have thought about that on and off for decades... well - I finally started it. I am not sure if I will keep doing it, but I might - and it is a good way to talk about the things that I am learning and have not yet figured out how else to express in the world... and financially - I still have to do my day job (which I am starting tomorrow :() - oh well, but it is likely that all those things together are important to funnel together to feed the creative mind...like you take care of your family - and do your stuff... yea I wish a whale would come a long and start upvoting me, but I am not surprised that they don't in a way because I talk about things that people who make money don't like, I guess... but that's what steemit is for - for example - and I will post about this later, I did a contest on Fineartamerica this morning called "Controversial Topics" - just for fun because all the groups and contests on there are all about fluff - my very first person who contributed - put up a bunch of religious images - to counteract that I was calling for occult images, or other controversial topic images that they deemed to be too over-the-top - so I had to delete them because were not following the rules of the contest... here on steemit, I can freely post my highly controversal imagery without worry that I am going to be confronted by dumb-ass cencorship junkies - and that's good -to have a place to talk about these things ...
@in2itiveart I will check out your comic strip, I love good ones! I am thinking about writing more about my research and hot topics. Since I no longer have to worry about whales I am free to write as I wish and not worry about offending authority. I really like that feeling of freedom. I keep falling into this trap, hopefully someday I can truly let go of that behavior and still be a nice person and not an angry democratic anarchist...lololol
I don't own a phone with a traceable number, I have a little 5.00 throwaway cell phone and I pay services around $100 a year with no contract. My husband and I were the first wave of smartphone users and loved them. However we did not want to be tied into 2 year contracts and pay tons of money for a phone and contract. That was another breaking away from this society we live in, I felt awesome not carrying a smart phone tracking devices and paying the corporate powers for tracing my habits. However, I am still not free of that kind of surveillance while surfing the net. We try and not leave a big foot print on the net but it's hard, especially when posting pictures with my data coded into it. My husband has software that strips the data off documents and photos, I haven't installed it on my new Mac yet.
I should start getting involved in fineartsamerica's community, this is my weak spot, I don't like to socialize, I've been a loner since I was a small child. Something I should put on the top of my todo list. I like people but I like being alone with my thoughts even better! I will look for on the site, what is your handle there?
That's one cool thing about steemit, we can still post what we want but that may mean alienating the large accounts....Now I say screw that!
I am honored you have chosen to speak to me, we really haven't connected even though we travel in the same spiritual circles.
Thanks for sharing your name with me Lisa...and thanks for the well-wishes for my first work day. Wow am I nervous. I (Joanna) thought you and I talked a bit a while back when you first got on here... but that was so long ago now...
it's kind of weird how people talk for a while on here and then you seem to lose them - I have found anyway. I had a whole posse of folks that I was running with on here for a while when I first started doing the Sigils but eventually they just faded away... I dunno... it's social media - so it's just a weird dynamic.
Recently we have been having meetups with people IN Colorado, and that has been interesting to go off the computer and talk to each other eyeball to eyeball. We make a lot of assumptions about each other just because we are on Steemit... and yet, just because we are not necessarily "special" but we all act like we are "special" and different than everybody else. I see this as some sort of weird social engineering tactic that sections us off into groups and boosts our egos into feeling better than others... not to say that I have not been totally guilty of that in the past, but now, I am really trying to look closely at how well-indoctrinated I am...
ie I live in Denver, CO which is the New World Order city. When I say that, what I mean is that the CIA moved it's offices to the DIA (airport) in 2005 and there is an underground city supposedly under the airport where the el-ites will go if/when the shtf ... You can read up on the airport if you like online.
It has to do with the ley lines of the planet- so Denver is on the 104th Ley Line which Devil's Tower, WY is on, also NORAD and Roswell, NM - so it's a power point and the powers that should not be know all about that, and have co-opted Denver as one of their spots... hence it's a super NWO city. There are so many militarized police with such high-powered weaponry - so much money, and the downtown is so inhumane in that there is no where to sit - only if you have a lot of green pieces of paper can you park or find a place to sit in Downtown Denver. You can read about how the cops take the blankets of the homeless in the dead of winter, etc., and a few miles away in Colorado Springs we have NORAD - OMG...
