Will Steemit Replace Facebook?

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)


I was arguiung with a friend the other day will the emerging decentralized social media platforms who reward content creators will replace the Big Brother of social media, Facebook. I rather not tell where I stand on this and would like to hear your opinions. So where do you see social meda in 10 years from now? Will Facebook still be around or it will become a distant memory much like MySpace? Bare in mind that Steemit is also not in a very good place right now with all the rewards being rapped by more or less 10 people.
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Steemit won't replace Facebook. It doesn't do the same things, it's much closer to a blogging platform like Medium.

Something else might, for instance dMania seems like it could replace Imgur and it's built on Steemit... but Facebook is fundamentally different from either.

Facebook is how people maintain connections with real-life friends and family, while Steemit/Reddit/Imgur/dMania and others are all internet communities.

Things Facebook provides that would be difficult, if not impossible, without changing Steemit:

Friend lists (as opposed to followers)
Privacy settings (everything on Steemit is public)
Local events (calendars, planning, get-togethers with friends)

You could argue that these things could be implemented, but it would fundamentally change the nature of the site. Plus if it were "friends" rather than an internet community everyone would just upvote their friends' constantly for the rewards.

Privacy would also be really tough since everything is in the blockchain. I mean yeah, Zuckerberg might be spying on everything I post but I don't have to worry about my employer browsing all my photos from last weekend. (Who am I kidding, I'm old... I have no pics from last weekend. :( )

Plus companies like Google have tried to take down Facebook, and their attempt was much better than FB... and they failed. I don't see it going away anytime soon. Even the millenials with their snapchats and their instagrams (read that in Mallory Archer's voice) still use Facebook I think.

Moreover, stop trying to compare Steemit to other sites. Especially Facebook.

Steemit is awesome in its own right, and it's its own thing. Let it be awesome and stand alone.

You are totally right, MySpace was very different from Facebook, but it lost. I can't compare Steemit to Facebook because it really is a redicilous comparisson in terms of functions. But I do remember when Facebook became widly adopted thanks to their 'share' politics. There was a shift in the way people were thinking about how the web connects us. Now we have new platforms who reward the content creators and if a miricle happens maybe the same shift will happen. Maybe the real question is will we still be using platforms that sell our data instead of reward us.

Thinking it through what might take down FB is a portal that links in your other social services, if all said services are willing to create APIs to work with each other.

So, for example, you'd post your pics to Instagram/Snapchat, your ramblings on Twitter and your longer blog posts on Steemit.

The FB replacement then would be where people manage their friend lists and other things I mentioned, while the feed itself is populated from Instagram/Snapchat/Twitter/Steemit.

Given the exponential growth across the social media space, it is difficult to predict what trends we will see in two years; To say nothing of greater time-frames. That said, I think the integration of AI into this space will have the most significant impact. What will be the influencing factors on 'social' communication? Will AI models 'teach' us, correct us, and thereby influence social scenes? Will we learn to trust machine intelligence over our own? The possible answers to these questions fascinate me most.

An interesting observation, AI will be a part of the future, and maybe it will change the face of social media and the way we interact.

In my opinion, if it doesn't evolve- it will die off. I recently just deactivated my Facebook account because it's becoming monotonous. There are more ads than interaction. More obnoxious behavior than intriguing. It used to be a fun site, but now it's the equivalent of the 3 minutes of commercials that interrupt your favorite show.

True, but at this moment Facebook doesen't NEED to evolve, simply by the fact that most of our relatives are on Facebook. When I go outside most people on their mobile devices are on Facebook, despite the fact that there are way better platforms out there.

I disagree... I have found more people logging off Facebook than clinging to it. They're tired of the politics, the ads, the passive aggressive posts. Most of my friends prefer the quick peak on your life in Instagram or Snapchat. (Just my opinion... Lol).

You know what's funny about Facebook though? It comes down to your friends. My experience on FB is completely different than yours... I have friends who regularly post funny and interesting stuff so FB remains interesting for me.

very true! but I have "friends" from so many arenas in my life on facebook - and facebook chooses which of those friends file into my feed. (I'm sure I could go through and highlight the ones that I wanted to see more of...but it's not worth my time! lol) I would MUCH rather just follow people on steemit that regularly post things that are interesting to me. It's not really a comparison of facebook to steemit. Just really that steemit is DESIGNED for being interesting and engaging whereas facebook has evolved into being a bulletin board of rants, ads, things for sale, commercials...etc. Maybe it's my age showing also.... hahahaha but - for me... i'm happier here ;)

FB is dead to me. The Steem blockchain has such massive potential. It’s limited thinking to think about it only in terms of social media.

Totally agree! I thought I would always keep my FB account to stay in touch with family and friends . But there are MUCH better options now. We use WhatsApp for messaging and photos (around the world) and Marco Polo for video walkie-talkies. FB is dead.


Steemit is a platforme build on the blochain Steem. Much more then just a media of the futre. I belive in less then 10 years Steem will be much bigger than facebook ever. Because of the network effect it gone creat. Right now Steem blockchain network is the most used cryptocurrency with huge room for scaling you can chek this info on https://blocktivity.info/ . Steem is a project on 2 years it is just at it begging face we have to be more patient with it development and we can also be active particepents in this proces. I agree whit you steemit have some serious problems at the moment but this is how everingt get created for fist time it is a proses that take some time trial and error.

I think it will take some time, but steemit has huge potential to be better in trend like facebook! And the history shows how fast can it be - do you remember "My Space"? It was so in, but 1 or 2 years after facebook was popular enough and nobody was interested on "My Space" any more.. so fast can this happen! So we'l see..

Its true that you cannot compare steemit to facebook, but you can compare it to something like busy.org.
In my opinion only a small % are into crypto currency at the moment, until the day if it ever were to happen for crypto to fully take over fiat then you will never see the day that facebook becomes redundant.
Interestingly though the younger generations are using instagram and snapchat alot more though.

10years duration is much. In 5years time facebook will die a naturally death.
Steemit will take over social media network.

mark my words..