Noganoo - Hero? Victim? Menace? And what about you?

in steemit •  8 years ago 

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Do we give up our decency as human beings to fit in? Do we give a damn about other people? Or are we just here for $$$?

Steemit community? What Steemit community?

We're trying to market this place. We don't have time for morality. We can't admit we have a problem without reframing the discussion to something else. Of course the big players who benefit from the system don't say anything about it. They're getting theirs! That's how the world works. You either get yours and everything is bubble perfect, or you're not getting yours and you don't deserve to.

And when they do speak of it, of course the argument is reframed to "boohoo you are crying over lost rewards", ignoring the cold hard blockchain embedded facts. You can't hide from the truth on the blockchain. But you can ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist.

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There is a certain sorrow to it. This tech/resource combination that Steemit provides us with, and yet we still seek to act no differently to our destructive heartless societies.

As we sacrifice our fellow citizens to the street to prop up our failed fiat system we look away. We're so used to ignoring problems and pretending these problems don't exist, or that they are of no concern to us. We are as cold as wallstreet.

We can all wait for scientists to provide an answer to climate change as we ignore our own implicit roles involved with it, just like we can all wait for developers to solve this problem as we ignore our own implict roles involved with it. That's a great idea; no responsibility or accountabilty in our community. Let's ignore the here and now. Let's ignore it for months and months until it is so far embedded into the system we cannot see it anymore. We become so short sighted we cannot see what is in front of us.

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His only desire...

But it's not my problem. I'm not involved. Community?

Anyway I will be ignoring this stark issue and never mention it again. Thank you to all the brave leaders of this community who have stayed quiet, or helped to reframe the discussion to "dem poor people!" just like our current corrupt government and media institutions.
"Keep your head down and stay in line" that's the expression you've been fed all your life.
Just another cold hard automaton.
"As long as I'm getting mine..."

Thanks community!

@thooms @seablue @noganoo (and many more) thank you for trying to improve this system for all of us. The blockchain is forever and so is my thanks. I don't think things will change unless we are willing to work together as a community, and to see our flaws not as something to be hidden, but as something to point out, so that we may change, continuously improving what we have here.
Of course, change is difficult when those with the most power to affect the change are comfortably getting theirs.

Sorrow & Disappointment Doesn't Describe it

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I ate six pickles and drank most of the juice to get a 1%er from @berniesanders, on purpose. He also upvoted my comment to, in a sense, nullify the flag.
If you don't want to get flagged, use due diligence in following community standards. We can all see who you really are.

From my point of view (please correct me if I'm wrong):

  • He is a spammer.
  • He plays a victim.
  • He is known for abusing user registration creating hundreds of sock-puppet accounts (basically stealing funds meant for registering new users)
  • Above includes name squatting, such as well known names similar to exchanges (does it ring any bells?), usurping many other well known IDs.

I have never flagged him or anyone else, I would not respond to such drama at all, but making him a hero, a martyr or sending him flowers is just wrong.

TL;DR: IMHO: He acts against Steem as a platform.

(there's always some way to fix things, but his future is in his hands)

Not to mention, blackmailed the CEO of Steemit Inc to delegate SP to him, threatening he'll spam the network if he didn't. That's what he did, when Ned didn't comply - spam the entire Steem network. Indefensible irrespective of anyone's opinion.

A guy whose MO is playing victim. Someone who thinks they need to manipulate others to get their way. It's a juvenile way of being and he's burned through quite a few people's patience including mine.

Sorry @riskdebonair, there are people who could be championed on here who have run afoul of whales but @noganoo really isn't one of them. He creates his own situations and then cries foul when he's faced with the consequences of his actions.

I've seen exchanges over on where he's flogged people with his religion and when they react, he claims he's being hated on because he's a Christian.

He's made threats to people of physical harm and when he gets banned, he claims he was only banned because he stood up to a whale.

Recently he located some poor woman on Facebook that he had decided was @berniesanders grandmother to complain to her about her grandson and then bragged about this act of stalking in discord.