I mean, if I lived in a house with a yard or some land (like it sounds like you do), I might be able to think about trying not to be tracked, etc but I sort of have given up on all that.
I wish I could move, but I am living on a shoe-string - and should just be grateful for the situation I am living in at the moment... which is what I try to do - I try to just be grateful to have a roof over my head. Literally.
Cut to the chase - here's a link to my fine art america page https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/joanna-whitney.html - Denver is a weird place because it's "boomtown" right now because of the "gold rush" since the marijuana laws changed in 2014. I hear that 1000 people move here per week.
Your life sounds so quiet and serene. I envy you. I used to live in a quiet little town in upstate NY oh so many years ago... when I moved here, it was cheap and quiet, and I got a good job etc. Now I am here, and I am not going to move again as far as I can tell, but I watch the New World Order thing going on and it really freaks me out -
I was just reading this article about how @wearechange-co has been fighting with the Denver Water Board to get the flouride out of the water for many years - to no avail - and that's because of the NWO aspect of Denver - they want the citizens asleep at the wheel so they can do their thing here.
Anyway, I hope I haven't freaked you out too much. My comic strip is not a strip yet. It's just a couple of comics I did. I just started to do one last night that has more than one panel, but it's not finished. It's actually quite an interesting self-reflective process to do a comic and create myself as the spokesperson of my thoughts, in a drawing...it has made me look at myself in a different light, hence, I am not ready to publish this particular one I started yet, because it requires more from me, now...
I look forward to talking more soon. I hope I have not talked your ear off here... Blessings! Joanna
Thank you for your links, I'll will contact with you tomorrow! I remember our first interaction months ago and it's true we all have drifted apart after banding together for a time. But that's natural with social media. The reason I reintroduced myself is I felt the contact with you more deeply this time. For some reason I am feeling very sensitive and spacey right now.... most likely it's the change of the seasons and such.
I have my whole family on a really good water filter system and my grandkids are taking iodine and selenium supplements along with me. I explained the situation with our water systems to my daughter and she was aware of the fluoridated water but had not been aware of it's impact on our bodies systems.
Also I know about deep states bunker and tunnel systems, not personally though, the paintings at the Colorado airport remind me of the old rituals of sacrifice and keeping the masses subjugated for control of resources and gathering of energy through inflicting trauma on the innocents. What is old is new again! Once one wakes up one is no longer part of the spell so it is important to learn not to look too awake as drawing attention could be dangerous.
I grew up around dowsers so I know about lay lines and energy points. But I never got into that kind of study, I am more into breaking free of Samsara so I can help my family and friends find freedom from self caused suffering perpetuated by the elite so they can control us and keep us in their trauma bonding rituals and their matrix...I avoid systems that profit from people's sufferings.
we are on the same path, it seems. Blessings. I can't comment right now too much because I am do emotionally exhausted from 1 week working with seniors who are at the mercy of the rockefeller pharmeceutical monsters...and I can't really tell them anything different as they are completely indoctrinated.
You are welcome, I've seen accounts with only bot comments, the blogger makes a couple more SP than they spend on bot payments. I don't like the feel buying votes, but others have no problem. I don't think it's healthy for the system, I am not judging the people, just the health of the steemit social system.
@stellabelle's has had the grit to speak her mind since the beginning of steemit. Most of what you experience now is because she speaks up about her concerns even though she may be wrong. Most of the time she is spot on!
Thank you @personz, I have the painting for sale here or you can buy a print here.
You can also buy the painting with $100 SBD without a frame from me, just go to steem chat and message me. Look for Reddust we can work out the details regarding mailing the painting if you decide to purchase.
Thank you <3 Have a lovely weekend my friend. If you have any ideas for me let me know and I will work on a painting for you and you can buy a print. The originals take so much time and if I put the real price on them most people don't want to spend that much on art. I found a wonderful way to sidestep that issue!
