@sweetsssj is a man: All revealed within, steemileaks

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

@sweetsssj is a man: All revealed within, steemileaks
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Who would have thought that @sweetsssj is a man. I certainly do not think that it could be true. (Firstly I must apologize to @sweetsssj for stealing her photo and using her name, but she is the most well known person here on steemit that I could use for this purpose). Some time ago, (almost a year ago) @jacor wrote a post about the anonymity of steemers here on steemit. The essence of the post was that we don't actually know with who we are communicating, it could be a man, a woman, a child, it could be an African or an American or an Asian, we would not know. (At the time, if I remember correctly, we did not have profile photos like we have now). And even now we don't have to say anything that would tell other people who we are.

A case in point is @team101. I always thought that she was a gentleman of about 40 years old and most probably Asian, in any case that is how I pictured her. In a recent post of @marcel1965 about who the oldest steemian is, I found out that @team101 is in actual fact a lady of over 80 years old, living in the USA, how wrong could one be.

I am slowly coming to the point of my post. @sweetsssj could be a man. We can all see that she is not working alone, she has a husband, boyfriend, friend or employee that helps her with taking the photos of her visiting places. This mean that the person helping her could be @sweetsssj and the person in the photos, could be a girlfriend, wife or friend of the real @sweetsssj, posing in the photos.

I recently did a post Bikini Girl Votes: A Serious look at a Serious subject where I looked at who is to blame for girls getting votes for posts that are perceived by some to be inferior.

I also recently saw some people making rude comments on @sweetsssj posts, about her face being fake and other uncalled for things, complaining about the money she is making on her posts, saying that she receives votes for inferior content.

Now what I want to say is....that if it is so easy to write a 1000.00 dollar per day posts, by using a bikini-girl in the post, all you have to do is to employ a model to pose for your photos, choose a girly name for yourself and start writing. You can pay the lady a salary of 5000.00 dollar for the month, you can use 10 000.00 dollar for expenses and still pocket 15 000.00 dollar for the month. In my books $15 000.00 is a huge pay-out.

So stop complaining about other peoples earnings on steemit and start writing your own high earning posts.

The photo was stolen from the net. (These days you can get anything from the net, nothing is private anymore!)

Hope you enjoyed it.

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I will be honest your title was the only thing that made me want to read the post. By the title I had something way different in mind, but it was a well written one.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Brilliant - I've been wondering for a while now how many people are in the sweetsssj team - I have been following "her" posts because they are so well done, but there is no way one person is doing all that.

After giving it some thought I think they are a commercial team of writers, photographers and organisers, paid by resorts, restaurants, and hotels, and "sweetsssj" is just the front model.

Recently they have started upvoting posts all over Steemit, which I suspect indicates a new tactic and some new team members.

I also think there are several other accounts on Steemit following a similar blueprint.

But I do also think Michelle Obama is a man...

Thanks for the very nice and comprehensive reply

rynow, I got to read this offline
and I had to admit - I bit that click bait :D
but I totally agree with you
the more we keep looking at what other people are getting here
the more frustrated we would be
but if we look at our own progress
no matter how slow - or small or cents.. we get .. the happier we would be around here
you're one good proof of that ;)

Nice post :)

Thanks for the comment.

welcome dear friend :)

It is possible William Shakespeare was really Sir Francis Bacon. As an aristocrat he was banned from writing for the common folk. Also they say he had a team of writers, not just one person. It was pretty common for an artist to hire workers to paint or sculpt in the name of the master.

Hi @bluethread, thank you very much for the nice comment and the info in your comment.

So happy to see you here on Steemit aunty and this is a great introduction post :)


Thank you for the comment, just one correction, I am an uncle and not an aunty, my wife is the one in front on my profile photo, I am in the back.

Omg how come you would know?

Hi @stefen, I really don't know, thanks for the comment.

good post

Thank you very much for the comment

I was like huh? this is an introductory post? when I see one of the comment?
Just to be sure, I'm man. OK, now, back to other upvoting.
Be happy with you have. Probably that's the formula. :-)

You are correct, thanks for the comment. (I am also a man, but some people confuse me with a lady, I think it is because my wife is in front on my profile photo. This is part of the point of my post, we don't really know with who we are talking, I can put anything on my profile.)

Damn I was gonna say "I knew it!" J/k she seems like a sweet heart. I think people should follow what they like and vote elsewhere if they find something they don't like. It is a simple click away and you can read whatever you like. Nobody forces you to view or to follow. Mute them or unfollow don't tare them down.
Creating content is hard enough.

I agree with you 100%, thank you for the comment

How does knowing sweetsssj going to change anything or create value to anyone?

Hi @dali.soh, that really depends from person to person, for some she will add value and for others not.
Thank you for the comment

Can you please explain what you mean by "for some she will add value?"

Honestly, I don't care whether he/she is a man or a woman. sweetsssj's posts definitely capture readers' attentions through the following ways: a pretty girl on the front page, beautiful sceneries of exotic places, well-written adventure based narrative, and bilingual translation to capture an international audience.

