Today's tip is how to get rid of the smell of shoes
Eliminate the smell of shoes with coffee
First, make sure your shoes are clean and dry before you put coffee into it later you do not bother cleaning the coffee powder, then wrap the coffee powder into the tissue paper then paper paper that contains this coffee that you put in in shoes. Leave all night making coffee powder maximal neutralize the smell of shoes
you.Eliminate the smell of shoes with newspapers
These old newspapers can be a viable medium
absorbing odor on your shoes How, prepare shoes in a dry state. Grab a used newspaper
to taste (1 or 2 sheets of newspapers, approx enough to shoe wrapping). Then pack the shoes up to the mouth / The eyelets are tight and neat. Finally, save the shoes which has been wrapped in a rather cold old place overnight or more until the smell in the shoes is certainly absorbed by wrapping paper.Eliminate the smell of shoes with baking soda
Besides being used for mixed materials in manufacture cakes, baking soda can also be used
eliminate odor on shoes This is caused by baking
soda has the ability to absorb bad smell
savory on the shoes The way is quite easy, sprinkle baking soda into the shoe, then let stand last night. Then The next day cleaned the baking soda by the way use a brush.Tea bag
This trick is also quite powerful tablet. You just keep dipping the tea into the shoe cavity. The number of tea bags you can make big shoes.
Many of my tricks can be an advantage for myself and for all readers.