I think there is a place for bots, but I don't know what the right balance is, but the way things are going I don't see bots being used to help the platform grow and flourish.
I love the wild-west feeling here, no rules except I don't like big accounts enforcing their own rules just because they have sp power...having a large account does not mean one owns large amounts of wisdom. This is my favorite kind of beta testing dealing with human behavior and money!
I started laughing at my husband the other night, I did some that startled him and he feel for it and couldn't stop laughing. I had a giggling fit which infected him, we both giggled until we cried. I haven't laughed like that in a least a year, laughing is infectious....I need to work on laughing more. Thank you @theguruasia!
MinnowsPower is not a bot, I am a Crowdfunding Hybrid
One small UpVote of Yours build MinnowsPower and MinnowsPower will Not Forget Your Support...!!! (Limited Service Offer) Send 0.01 SBD and get $0.025 - $0.03 worth upvote from @MinnowsPower
haha so ironic and true
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@lasper, they get tangled in my hair and I am afraid they will fly up my dress, you know like moths or bats....shivers...
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haha you have to watch out for yourself these bots are dangerous
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Some of them carry deadly viruses, like steembola virus, you start bleeding out your blockchain....lolol
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Hahaha Steembola. God... I think I need to borrow your Fly Swatter. On the other hands since your invention of this swatted I have seen much less bots - so thank you :) Or maybe I am just becoming so unpopular the bots are not even interested lol
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I think you are not profitable...lololol, maybe it's all the garlic you eat, bots hate garlic :P
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You might be right my blockchain blood isn't sweet anymore haha have to cut down on the garlicky increase ?
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Are you sure you want someone sucking out your life blood? I would at least want the promise of immortality ... I used to sell my plasma to pay for my college books. But at least we can generate more blood but you never know about catching some kind of virus from blood suckers...
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haha don't let them bite you! :)
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I tried a voting bot and they sucked too much blood out of me...I became anemic P
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oh any tips for that not to fall into same mistake? :D
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Well, if you are a minnow with a small account there is no solution except to join groups like PAL who will support you during the months of hard work building your blog. If you have money to invest and don't mind voting on post you haven't looked at to see if they are worthy of attention there are dozens of voting bots, leasing out SP bots, delegating bots and so on. I can't give advice because I have checked them all out. However, if the bot revolution continues from my experience on other sites creator contributions will eventually die out and only a few will survive. There will be no blood left and the system will die...
Even if one networks as this system evolves networking and building a community will be for AI not humans.
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Have you found that joining PAL is helpful? I have not really understood how to do that - I was at a meetup where people were talking about it but I still don't get it really... I have tried the bots too - blech... nothing works but time and attention as far as I can tell. Although now Colorado has joined together to create a curation site and an accelerator. I can't participate in the accelerator because of schedules, but I have been to a few meetups. Steemit is still doing for me what I really do need and that is pushing my creativity... i guess I don't really need to "make money" cuz I am not.
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I've delegated some of my SP To PAL to help creative people and minnows. I haven't got involved in the Discord group, I like their philosophy and how they treat people. From what I hear it is helping people establish their blog, teaching people how to blog, voting on good content. I do get votes from the creative bot, it's nice but not like getting voted on by a whale....sigh...hahaha
I am using Steemit like you are @in2itivart, it pushes my creativity buttons. I didn't join to make a living although that would be awesome. I want to make money honestly though, not by gaming the system. Plus I am not smart enough to figure out how to game the system, wait, maybe I am through research but I am too busy creating art and taking care of my family and I have a huge guilt button when I know I am doing something wrong. Cheating or using loopholes shuts down my creative energies.
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Yea, I can't do anything weird either...I wish I could make a living on here...but I am so controversial I guess, that I am not... like I can't do that thing a lot of people were talking about where they would do those robo-call ads to people's phones - it has a name and people were talking about it on here a few months ago as a way to make a passive income - even some artists who make a lot of money on here were talking about it... but I hate receiving those calls so I can't DO that to people - again the old Golden Rule... I don't even know if I can do things like crypto-mining and stuff. It's beyond my comprehension - instead, I am doing what you said - letting steemit push me creatively - like I just started this comic strip - I have wanted to do that for YEARS - Literally I have thought about that on and off for decades... well - I finally started it. I am not sure if I will keep doing it, but I might - and it is a good way to talk about the things that I am learning and have not yet figured out how else to express in the world... and financially - I still have to do my day job (which I am starting tomorrow :() - oh well, but it is likely that all those things together are important to funnel together to feed the creative mind...like you take care of your family - and do your stuff... yea I wish a whale would come a long and start upvoting me, but I am not surprised that they don't in a way because I talk about things that people who make money don't like, I guess... but that's what steemit is for - for example - and I will post about this later, I did a contest on Fineartamerica this morning called "Controversial Topics" - just for fun because all the groups and contests on there are all about fluff - my very first person who contributed - put up a bunch of religious images - to counteract that I was calling for occult images, or other controversial topic images that they deemed to be too over-the-top - so I had to delete them because were not following the rules of the contest... here on steemit, I can freely post my highly controversal imagery without worry that I am going to be confronted by dumb-ass cencorship junkies - and that's good -to have a place to talk about these things ...
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Wishing You The Best On Your First Day At Work
@in2itiveart I will check out your comic strip, I love good ones! I am thinking about writing more about my research and hot topics. Since I no longer have to worry about whales I am free to write as I wish and not worry about offending authority. I really like that feeling of freedom. I keep falling into this trap, hopefully someday I can truly let go of that behavior and still be a nice person and not an angry democratic anarchist...lolololI don't own a phone with a traceable number, I have a little 5.00 throwaway cell phone and I pay services around $100 a year with no contract. My husband and I were the first wave of smartphone users and loved them. However we did not want to be tied into 2 year contracts and pay tons of money for a phone and contract. That was another breaking away from this society we live in, I felt awesome not carrying a smart phone tracking devices and paying the corporate powers for tracing my habits. However, I am still not free of that kind of surveillance while surfing the net. We try and not leave a big foot print on the net but it's hard, especially when posting pictures with my data coded into it. My husband has software that strips the data off documents and photos, I haven't installed it on my new Mac yet.
I should start getting involved in fineartsamerica's community, this is my weak spot, I don't like to socialize, I've been a loner since I was a small child. Something I should put on the top of my todo list. I like people but I like being alone with my thoughts even better! I will look for on the site, what is your handle there?
That's one cool thing about steemit, we can still post what we want but that may mean alienating the large accounts....Now I say screw that!
I am honored you have chosen to speak to me, we really haven't connected even though we travel in the same spiritual circles.
Much love, Lisa
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Thanks for sharing your name with me Lisa...and thanks for the well-wishes for my first work day. Wow am I nervous. I (Joanna) thought you and I talked a bit a while back when you first got on here... but that was so long ago now...
it's kind of weird how people talk for a while on here and then you seem to lose them - I have found anyway. I had a whole posse of folks that I was running with on here for a while when I first started doing the Sigils but eventually they just faded away... I dunno... it's social media - so it's just a weird dynamic.
Recently we have been having meetups with people IN Colorado, and that has been interesting to go off the computer and talk to each other eyeball to eyeball. We make a lot of assumptions about each other just because we are on Steemit... and yet, just because we are not necessarily "special" but we all act like we are "special" and different than everybody else. I see this as some sort of weird social engineering tactic that sections us off into groups and boosts our egos into feeling better than others... not to say that I have not been totally guilty of that in the past, but now, I am really trying to look closely at how well-indoctrinated I am...
ie I live in Denver, CO which is the New World Order city. When I say that, what I mean is that the CIA moved it's offices to the DIA (airport) in 2005 and there is an underground city supposedly under the airport where the el-ites will go if/when the shtf ... You can read up on the airport if you like online.
