Question about powering down

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

I've already got a Power Down running. When I click on my SP, I get the options to Power Down, Deposit or Cancel Power Down. Obviously hitting Cancel Power Down stops the running Power Down, but what happens if I hit Power Down again? Will it run two instances of a Power Down together or does it change the Power Down schedule to match the new click?

Edit: The second question or second part to this depending on the answer to the first, if it runs a second power down instance, what does it power down? Does it power down the full balance from the time it's pressed or does it only do whatever has been earned/accrued since the first power down was pressed?

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you know the power down takes 2 years to get all the money out right?

Yes, I'm aware. I'm enjoying the extra weekly income. I just hope the value holds or, preferably, goes up. I'm also making more in interest than I'm being paid out each week, so it's a pretty sweet deal, actually.

If you waited a year you can almost double your money. 90%

I know, but I have financial issues right now that are being resolved by what I'm getting from it.

Good times.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

I cant find anything about this on the steemit white paper (page 9 is about steem power and powering down) and I cant power down yet so powering down is not my expertise, however you could try "troubleshooting" to find your answer....

Look at the image below If steemit lets you do this then, Yes there is most likely a second power down option that would power down whatever was earned since the first power down, and it would run separate from the first and has its own separate schedule.

(generated using my 1337 scripting skillz :P, not how the actual steemit website functions)

if there is only one cancel button then my guess would be there can only be one power down at a time meaning that if you were to click power down a Second time it would just reset the time with the current SP balance.

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment