Requiem of a Rainbow Warrior GodDess: From Jaws & Playboy Bunnies to Healing and Choosing to Grow or Go

in steemit •  8 years ago 

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Halloween Martha's Vineyard Regional High School gymnasium 1982

LMFGodDessAO!!! Halloween my junior year in high school...Little did I know then I would become a real Playboy Bunny a few years later at college in Miami...nor did I know how awful that 80's haircut and perm were...and boy can you tell that I was bulimic then by how swollen my jaw was!!!...I thought all my worst trauma was behind me then~Boy was I WRONG!!!


I never would have had the heart or courage to keep going if I knew what was coming. I know Jeff Sayre, my "Hugh Heffner" here,is the UPS driver that everyone can't wait to see on MV, still smiling. The last time I saw Sarah Smith, the other bunny, she was passed out drunk being wheeled off in a grocery cart in Boston by a now known rapist, Steven DeVito. I hope her life got better. Davey Araujo, the guy in the upper left corner with his eyes closed, is a mental health counselor on MV...

I don't know what happened to John Klingensmith, the guy with the wig...He could even still be home on Martha's Vineyard for all I know though I never ran into him many of the years I lived home on MV which is true for most of the people I went to school with. Maybe "JAWS," the film that really put my island on the map aside from Ted Kennedy & his jaunt off Dike Bridge on Chappy with Mary Jo Kopechne, got him like he did Jeff Voorhees and Chris Rebello, local kids cast in the movie as 1/2 the island was. The cast and crew all stayed at the Harbor View Hotel, the hotel my dad managed where my family lived 6 months out of the year. Seeing that mechanical shark every morning being taken out of the warehouse behind the hotel was a great omen for where my life was headed and kept me from skinny dipping at beach parties for too many years...

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The Harbor View Hotel, Edgartown, MA. My summer home growing up.

I hated high school as I didn't like the cliques and how most people treated each other. I refused to need to belong to one of the groups to survive. I was really smart but I couldn't stand the preppie crowd...their clothes, ego masks that professed them to be better than anyone else, and the "kill or be killed" competitive mentality that probably helps them in their corporate slave jobs now. The show "Survivor" reminds me of how they treated their preppie "friends"...

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I played sports but I was not a jock. I never really got the "team spirit" thing we were supposed to be psyched about as there wasn't very much camaraderie between the people I played sports with so much as a blind loyalty that was expected from us even though we barely knew or liked each other. We just pretended to do so-or not. Heck, two girls from the varsity basketball team that went to Belgium on a basketball exchange with me, bullied me (I was a freshman), and tied me spread-eagle between 4 bunk beds in the boys cabin because of the skin tight velour jeans all the rage in the 80's punk-era Brussels my host had picked out for me. My coach told me they were just jealous because of how I looked in them. I was told repeatedly by my family and bullies how stupid and ugly I was that I actually believed them, so much so that I was shocked and incredulous when I won Prom Queen...hint, it wasn't a popularity contest but a group of adults that chose who looked best that evening or I would have lost, miserably, and most likely come in last.

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One of those girls from the basketball team now steals children for a living as a human trafficker, and puts them in the way of pedophiles for the government's "legal-mining-of-our-children-for-profit-and-pedophiles" system known as DCF/CPS...not a far stretch from her youthful behaviour, especially since she is a liar and doesn't have much, if any, integrity, and only gleans pleasure from powering over, teasing, or bullying people physically smaller, different, or she perceives as prettier, wiser, or more powerful than herself...Wanda Moreis you know who you are and what you've done both then and more recently...You would have fit in my family perfectly as you and my sister Tabatha Vunk, now Tabatha Greene, are like twins except you are 2 feet taller than her.


I had a soft spot for the "burn outs" because they were all battered emotionally, physically, or both like me but even a lot of them wanted to reject me because I was "too smart" to be a burn out. Funny how it has served me to not need to bow down to the peer pressure of being excluded from either social groups or my completely toxic biological family I am estranged from. Only a few of my relatives are like me and not like the rest of the huge emotionally broken dysfunctional and mostly not very bright Portuguese family I hail from. As a healer and an activist with the courage to speak my truth, which makes most innocent or ignorant people very uncomfortable, including my clients...and justifiably so because the truth is fricking outrageously dark, evil, and scarier than any movie ever was...