Her posts provide a vicarious vicissitude escape from our mundane everyday lives. Sure, she might be fake. She may even be transgender. She could be employing a team of people to write stuff for her. Heck, she might even be an alien disgusted as a human being. I'm not her raving fan by the way. But, you cannot deny the amount of effort that goes into each and every post of hers.

Again, I'm not refuting your claims about her identity, etc. I guess we all want to read interesting stuff that shows us endless possibilities of what we can do with our lives. Don't you agree?

You must not miss-understand me, I definitely did not say she is a man, I said nobody know for sure if any body on the platform is a man, a woman, a kid or from where the person is. Some people for instance thought I am a lady whereas I am a man. The point of my post was that people must not complain about other peoples posts as anybody can like what they want. Where I say for some she will add value, I mean just that, some people will like her posts and other will not. I also agree that there is a lot of hard work in her posts. I actually like the travel posts, as it gives good insight into some very nice places, which I will most probably never be able to visit in my life, and might help me to choose which place I should visit when I decide to travel abroad. Further I was saying if people think you is easy to write big earning posts, and that you only need a bikini-girl to do so, they can employ people to act as models for their photos and also earn big, they must not just complain about other people's high earning posts. I was not saying anything bad about sweetsssj

VeryWell Done @rynow Agree With you @sweetsssj is real or not but he or she what ever going very well woriking hard .so we dont have rights to comments bad on her posts..

I agree with you, thanks for the comment.

@Sweetsssj is a girl :)

Yes your theory would make it possible for any guy to get a model etc. but that is not the case with her. I can go into detail as to why I can confirm she is genuine, but I don't think that'll be necessary. Her photographer friend take her photo's for her.

Don't ever underestimate a pretty face. This girl is very talented. Besides, it doesn't take much to learn some basic skills. With a bit of effort, you can become good at writing, using a camera, editing on Photoshop (took me 7 hours from scratch to learn), etc.

In all honesty, with all due respect, anyone who is questioning that it's unfair that she makes so much, they are just jealous :) Instead of complaining, rather go work your own way up there :)

Talk soon.

Hi @enazwahsdarb, I agree fully with you, and that is my exact point in the post, people complain to much about other peoples work, but as you say it is hard work to keep the posts coming at the good quality it is done. (I don't think she is fake, the title was my way of getting people to read the post) Thank you very much for the good comment.

Haha it's called click-bait lol :P And yeah I get what you're saying :)

Too many people want the easy way out.

Thank you for the reply

Only my pleasure @Rynow. We should engage in each others content more often. Talk soon.

By the way, are you going to the meetup in September?

Yes, I am going, I already registered. Are you coming up from the Cape?

I wish I could. I really want to get down there to be there for the event. The problem is the flight..

@Jacor suggested to me to make a post asking for donations, but I don't want to seem too needy..

You are correct! I mean yeah we can hire a modeler and start a business like @sweetsssj do. That's a strategy... not a thing to blame as some other people do! I had the same feeling while watching those posts and I am not a fan of @sweetsssj posts as well.
Actually I have no time for planning something like that, and really hard to write something by my own as well. but it's not a thing to blame others for their earnings!

Thanks you very much for this information and I like the way you think!

Cheers and have a nice day ahead!

Yes I agree with you, to write nice long posts, with good photos takes quite a lot of hard work. Thanks for the comment.

Not only that, if we do that people will not read them. Coz then need a girl with few bikini photography! That makes them crazy :D

Thank you for educating us...

Thanks for the comment, I was just trying something different.

What ?? :O

Thanks for reading and replying

Yes i agree with you @rynow. they are professionally done it with a style, a beautiful sexy lady , well planned stories/contents and photography makes them a good amount of daily income, I would like to think there should be at least 3 to 5 team members, and their effort make strong steem community . may be we can do something like that. ha haa, thanks for brainstorming a good idea. I would definitely like to have a chat a with you . it is my pleasure in future. shall we

Thank you very much for the very nice reply, I was not really thinking of doing this myself, just throwing around some ideas.

ha haa. i got it , thanks rynow

Many highlight the fact that a woman's body is the mostly exploited selling ploy of past ands present. What social media has made evident is that it's often the ladies with "bodies " who are the first to exploit their own. Life is not fair and beauty is power. If we were all hot we would certainly giver it a thought.
I think @sweetsssj is fine but I really wonder how many people read her posts from start to finish.

Thanks for the nice reply

Interesting. Another Steemit member (one that I know offline) was having a conversation with me about her the other day, wondering if it's a man running the show. I guess it doesn't matter, but it is deceptive if it's true.

The thing is everybody can be completely anonymous on steemit, and only reveal as much as they would like. If you for example look @ionlysaymeep, nobody knows who he/she is and from where he/she is. I would say he is a man from the USA, but that is guessing. And you are correct, it does not matter, it actually makes it more interesting.

Nice post