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"And remember - even if it's $0.25 you make, that 25 cents more than you ever got writing for Facebook."

And there's the beautiful point for anyone keeping score at home.

I'd prefer to be poor yet free to earn on my own than a slave to artificial 'likes' again. That life was hellish compared to this.

Yup. It's all about the long term vision. I put my money where my mouth is yesterday and invested some in the marketing and growth of steemit (after posts of billboards and stickers having the lead of the trending pages for days)

I personally love the work of Big man Tyrone, an internet legend and proponent of entrepeneurship and passionate business, hence I got him to commission me (all of us, really) a Steemit video.

Oh yeah but you see, it's about 1000$ less than some other posts made.
Once you see other payouts you don't compare with Facebook anymore. You compare to other steemit posts.

You know how it is, realizing that some people have it worst is not as powerful as realizing a lot have it better.

It's hard work really to keep yourself balanced. But don't forget:

yep. comparison is a direct route to discouragement.
been through this multiple times, but just gotta keep going.

ultimately, persistence pays.
though the temptation will always be there...

yups we must enjoy the process on steemit, just do our best in this community, making new friend and learn. At the end we will be able to become a good steemian with a lot of follower.

yeah well. that was my oint too isn't it? But acting like that compassion doesn't exist in the back of your mind won't cure it. You can't overcome anything without facing it :)

That is so true XD

Something to keep in mind. Blogging is the new mining. Literally. If you have ever tried to mine Bitcoin, you know how unrewarding and technically involved this process is. No matter how little you earn on Steemit, you are still doing way better than if the Steem was distributed using Proof-of-Work and you were mining with your GPU. And it's also a more wholesome experience than sitting in a loud and overheated room.

> Blogging is the new mining.

Wouldn't that be a killer marketing campaign on a cryptocurrency formums and subreddits? Sums it up perfectly now Steem monetizes content via blockchain tech.

And ALWAYS have a picture. Any post without a picture is disadvantaged out of the box. Pictures are key.

Question: What is the value of all the hash tag links at the bottom of your post? It really adds to the clutter. Are they of use? What value do they add?

Thanks for putting this in once place, mentorship from success stories helps everyone, especially newbies, make Steem better.

Re: tags...

It was a point brought up in the Slack chat by some top dogs. I expanded out the anser in this post:

The TOP 3 Reasons To TAG Your Steemit Posts: A Simple, Quick Strategy For Long-Term Profits & Success

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Another great article.

I really like your focus on the journey, the process and not the outcome.

A book that's really helped my in that area in life and trading is 'Mastery' by George Leonard. He talks about continually having to go through plateau stages before growth periods, the parallels to Steemit posting just clicked in my mind. So thanks for that!


cool. looks like an interesting book. "Mastery" by Robert Greene is also one of my favorites... :-)

TRUE STORY: DON'T Worry About Rewards. Stay focused on VALUE.

WOW! A really thorough article!! It will really be useful to anyone who is feeling demotivated at the moment. Just do your thing and wait. Rewards are sure to come! :)

@rok-sivante to the rescue- this is a great summary for newbies

Very well written :) I hope you get as many upvotes as possible, mate :)

Rok-sivante, this article was SO. DAMN. GOOD. Thanks for the encouragement to keep things real, put some heart into it, and write good quality stuff. I had just decided to do that no matter what, and wasn't sure if it would ever pay off. But nice to know it can.

your welcome. and thank you for the feedback. :-)

👍awesome... Nice writing...


Greate work! Got some information for myself.

I know I'm a little late to the party on this post (I just found it), but it's simply amazing, man. This is some truly actionable advice, and it will work if people put it into action.

Years of writing web content for business clients taught me much about the importance of the element of design in posts, for example.

And, the importance of being YOU is what drew me here in the first place. I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites, and have a personal and professional blog. But, I can't truly express myself anywhere on them, because I might offend friends, family, my clients, and the readers of my novels with my posts about opinions and experiences. My second post here was a deeply personal one about an experience only my mother and a few close friends know I'm going through....I was totally honest and myself and used my authentic voice in it, and the post got 65 upvotes. It really does pay to be real around here. And, it feels so good to be courageous enough to write what YOU really want to say to the world.

The money you can earn here is definitely an incentive to be here, but it should be secondary to the joy and creative fulfillment Steemit can bring you. If you achieve those things, the money will naturally follow. It's something I'm learning and seeing in other people's posts the more time I spend here.

And yes, Steemit is addictive. I've pretty much kept it open in a tab all day every day since I discovered it....and I keep coming back to it throughout the day to read posts and write my own, between writing for clients and working on my second novel. There's some awesome stuff here. Your post is one of those things.

Thanks mate.

Not late at all. Seems perfectly timed for your arrival... :-)

Thanks for your advice! Im still kinda new to this and only heard of steemit yesterday. But this is some very helpful information

Thank you for this inspiration. Envy is all around, but it's not a good fertilizer. This post is tho, definitely. I hope you will inspire more steemers to share some real valuable content in the future too!

I never actually thought of it from that perspective. That we're making more money on steemit than what we're making elsewhere even if it's only minimal.

Great post. When you talk about bad luck as far as time of day posted, what time do you recommend posting? I'm new! Here's my first:
Thanks :)

I've heard 7-9am EST.

Common wisdom would dictate probably not best in the middle of the night while people sleeping.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Great post, worth reading