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A family photo for my mother's side of the family. Can you guess which one I am?

My last name when I was born was Frank because I was born out of wedlock, given my mother's maiden name, and given to the nuns at St. Mary's Hospital in Boston as I was a "dirty bastard" and needed to be hidden away and ashamed of, or so my mother and her Catholic family believed. It seems perfect that I now am, as the definition of Frank is, "quite comfortable talking about subjects and issues that most find unpalatable," and even talking about the whole racket of the church, the nuns, the rampant pedophilia and human trafficking they are guilty of (and always were), as well as the global enslavement system of bodies, souls, and real property that the Vatican runs...for whom? That is a whole other saga...but here is my opinion of them...

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Peace, Love, & OBummer? What an oxymoron...Change my ass!?!

I find it infinitely curious and interesting how unpalatable and socially unacceptable the truth has always been in my family and become publicly. It is constantly insinuated that it is not polite to speak the truth or be frank, especially about that stampeding herd of elephants in the room that everyone pretends isn't there. People look at me like I said Voldemort aka He-Who-MUST-NOT-Be-Named!!! in the Harry Potter series as if I am to blame for creating whatever I am talking about at the time...

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Notice how I am the only protester on the corner...

As people, as families, communities, and as a species we are only as sick as our secrets. It is time for the truth to start coming out because we have a collective ravaging case of manufactured AIDS, cancer, and autoimmune disease physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually that we have created. We are gravely ill and as far out of homeostasis or even a semblance of health as possible and still breathing. We are in a healing crisis now, where it appears to get worse instead of better as the dis-eases and the parasites it attracts fight for their lives, just before they leave or die off...

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Martha's Vineyard is beautiful on the outside but has dark dirty secrets just as any other family or community.

There are many young and baby souls here that are not ready physically, mentally, or emotionally for the truth and they shall die/ transition/choose to leave like my dad just did on my birthday a few weeks ago without saying good-bye. He had too much guilt and shame about the truths he could never face never mind own or discuss them in a rational manner. He was very sensitive but acted tough. I felt him my whole life. I just wish he had found the courage to be authentic and say what he really wanted to but could not find the words instead of what he thought people wanted to hear. He always had to be the "good" guy that everyone liked, at least to their faces or while still on the phone with them. I would be filthy rich if I had $1 for every time I heard him say "fucking asshole" or the C-word as he frustratingly put down his phone. His suppressed and unresolved anger turned into cancer and stole the years he was supposed to relax travel, and enjoy life as the "American Dream" he bought hook, line, and sinker fraudulently told him he deserved.

Unfortunately my dad cared more about what the neighbors heard than what was said and done or rather screamed & slammed in our house. Rest in peace dad.

May you all find the courage to open your hearts and look inside all those scary things you hide from yourself, others, and are hidden from us in plain sight until you see the hapless wizard behind the curtain and finally the authentic, whole you in your mirror. I wish it was just "Lions, & Tigers, & Bears Oh My!" with a few flying monkeys thrown in...but that would make me a liar and I can not lie no matter how crazy the truth is. So we have quite an interesting time ahead for those who chose this wild ride of Awakening on Mother Earth...


Peace, Love, Abundance, & Joy...& Steem On!!!

Lisa Vunk @rwarriorgoddess

aka Rainbow Warrior GodDess Lisa

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Wooo Hoooooooooo!!!...thanx & Steem On!!!...Cheers!!!...<3 <3 <3

just skimming through this I see so many stories from great America hidden in the closets of our ancestors. from the high school cliques to Catholic shame, this is east coast down home, an oh so familiar. terrific read!!

Thank you for your feedback! caught the Catholic shame, eh? It's so funny to me how thick it is because my mother never even went to church hardly but made me go. I quit the church the day after I was confirmed at 11 and referred to myself as a Recovering Catholic for the next 25 years...Hahahaha!

Thanks for your feedback and support @torico!!! I am grateful...Cheers! :D

Your story is amazing and fascinating. So glad you're sharing it here now. I have a more PG-13 rated story related to Denver that is eerily similar to your MV stories. Seems like many towns have their secrets. SteemON Sis-Star!


Thank you BroStar @frankbacon ! I would love to hear the story about Denver sometime. I have lived in a few small town areas and I agree they all have their secrets....Mwuah!...<3 <3 <3