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@rok-sivante you have a distinct way of cutting to a point. I find your ability to eloquently and accurately put forth your perspective on the current state of the platform and scociety we all work with very refreshing.

I am here to change ANYONE. To give a bit of knowledge, perspective, or just a bit of levity to anyone at all is more than I do in my daily life. As a stay at home dad and farmer (which is my primary focus), I have little contact with the "outside world" aside from Steemit or my family. This platform has helped to me to pull myself out of my anti-social shell I had built up around myself. I have spent the last 15 years in a funk, unable to express myself properly. This, Steemit, has allowed me to find my voice again.

THAT is what I am doing here.


I am here to help change the world lol and things like this should help us do it ....
coolest coin i have seen yet .... the meshnet rules ....


I'm usually skeptical about new ICOs given all the hype, though in consideration of this one's partnerships and government endorsements, this looks like might have some legitimacy to it and aome very interesting prospect.

Thank you for sharing this. :-)

one other thought on it though .... with 3d printers small and now large enough to 3d print houses .... robotics ...AI... self drive vehicles...and the final nail in the coffin of the working man .. the blockchain .. the jobs this could take out are to many to count ... interesting times we live ....

The concept is one i have been on about for a long time
Its nice to see it come to life ...... and the concept of a phone internet banking mining monitary system all in a blockchain meshnet router ...well all i can say is WOW world changing ....

What the fuck are we DOING here?

Beats me.

The Dalai Lama once said "The purpose of life is to be happy."

I kinda dig that, and I kinda dig that there are seven billion versions of that, given that there are seven billion people on the planet.

What are we doing here? Maybe we're just trying-- in good ways, and bad-- to ensure the perpetuation of the species, like just another cosmic anthill.

Forget His Holiness. My ex father-in-law said "Step lightly, and leave the planet a slightly better place for you're having been here." That one's pretty good, too...

well-stated. I like the simplicity. :-)

I happen to be religious and I think for some, the ritual and routine of religion is helpful :) But I get your point none the less. If you aren't digging it, why are you doing it? Can I have your leftover holinesses? I am quite fond of them!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

We're existing!

I've often wondered if it's possible not to exist. It's hard to imagine. I know because I've tried to imagine it.

The physical you and the physical world around you doesnt exist until your consciousness perceives it. It returns to it's wave form when not perceived. It exists in energy wave form until observed. All possibilities are equally probable until observed. Did you notice I'm not saying seen? Energy exists and cannot be destroyed, only converted from one form to another. Out of energy comes consciousness. Consciousness being energy, it cannot be destroyed. Only converted. Out of consciousness comes choice. Choice is also ultimately energy which cannot be destroyed. That choice transforms your perception of what we call reality. Choose to see the world the way you want it to be and it will bend to your choice. It may be immediate or it may take an eternity but you can change it.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

I don't know, maybe.

It may all be true, but I'm not convinced that "choice" is a real thing. I think the properties inherent in energy (matter) are so complicated and diverse that the possibilities of "activity" are nearly infinite, BUT I feel logic dictates that it's all based on mathematical laws, since the fundamental elements appear to follow strict laws, therefore "freewill" is likely not the case, IMO.

Even God, should such an entity or power really exist, has no freewill according to this outlook.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Agree! Free will is the biggest illusion of them all. I often pose the question which irritates people or sometimes get them to ponder, If you have free will then when did "you" start choosing, I.e. 7 years old, 12 years old, 24years old etc?

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

IME, when one realizes that death to the body is not death to the soul, a lot of fear is released. Do I know what that even means? No. But somewhere deep down inside it is felt that you, i, or anyone else are not really gonna "die".

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Upvoted and RESTEEMED :)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Still clueless, probably wont know much in the end, though for practical purposes I would say it's to cultivate ourselves; which in turn might be of significance to everything else.

Life is full of shit and its unpredictable. No one knows whats coming. However, I still keep on going til the day it ends.

To awake, learn, grow and expand your consciousness!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Let's go all in for maximum freedom, liberty and choices.
We all, do have an unknown to us expiration date.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

What a good post. YOU HAVE MUCH REASON to say that some comments can bring light to someone's life, push it forward. Actually our words can have an impact on people, it can be negative or positive. In my opinion steemit is a good tool that allows us to feed back on good ideas, help us in the economy and leave us very good learnings. Greetings and blessings to you.