He feels no compunctions about flagging people for using language he doesn't like in a post or comment (and not just on his posts) and then thinks nothing about attacking, judging and using whatever foul language that comes to mind in voice chat.

Then there is the 2k of accounts he acquired through exploiting a bug in the system. An exploit passed on to Steemit Inc by someone else. He then had the brass to publicly ask for a reward for discovering the exploit, was offered a reward, accepted it and was paid. Recently he claimed he was cheated because he should have been paid more.

These are some items that I have personal knowledge of. I think you may be getting the picture here. He needs to man up, accept that the world owes him nothing and accept responsibility for his behaviour.

I don't think things will change unless we are willing to work together as a community, and to see our flaws not as something to be hidden, but as something to point out, so that we may change, continuously improving what we have here.

Yes, @riskdebonair

Do we give up our decency as human beings to fit in?

No, because I could not look at my face in the mirror when I shave.

Do we give a damn about other people?

Yes. Especially people who we need. The sincere voluntary builders who have thrown in the towel.

Or are we just here for $$$?

Yes. Inspite of a shoddy content creation platform.
No. Because there are still some friends that I have made on @Steemit that are still around.

We have a social network mentored by anti-social people, who pontificate on their right to do as they will, & influencers who follow Pontius Pilate.

So noganoo is social to you?

So noganoo is social to you?

No direct interaction with or knowledge of @noganoo, so agnostic.
I have @mallorcaman in mind, @pharesim

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I didn't know he quit.
The reason for him was the experiment, which benefits the mass of users. He was not targeted personally and far from harrassed. In the end, the reason why he really quit was because of not getting enough money from upvotes by the general community. He can blame abit and smooth all he wants, they only negated another overpowered user.

He was not targeted personally and far from harrassed.

That may be true; which makes it worse.

Is @mallorcaman acceptable collateral damage in the @abit & @smooth experiment?

Kindly consider the following:

@abit and @smooth decided that it was time to flag my post.

I saw it this morning and feeling angry and confused I think this will be my last post here, all my promoting and posting for steemit seems to be of no value. I guess its just a whale game here and small users are not valued so congratulations you got it your way. I hate this because I have met so many kind hearted and driven people who have supported me both in the good and the bad times throughout the last 6 months.

This was posted on the same day as his 10 reasons why you should join Steemit post.

He can blame abit and smooth all he wants, they only negated another overpowered user.

Isn't @steemit a social network? @pharesim

He didn't feel valued enough, and that wasn't due to the two of them. His rewards were small, and if he was dependend on a single whale upvoting him full power, completely unproportional to all the other votes on the platform, he didn't have a big enough network in the first place.

Steemit only is a first use case for a blockchain offering social media functionality. It's an experiment more than anything else.
We're all testers here, and as such need to keep up with what's being tested at the moment. The experiment was widely explained and discussed.

And as it's still the experimental phase, yes, people leaving because of whatever they're unhappy with are acceptable collateral damage. It won't matter in a few years.

And as it's still the experimental phase, yes, people leaving because of whatever they're unhappy with are acceptable collateral damage.

Not to me, @pharesim

It won't matter in a few years.

I hope that my fear is unfounded. We could be just beta testing ourselves out of existence, while @dan @dantheman's future project accelerates on the learning curve at the expense of our collateral damage.

Imo, the people we need right now are not those that quit because of their personal rewards. If he were engaged in the community in a positive, productive way, he'd be aware of the benefits of the flags for all the small accounts.

Steemit needs users that are interested in social interactions, not in what they can earn. There's enough of those.

Well, I'm definitely sorry that you're feeling this way risk. If it was you going through something similar there would be people who would rally around you. Did you know the user your posting about? I really appreciate your compassion.

You mean if he retaliated by threatening everyone (the network with spam) for the behavior of one individual? Instead of going head to head with his adversary he lost all credibility as decent folk in my book, lest as someone who can appreciate the art of war.

