SteemLand - The only FLAG i like

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

Should we get some tea for this post ?

Here it goes...

This is a small rant about flagging/downvoting a post. I have seen so many downvotes without a reason, downvotes based on personal views, or simply targeted against a specific category. 

I would like to ask steemit community ,  how is your flag (based on what is mentioned above ) , helping this community ? How does it bring any value ? How do you explain your behavior, or your motives without coming across like an asshat (because u simply hate fashion for example, or traveling, or a post about getting addicted to steemit) ?

I read this post about flags and downvoting, that really brought up a good point. Please read it too: 


And i completely agree. If you consider that a post needs a downvote, at least have the "balls" to assume it, give a reason, take  responsibility for it, have the decency to leave a comment with a constructive reason. That's how you add value , by giving the author feedback, that's how you help him and the community as well.

Another great post i read and i am probably going to follow the rules in there, is this one: 


This is a great example of how downvotes should work, and how they can bring value and feedback. 

So, to end this mini-rant/side-chapter of SteemLand , i'll leave you with the only flag i like.

I'll mount it on my balcony so more people can see it , and take a pic in the morning for you guys. 

Update: I know i know it's a little late...aand i forgot about the trees shadowing my balcony so i hang it from the windows!

#steemit #steem #flag #doyourpart #promoting-steemit

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Thanks for linking my thread.

It's false flagging and flagging with no valid reason that leads to a bad experience for new users.

Yes , exactly! Why should new users even experience that ?! Right from the start..

They should never have to. Only one chance for that good first impression or they may never return.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I have seen so many downvotes without a reason, downvotes based on personal views, or simply targeted against a specific category.

This is a UX problem I'm upset about the most. The flag is being misused for two reasons:

  • the downvote flag is currently the only way to lower the payout
  • there is no possibility to counteract trolls flagging legitimate content

Solution: the payment downvote and spam/abuse flag should be separate tools.

I hope the devs will realize that this is a serious problem which hurts adoption.

I really hope they will make downvoting less easy...

If you consider that a post needs a downvote, at least have the "balls" to assume it, give a reason, take responsibility for it, have the decency to leave a comment with a constructive reason. That's how you add value , by giving the author feedback, that's how you help him and the community as well.

Great idea! This should be mandatory and highlighted in the reply. If they can't leave a decent explanation, it makes the downvoter look like a jerk.

Thank you!

All hail @royaltiffany, Queen Bee...Tee Cee, ruler of TiffLand! :-)

Ahahhahaha no comment !

Really? You with no comment? He left himself wide open for a few good ones.

Well i can't really go "Bow to me peasant! ON YOUR KNEES SUCK MY TOES" on him, now can i ??? Ahhahaha So no comment!

I was thinking more along the lines of the Queen demanding tribute in mBTC.

So 2 cool Steemit flags not just the one. You really went all in on this didn't you.

Go big or go home !!!

Is that the official Tiffland flag now? If so how soon can we order our updated ones?

Ahahahhaha , TiffLand can have as many flags as TiffLand wants lol

That could be ... uhm ... genius. @royaltiffany can we ask you to make custom flags and post pictures with them ?

Ahahaha sure !! Why not ?! It's not that hard to make them...

I think she just set herself up good by agreeing. Let the embarrassment begin :D

@fubar-bdhr i hope not lol

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

You def went big ...

Can't agree more with @royaltiffany and @fubar-bdhr
At least if someone takes action against something he "dislike" he/she should have a constructive comment for the author so he/she know what was wrong or what he/she have to improve on their next post.

That's a community.


Nice flag

Which one?

Yes I agree. I flagged a post that had been reposting the same content in the introduceyourself content and was getting rewarded twice and I posted why. They showed me they were really only trying to understand the different sections you could post and how it works. I removed my flag for the honesty of the poster. Flagging should only be done to create a better community and not because of jealousy or disagreement. I've had good conversations with people with opposite viewpoints and gleaned knowledge that they provided as I saw the other side of my stance

This is the way it should work. Good community feedback and cooperation.

Yes! That is also the only flag I like. May it forever be waving and waving proudly.. to the mooonnn =D

Better check out the second one. You might change your mind.

See someone flagged it already. @clonewarz care to say why you upvoted then removed the upvote and flagged all within a few seconds?

The people who have the opportunity to really influence posts will ultimately see people who flag posts for no reason as less valuable and why bother being a troll here? It's about creating content. I guess some people deliberately wish not to have success, but it's really their loss. If instead of trolling the made a comment about disagreeing with something in the post people might value that greatly.

Some of the flaggin is trolling, some is due to badly configured bots, but most seems to be people flagging based on their personal beliefs. When you see someone flag click on their name and then change steemit to steemd in the url and see what they flag. Some just flag every post about women for instance others every intro post. You can usually see a pattern.

Yeah I just got an alert when I tried to go to through the https protocol and it gave me a warning that it could potentially get your passwords. I love the site, but with the threat of hacking I'll try a bit later and see if my browser was just doing something strange.

Weird never got that and I use it all the time. Wonder if others are getting it.

I already met some guys who like to flag :( they dont even have a blog!

Of course not some are bots so no posts at all.

Today happen to me now I ask about the reason to avoid that mistake in the future!!!
