Steemit, please take the time to watch this video and read this. I took the time in doing so, would appreciate the consideration, because I care, question is do you take the time to listen?
After 20-minute mark. Root of all Evil is ourselves, it’s our Sinful Nature.
Morality is the problem, not race created by the powers that shouldn’t be.
Reality is the War between good and evil can be summarized as it’s most fundamental level believed in the hope versatility, humanity, and those believed in isolated and degrading humanity, making certain people inferior to others, degrading humanity to justify genocide and eugenics, oppression, etc.
We are all one people called humanity. Jesus is the whole of human nature, oneness of hyper static union, universality of man.
Most People don’t read the article, most read the headline for the cause of racism and hatred without learning the facts. Not taking the time to learn the facts is being ignorant of the issues and sin.
At 31 minute mark. Media knows human psychology and the Hegelian Dialectic. Got the reaction they want. Playing both sides.
Please read Shoebat's article and my post within here.
“Neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville, Virginia who are demanding “White Sharia” part of Nazi movement siding with Muslims promoting Paganism and Sharia Law.”
Any ism's such as #NationalSocialism, Communism are both sides same coin, same end are Evil promoting Paganism etc starting #RaceWar by Deep State, NWO Agenda
God/Yeshua/Jesus only way combat evil.
"The problem is not race, its morality." #Wisdom2
Robert Spencer nor Pamela Geller hasn't said anything.
Richard Spencer is working with Turkish elites alt-right spoke in Bodrum, Turkey
Pope Pius XI and Pope Pius XII wrote against Racism, Eugenics, & while Nazism & Fascism used as forces against Marxism.
"The Alt-Right tries to paint itself as a force for morality. But look at their ranks. Its filled with sodomites, and even one of their leaders, Jared Taylor, has said that there are homosexuals in his organization and that the evil of sodom does not bother him. Moreover, Jared Taylor reveals his own eugenist ideology by his open support for Planned Parenthood and the right for women, regardless of race, to murder their own children. Homosexuality and infanticidal ideology fills the Alt-Right, and so what makes them different from the Left? Nothing. They are just as degenerate, the only difference is that the Rightwing are degenerates in suits."
Back to the main video by Shoebat.
Organizer Jadon Kessler Was An Obama Supporter Before He Became A Nazi “Unite The Right” Leader. Calls himself “baked Alaska” is Was a BLM Organizer who is a Drug Addict, marijuana, promoter and organizer. Just like Obama, another Deep State Plant. By the way, The Doctor Of Common Sense also brought up Kessler.
Jared Taylor admits he’s pro-choice and eugenicist supporter at 41 min. mark. He is a White Nationalist and Supremacist.
His own organizations called the American Renaissance and it's parent organization called the New Century Foundation. "He is a former member of the advisory board of The Occidental Quarterly, and a former director of the National Policy Institute, a Virginia-based white nationalist think tank.[4] He is also a board member and spokesperson of the Council of Conservative Citizens.[5][6]"
After 42-minute mark. Dietrich Von Hildebrandt, German Catholic Theologian on distinction between Patriotism and Nationalism. Nationalism (Evil) doesn’t matter what evil my country does, if it’s good for my country then I am for it. As justification for eugenics on both sides.
Patriotism is showing appreciation for my country and allowed me to live in society provide for family and given freedom, rights protected, support and fight for country in real extensional evil. Mirrored to the film The Patriot.
Life of Christ is life of Church. The Church must fight Nationalism. Jesus was fighting against the Nationalism of the truth. The Nationalists (Jews) wanted the Samaritans and other groups out. In the end, Christ was crucified by Nationalists of the Jews. Jesus was against the racism of the Nationalists. Nationalists are the Anti-Christ system is to come.
Turkey believed in Islam mixed with Nationalism promoting Eugenics just as it’s was in the Armenian Genocide. History repeats.
Jesus brought up the story including the Good Samaritan.
Ottoman Empire was butchering Christians and the Arietbewians rescued Christians/Armenians from being killed.
Break through the hatred we lodged within our hearts. Life of Christ is the Life of the Church.
Nationalism, Racism, and #Eugenics are evil that are AntiChrist.
Don't fall for the Globalists lies, because both parties are the same coin. All by Design, World's A Stage. Just as Shoebat stated you can't keep pointing the finger at this and that person, when the root of all evil is ourselves, it's our sinful nature.
There's no need for you to pick the left or right, because both sides lead to the same end.
Best to put the full armor of God and stand with Christ. Please get yourself right with God while you still can.