preservation of mangrove forests

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Foto : shot imam
Hai steemians...
Selamat malam,kali ini saya ingin membahas tentang mamfaat hutan mangrove.

Good night, this time I want to discuss about mamfaat mangrove forest

Nah Inilah pesona keindahan alam hutan mangrove yang berada di aceh tepatnya dilangsa, sekarang banyak jenis-jenis pohon mangrove yang berada dilangsa,inilah perhatian pemerintah kota terhadap kelestarian alam hutan mangrove sehingga ekosistem pohon mangrove terjaga.
kegunaan pohon mangrove cukup banyak, kegunaannya seperti mencegah erosi pantai,mencegah pemanasan global,pengembangan kawasan wisata, menjaga iklim dan cuaca, dan masih banyak mamfaat lainnya.

Well now enjoy the natural beauty of mangrove forest in aceh precisely dilangsa, now many types of mangrove trees that existed in the country, this is the attention of municipal government to the natural conservation of mangrove forests into mangrove ecosystem awake.
the usefulness of mangrove trees is quite a lot, its uses such as coastal erosion, global warming, tourism development, climate and weather, and many other benefits.


Dengan adanya hutan mangrove, kita dapat terhindar dari erosi pantai dan sebagainya, maka kita harus menjaga/melestarikan ekosistem hutan mangrove, dengan adanya hutan mangrove yang sudah dikelola dan tatarapi maka banyak wisatawan yang ingin berkunjung kesitu, dan dapat meningkatkan sumber pendapatan dari hutan mangrove.

With the existence of mangrove forest, we can avoid coastal erosion and so on, then we have to maintain / preserve mangrove forest ecosystem, with mangrove forest that has been managed and tatarapi then many tourists who want to visit there, and can increase the source of income from mangrove forest.



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