It has to do with the ley lines of the planet- so Denver is on the 104th Ley Line which Devil's Tower, WY is on, also NORAD and Roswell, NM - so it's a power point and the powers that should not be know all about that, and have co-opted Denver as one of their spots... hence it's a super NWO city. There are so many militarized police with such high-powered weaponry - so much money, and the downtown is so inhumane in that there is no where to sit - only if you have a lot of green pieces of paper can you park or find a place to sit in Downtown Denver. You can read about how the cops take the blankets of the homeless in the dead of winter, etc., and a few miles away in Colorado Springs we have NORAD - OMG...
I mean, if I lived in a house with a yard or some land (like it sounds like you do), I might be able to think about trying not to be tracked, etc but I sort of have given up on all that.
I wish I could move, but I am living on a shoe-string - and should just be grateful for the situation I am living in at the moment... which is what I try to do - I try to just be grateful to have a roof over my head. Literally.
Cut to the chase - here's a link to my fine art america page https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/joanna-whitney.html - Denver is a weird place because it's "boomtown" right now because of the "gold rush" since the marijuana laws changed in 2014. I hear that 1000 people move here per week.
Your life sounds so quiet and serene. I envy you. I used to live in a quiet little town in upstate NY oh so many years ago... when I moved here, it was cheap and quiet, and I got a good job etc. Now I am here, and I am not going to move again as far as I can tell, but I watch the New World Order thing going on and it really freaks me out -
I was just reading this article about how @wearechange-co has been fighting with the Denver Water Board to get the flouride out of the water for many years - to no avail - and that's because of the NWO aspect of Denver - they want the citizens asleep at the wheel so they can do their thing here.
Anyway, I hope I haven't freaked you out too much. My comic strip is not a strip yet. It's just a couple of comics I did. I just started to do one last night that has more than one panel, but it's not finished. It's actually quite an interesting self-reflective process to do a comic and create myself as the spokesperson of my thoughts, in a drawing...it has made me look at myself in a different light, hence, I am not ready to publish this particular one I started yet, because it requires more from me, now...
I look forward to talking more soon. I hope I have not talked your ear off here... Blessings! Joanna
ps here's a link to the contest on fine art america https://fineartamerica.com/contests/controversial-topics.html?tab=overview
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Thank you for your links, I'll will contact with you tomorrow! I remember our first interaction months ago and it's true we all have drifted apart after banding together for a time. But that's natural with social media. The reason I reintroduced myself is I felt the contact with you more deeply this time. For some reason I am feeling very sensitive and spacey right now.... most likely it's the change of the seasons and such.
I have my whole family on a really good water filter system and my grandkids are taking iodine and selenium supplements along with me. I explained the situation with our water systems to my daughter and she was aware of the fluoridated water but had not been aware of it's impact on our bodies systems.
Also I know about deep states bunker and tunnel systems, not personally though, the paintings at the Colorado airport remind me of the old rituals of sacrifice and keeping the masses subjugated for control of resources and gathering of energy through inflicting trauma on the innocents. What is old is new again! Once one wakes up one is no longer part of the spell so it is important to learn not to look too awake as drawing attention could be dangerous.
I grew up around dowsers so I know about lay lines and energy points. But I never got into that kind of study, I am more into breaking free of Samsara so I can help my family and friends find freedom from self caused suffering perpetuated by the elite so they can control us and keep us in their trauma bonding rituals and their matrix...I avoid systems that profit from people's sufferings.
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we are on the same path, it seems. Blessings. I can't comment right now too much because I am do emotionally exhausted from 1 week working with seniors who are at the mercy of the rockefeller pharmeceutical monsters...and I can't really tell them anything different as they are completely indoctrinated.
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I am going to research starting a SMT project though...this will be worth my energy expenditure. https://steemit.com/@smt
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Great creative artwork! I was also interested in your comment on the use of a voting bot. Thanks for sharing.
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You are welcome, I've seen accounts with only bot comments, the blogger makes a couple more SP than they spend on bot payments. I don't like the feel buying votes, but others have no problem. I don't think it's healthy for the system, I am not judging the people, just the health of the steemit social system.
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Good one @reddust! My bot recommended this post..
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Your bot has good taste @scalerman :p
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It does! It likes your art @reddust..and I really liked your comments on another post I just saw..@stellabelle's I think? Thanks on both, cheers!