An interesting perspective.
I must admit I've never really dwelled on the question of what we're doing here or why. I've just spent most of my life enjoying the ride and trying to learn as much as possible.
Being able to put my thoughts onto the blockchain has been liberating and rewarding not in the financial sense but the chance to impart some of the knowledge I've picked up on the ride. As far as mortality goes I feel sorry for those who fear death, what's the point? It's not like you have a choice. I think most aren't really afraid of death, they fear the manner of their death. No one would choose to get eaten by a shark whilst surfing or suffer a long and painful illness.
Five years ago I was talking to my wife's grandmother on her 100th birthday, I asked her why she thought she'd lived so long,she said " I think it's because I'm afraid of dying" to which I said "what are you afraid of?" To which she replied "I've never really thought about it, I just know I'm afraid"
I felt sorry for her. A year or so later she got dementia and while it was awful for most in the family I saw her losing her mind as her release, she seemed happier before she passed and finally went in her sleep. I'm pretty sure she wasn't afraid.
Great post dude.

;-) πŸ’–

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

The stories we tell ourselves about our lives and what is real in the world matter a great deal. On steemit, maybe just spread the awareness of that, and some concrete stories since most people seem to need that.

Thanks for the post @rok-sivante. This is the ultimate question. I believe it is whatever we want to make of it. I think the most important thing is to just make the most of what we have. Add as much enjoyment to our lives and the lives around us. I don't think anyone has to follow any grand design.

Good question! I think we are here primarily to grow/evolve spiritually, by learning from and then teaching others. Who cares about death? Once your dead that's it! That is, until you decide to come back... ;)
Great post!

My mom recently passed and this has been on my mind a LOT lately. I have been writing about it and going back to what I do know to be true, what works and what I can hold on to. I am reevaluating and in a couple months I will hopefully be able to answer this for myself. Knowing ourselves, what we are doing and where we are going in one of the hardest. This is why the philosophers of old were so fond of the say in all varieties, Know Thyself. Ha. Thank you for the reminder. I love the image as well with the triangle and the circle. Did you make it?

your welcome.

no, snagged from Pinterest.


we get seduced by life and the amnesia washes over. what great questions you pose. LOVED your post. UPvoted and Followed. feel free to follow me if you want @blackvelvetroses :)

oh my, that chronic amnesia, yes... ha ha

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Nice to find someone with a massive rep score that's just utterly cynical. I was losing hope.

On the positive psychology movement - the first thing I can say that is true is that IF people believe that BS, then the positive psychologists definitely win (in terms of status and money) irrespective of whether what they say is true.

Personally, I think anyone in the PP movement should be subjected to a simple test - go to a refugee camp in Jordan and try out your techniques on 10 refugees - give them no actual financial or material assistance. Note down their names and contact details (possibly a challenge I know) - find another 10 as a control group.

Revisit them 1 year and 5 years later, see what a difference you've made. If its none (which it will be) go and do something which is actually useful instead of positive psychology.

In short, I'm with you - we are constrained by our environment (in a much more immediate way than just time etc).

On what we're doing on Steemit - minnows are trying to catch whales, whales are flapping about having a whale of a time, or something like that?!? Maybe some other stuff too.

On the question of WTF we're doing here in terms of life purpose? I don't fucking know for sure! I'm pretty sure the whole concept of purpose is just a human construct, which depends on a notion of linear time, which itself is a human construct.

Nice post, glad I caught it on my Sunday am trending-trawl.

ha ha. interesting to receive the feedback that this was cynical, as I would not at all have thought so myself.

re: the challenge for positivity psychologists to go into a refugee camp... yep.

Yes, fair comment, I guess it would have been more accurate to say that you 'regard positive psychology with cynicism'.

And I look forward to a future when the lot of them will be refugees in a therapeutic wasteland.

I think what I am mostly doing in life is striving to receive happiness and nourishment for my spirit. The phrase "happiness is your birthright" - I think it may come from the Bashar channellings, can't quite remember offhand - I agree with.

I also think that most of us have an inherent drive to search for/experience some kind of world beyond this one. If this material world were truly enough for us, we'd never have created any kind of art. The human need for creativity, art, innovation - the fact that we're not satisfied with things the way we are - says to me that deep down, there may be a knowledge within all of us that the physical realm is not all there is. We spend enough time trying to get a break from it, anyway.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I just love your images man, where do you get them from?

Usually, Pinterest. :-)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I mean a lot are mathematical or algorithmic right? So who is generating these? Or are there more? Invite them here :-) I'd love to see how they do that!

mmm, not too sure what you mean... that alot of the photos themselves are algorithmically generated, or the suggestions, or...?

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Hahaha, love this. Gotta keep it real. Gotta expel all of the kool-aid people have drank, it's important. Luckily, I don't have a taste for kool-aid. Realism is the way to go.

Good write up, hopefully it provokes some folks to stop and think.
