I'm attaching these videos by Gabor Zolna, who was banned from #YouTube who made over 18,000 videos within 4.5 years worth. He has a site and posts videos on Daily Motion. These videos are from the latest events, 9/11 truths, and is really pissed off. His videos are short and gets straight to the point, speaks the truth and a Red Pill. Please watch these videos and check out his channel.
Gabor Zolna of The Zolna Report
It's All About Trying To Take Control! History repeats, Anarchists,
Civil War=Tax Reform
Have You Noticed The Democrats Have Shifted Gears!
9/11 was an Inside Job. Done by our Government to get US to destabilize the Middle East, Bankers Wars, protecting Poppy Fields, PetroDollar, etc.
Clean house & start over
McCain And Schumer Continue To Screw The American People!
H.R. McMaster Caught Updating George Soros!