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@stellabelle's has had the grit to speak her mind since the beginning of steemit. Most of what you experience now is because she speaks up about her concerns even though she may be wrong. Most of the time she is spot on!
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LOL! Love the nod to "Batteries Not Included" ; )
Highly rEsteemed dear @reddust!
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Thank you my dear @frankbacon and you caught my joke <3
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OMG this is amazing. I feel very compelled to offer to buy it. How much? 😊
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Thank you @personz, I have the painting for sale here or you can buy a print here.
You can also buy the painting with $100 SBD without a frame from me, just go to steem chat and message me. Look for Reddust we can work out the details regarding mailing the painting if you decide to purchase.
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Cool, I think I'll get a print :)
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@personz, sorry for not getting back quickly, that's not good for sales. I hope you do buy a print. This is one of my favorite paintings for 2017.
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Oh no problem at all, thanks 😊
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Thank you <3 Have a lovely weekend my friend. If you have any ideas for me let me know and I will work on a painting for you and you can buy a print. The originals take so much time and if I put the real price on them most people don't want to spend that much on art. I found a wonderful way to sidestep that issue!
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I dont hate the bots,
I was trying not to engage with them! I find them not really helpful,
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I think there is a place for bots, but I don't know what the right balance is, but the way things are going I don't see bots being used to help the platform grow and flourish.
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Hahaha...such a wonderful artwork by @reddust
Hey madem..I think you have more different ideas about drawing..and painting..
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Thank you @dinisanda!
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Protect yourself from alien bugs - exellent work @reddust
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I know exactly what to do, avoid risky behavior and don't hang out near swamps :P
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haha :)
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Haha, what a great illustration of the current situation on Steem (that would be Steetuation)! I absolutely love it ❤️
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I love the wild-west feeling here, no rules except I don't like big accounts enforcing their own rules just because they have sp power...having a large account does not mean one owns large amounts of wisdom. This is my favorite kind of beta testing dealing with human behavior and money!
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Haha, the wild-west is another good metaphor! 😁I think human behavior in general is quite predictable when money is involved :)
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Ha ha ha that's funny :D But I personally like them :D Great artwork!
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I started laughing at my husband the other night, I did some that startled him and he feel for it and couldn't stop laughing. I had a giggling fit which infected him, we both giggled until we cried. I haven't laughed like that in a least a year, laughing is infectious....I need to work on laughing more. Thank you @theguruasia!
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This is a great,
I upvoted you as a witness :) good luck!
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I am not a witness but thank you!
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steemit technology is best art...thanks for sharing@reddust
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Building code takes the same kind of creativity. Coders and artist have similar behaviors developing concentration as well! Thank you @black35
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yes..i know...
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Is this your story of steemit? ha ha
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Yes, this is my personal experience :P
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nice lol
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My aim was to get a laugh, I got you!
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Wow amazing artwork.excellent work.
thank you @reddust
upvote resteem
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Thank you @avagado!
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really nice and fun. really valid for us
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If you run the bot swarms it's cool :p
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Very cool and ironic painting :) Love it :)
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I had a blast drawing it, the idea was taken from 1950 horror movie posters.
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Wow.. very nice imagine. Best suitable for steemit users.
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For some with a big blood bank they are very useful :P
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bots here, bots there, bots everywhere!
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We need to clean out the breeding areas. That will take care of most of the swarm :p
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Amazing art dear
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Thank you @spiritualpower!
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Sangat bagus.
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Thank you @safrijals!
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Ya sama sama.
Gimana kabar anda..??
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Saya baik-baik saja, keluarga saya sehat dan bahagia. Saya menginginkan hal yang sama untuk Anda dan keluarga Anda.
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Iya pasti.
Semoga anda sukses selalu ya.
Saya memiliki postingan baru coba di cek
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Though it's a picture...but feel like a it's a tecnology of science.
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Thank you @shagorshikder
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Good one!!!
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Thank you @cognoscere
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upvote 4 upvote ? @reddust ? :D hahahahahahaha :D :D lol ! :D
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haha so true : )
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