My summary after 5 months on Steemit...

in steemit •  7 years ago 

I started on Steemit because I believe on its potential and few months later would like to let you know how the journey has been so far - and some hints that might be useful if you are starting today:

Photo by Milan Popovic on Unsplash


You can't run in case you don't know how to walk - first work on the basics, build a network, learn how to use Steemit, focus on the content that you like. That that's not all, beyond that there are some "unwritten" - in this case written :-) rules:

  • never ask to follow you in return for following somebody
  • don't post too often (varies from case by case but would unfollow who will post every hour and spam my feed)#
  • upvote and comment the posts you like
  • reply to comments made in your post (upvoting best comments is also recommended)
  • engage with people, don't just do "your thing".

Photo by Jon Asato on Unsplash

Try other ways

There are other ways to engage your community such as:

See what fits best for you !

One drop in the ocean

I still consider myself a drop in the ocean - however I know from people that appeared in the trending page in the first post. Don't compare the efforts you put on posts with number of upvotes. The less you will care about it , the more authentic you are and then you will people the right people.

Photo by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash

Followers, Bots & Co.

In some perspective think bots can help individuals trying to be on the spot light. However, think that bots overall for Steemit are not as good, because it creates some gaps, for instance people with excelent posts starts getting unoticed. Anyway, I still believe we will find a way such as initiatives like #teamgood, that focus on community members supporting each other_ believe such initiatives can make Steemit very successful.

Photo by Julián Gentilezza on Unsplash

it is all about people

Last but not least, would like to thank the ones that are goods friends are serving as inspiration for me, i.e. real and great people :) Good ideas and participation and friendship - that is really something to be proud of.
Therefore, my special thanks goes to:


Peace and see you in the next post!

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bravo friend, I like that

thanks a lot! have a good day

Thanks @roger-that, been off for awhile, got alot of catching up to do, and thanks for another great post with wonderful advice !!

welcome back @obscurepix! glad you liked it!

Lots of good advice in this topic !

Thanks @rentmoney for your kind comment and upvote!

Ótimas dicas, @roger-that! Bem-vindo ao Steemit e obrigado por compartilhar ;)

Também agradeco pelo seu comentário. um brande abraco e tenha um ótimo dia @casagrande!

Thanks for the shoutout @roger-that. The part I like most in this post is the "be authentic" advice. Be real. Build real relationships.

There are things you can do to improve your payout and following but those are kind icing on the cake. If there is no cake there, people figure it out. And you also burn out if there is nothing real about what your are doing.

Hi @steven-patrick, exactly that is the point. This apply for life as well, ins't it?

Really like this post bro! Like this natural Way of writing and the post of Maverick I really well done too! If you weren't put it here I would never see it! Thanks!!

you are welcome my friend, took a while to figure this out so I thought could be useful for somebody - I am glad you like it!

Excellent written friend and thanks for your tips
Happy day

you are most welcome - have a great day!

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