Introduce My Self With Indonesia Language (Bilingual)

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Hallo ..... how are the steemians all up.

I just joined steemit and want to introduce myself to the steemans.
My name is Riska, I was born in Banda Aceh January 1982, I have 2 siblings, I am currently working as ASN in Banda Aceh.

Hallo .....apa kabar para steemian semuanya.

Saya baru bergabung di steemit dan ingin memperkenalkan diri pada para steemian.
Nama saya Riska lahir di Banda Aceh Januari 1982, mempunyai 2 saudara kandung, saat ini saya bekerja sebagasi ASN di Banda Aceh.


My hobbies are reading and traveling.

That's a brief profile of me.

Greetings know all for the steemian and Indonesian Steemit Community.
Please guidance and follow me @riskaelyamani.

Hobi saya membaca dan traveling.

Demikian profil singkat tentang diri saya.

Salam kenal semua buat para steemian dan Komunitas Steemit Indonesia (KSI).
Mohon bimbingan dan ikuti saya @riskaelyamani.
Terima kasih.

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welcome to steemit.. ^^


Hello Riska, Welcome to Steemit! 😊 Hope you're doing well. Enjoy and Have fun 😉

Welcome and join in Steemit hope you enjoy it and can work.
Take out all your imagination 😎 😎
Greetings from me @ trizwansyah79 for you and success will come in the future. 👍👍

Selamat bergabung dan sukses selalu

Halo, hai @riskaelyamani.. Selamat bertemu di Steemit! Suka jumpa anda di sini.. kami upvote.. 😄