I have one account and I am getting flagged nonstop by htooms because I exposed him for autoflagging fulltimegeek because one of his sockpuppet accounts, hebrew flagged my post about ironically suggesting a new system for flagging/downvoting. He has stopped flagging fulltimegeek while he expressed that he was going to flag him for six straight months over that one flag which I believe was completely justified, as no whales should ever self vote and extract a good percentage of the reward pool with their $50k accounts as they claim that they have enough money nor through collusive voting from their $3k sockpuppet accounts, and I think that nobody should ever engage in a flag war over one instance of a flag especially when the person isn't the least bothered, as fulltimegeek didn't even say ANYTHING about being flagged for DAYS on all his comment.

For what it's worth I believe that htooms deserved that, he was self voting himself the majority of upvotes, and he can still do that under that radar with his nuked self, and socketpuppet voting on top of autoflagging with 4 accounts. If you follow the thread where I exposed him you will be faced with an uncomfortable reality: neither him nor his steem discord buddy fyrst were ever on at the same time, at least not for the first 3+ days he was on the scene, every instance of activity is an alternating pattern in between his account and fyrst's, not one instance of concurrent activity from these two that are regularly on the steem discord at the same time. To top it all off he called me a dicksucker for questioning his behavior, so no reason from me or anyone else to hail him as some kind of respectable member of the community, least as someone that the platform benefited from.

As for seablue, and her spectacle. My first interaction with her was her one comment she left on my post (the post was about something different but he had flagged that), when I exposed fyrst for gestural antagonistic voting and confronted him for supporting anonymous blackmail extortion racket of blacklist. She flagged me and tried to marginalize my questions to "blame game finger pointing" and told me to take it elsewhere after she said she doesn't like me, on my first interaction with her. Now she has made a spectacle of what is happening in between her and bernie, and I believe it's nobody's business besides them too, but in her play by play of "days of flagged" posts she articulated that she has no sympathy for fulltimegeek for being flagged for who knows how many straight days by htooms and his 3 other sockpuppet accounts, and expressed her gratitude for his support in voting for her and her spectacle. That is not respectable and people that encourage this emotional crap aren't concerned about communicating why it is happening or solving the issues, it's very much the projection of "finger pointing and blame game" that plays well into the offender and the "im such a victim" but not in any constructive direction or least one seeking for accountability for wrong behaviors.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

lol. I can definitely count on you to be thorough ;) I really only responded to the post because Risk is a good guy, and I wanted to show him that there is a community here that does care. I tend to think Risk didn't know noganoo, he was only questionning whether the community would care enough to intervene on someone such as himself's behalf if they were being harassed. I actually didn't care for the user in question, which is pretty unusual for me, as I like most people. But he had a victim mentality, as well as a tendency to call posts trash if they contained swear words which he based on his christianity. And actually when a friend of his tried to show him, kindly, how he was the cause of his own misery he attacked this friend, which is what ultimately led to me not feeling sorry for him or particularly caring for him. And that was quite a long while back, before his account started being autoflagged.
As for the rest of what you know I love you, lol, but I can't focus on who is using what as an alternate account, if I involved myself in the politics and negativity on this platform I wouldn't enjoy being here. As it is, I really love this place, I think there are far more great people than shitheads. I also think that people are people, meaning not perfect, also meaning that sometimes people can be great and the very same people can be shitheads depending on the situation.

Just someone with pain in his butt. We all get flagged, no big deal. It's not an excuse to spam irrelevant posts.

I'm not trying to champion anyone. Just trying to express the constant reframing of this issue. I'm no stranger to @noganoo's exploits and infamy, which is what this has been reframed towards. But at least he is expressing himself and being vocal.

Victim blaming occurs when the victim of a crime or any wrongful act is held entirely or partially responsible for the harm that befell them

No one person is ever always right, and no one person is ever always wrong. I honestly can't judge someone based on their character and say that they deserve something which I would consider unjust or wrong.
This reminds me of manipulative reframing concepts such as "the deserving poor" and "the undeserving poor"; with the right framing people can believe that some people deserve while others do not, allowing them to ignore the greater issue as they focus their energy talking about how undeserving the "undeserving" are.

That's all I have to say about that.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment