Why Investing in YOUR Steem Power matters! Especially with ShadowBot!

in steemit •  7 years ago 

We have been getting a huge amount of feedback regarding "unfair" voting allocation and other feedback regarding how some feel. Over all MOST people realize how our system works, we reward those who work hard, re-invest into their Steem Power, and provide useful good content while maintaining a good balance of manual voting and ShadowBot automated voting.

However, there are a small group of people who either do not understand, which we prefer to believe, but possibly want to abuse our platform, and to those we have to explain it is not possible to game ShadowBot. We have worked hard to design a platform that is from the very core FAIR for all.

The reason we have the Pool Priority directly linked to both your Shadow Rank AND Steem Power is to ensure that those who INVEST in creating good content will earn more Shadow Rank while those who earn well and re-invest in THEIR steem account via Steem Power directly get more priority in the pool!

Our system encourages one thing, INVESTING in YOURSELF! If you work hard and create great content, power up, earn more steem power, and keep growing your influence on steem, YOU WILL 100% earn more and more and move up the ranks in ShadowBot! This is a community of GREAT steemians! We work together!

If every one of our 1121 Casters just added 1 SP more a day, just 7 SP a week that would be an additional 7847 a week, an extra 34,003 SP EVERY month! Just by EACH member simply Powering Up 1 STEEM on average per day!

This is how our system is designed, this is how we believe, and this is how we WORK together! This is how we learn and earn together!

We hope this makes things a little clearer for not only how our platform works, but WHY you MUST invest back into your Steem Power, and constantly be working to increase how much influence you have not only in ShadowBot but on Steem as well!

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
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hello i had joined shadowbot and left again i noticed a few problems still exist from when i was a member in December

  1. spam posters are still rewarded iv seen one user with 7 accounts logon every few days and make 20-40 posts each account probably why so many low lose out.

  2. Since introduction of pool priority users delegating away SP are still shown as having the same and still receiving same rewards from pool priority and having FVL even though SP is very little thus giving dust votes to all.

  3. I think is a need to prioritize voting for powered up posts as most users will always withdraw SBD especially so if price continues to rise also as Steem price rises amount created through posts diminishes also.

  4. Why hasn't blacklisted been updated in weeks and when are honey pots due?

  5. when are honeypots due

hmmmm.. @shadowbot, I can confirm there is some kind of bug in delegation calculating for total SP of a shadowcaster. I have delegated -750SP to various people, then also received about +1000SP delegated to me, adding both +/- to my current 1850SP I have effectively about 2100SP, but the caster page/list shows I have 2850SP so I am almost positive the -750SP is not factored in, at least in display. It is good my recieved delegations are accounted for, but if only one side of the coin is noticed by the system I could imagine a few ways that could be exploited, even just using 2 accounts delegating to each other could double the SP the system sees so it might be something to fix when you have the chance.

If anyone else reading is thinking to try that example, please don't. I can promise it would work, but not that it turns out well.

@isacoin, I think the idea to prioritize 100% powered up posts is a suicide mission. 100% powered up post are only effective if the SBD price reaches $1usd or below, anything higher and you are losing money from using that option scaled directly to how far above $1usd SBD is valued. If the incentive is there for cutting your reward down to 1/4th of what you would have got, what is the ideal scenario exactly? That everyone in the pool complies with it, but gets 1/4th their normal rewards in the process? The people that want to power up will get 1/4th rewards and the people that want to cash out get less priority? That just means everyone gets less, so even if that rule was added the ideal scenario is nobody follows the rule unless SBD drops in price by 80% or more. Your head is in the right place, but there are better ways to incentivise powering up that align the interests of the pool and author rather than conflicting them. The pool as a single unit using 100% power up option would be a significantly impared growth pattern even compared to a scenario where half the shadowcasters are cashing out just because the difference in payout value is so extreme. Anyone you see in 100% power up right now either has some idealogical reasoning about SBD inflation, thinks more people will upvote their post if it is 100% power up, or has no idea what they are doing, lol.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

i see but your power is at 21% you lose a lot of value renting delegation when low

i was talking about users who delegated away having little sp and voting power and still get votes as if had all is

to prioritize powering up would only be short term as is a need for sp now because with the price os steem rising will be harder to generate through votes and would depend solely on good faith of users powering up and from what ive seen doesnt happen

there is 716 accounts under 30 sp and doesn't look like have changed much in sp even though earnings have been increasing

i think people would be more likely to vote a powered up post as this shows direct support of platform even at the lose of the sbd and with so little users powering up posts would stand out from the search's feeds which is difficult normally

I cant answer all your questions but i know that every shadow caster only gets upvoted by each member once every 24 hours, which means if they post 20-40 posts each day, only 7 of them will be rewarded, and after 7 days their other posts will not be applicable for rewards.

this is not and never was true look at jonbit was getting 12 votes a member a week

@isacoin I was hoping to ask you a question.

Will I lose my shadow rank if I want to pause being in the Shadow Pool for a Day or two.

I want to get my power back to 100

I think if someone leaves they lose rank once they rejoin, but the way voting works if you are below 100% it will allow you to recharge still because it will vote every 5 hours or so instead of every 2. This means your contribution to the pool is less and rank increases a bit slower this way, but it is there to allow recharging. The only caveat is it will take longer to recharge than normal.

I lost my rank.

Sob sob I got a bit impatient and left. Joined again I was only a rank 3 so I will get it back in no time.

Love it SB - minimum of 1 STEEM P/D is well worth the investment in the long run.. I just read a great article by @kevinwong about how STEEM is possibly the worlds first (greatest) cryptocurrency considering the platform and network and its not just a coin of transferable value.

Anyway i think you are one of the few bots on this platform who truly represents steemit values.

Once again - shadowbot 4 president!!

(kevinwongs article here if youre interested: https://steemit.com/asksteemit/@kevinwong/is-steem-the-world-s-first-cryptocurrency)

Great points and agreed completely! We are not encouraging anything other than investing in YOURSELF and the ENTIRE community! STEEM gets bigger not by people cashing it out to make a quick buck, but by earning more and influencing others to join by providing them with enough earnings early on to see the value of using the platform! Those who siphon off every last SBD/SP they earn just to cash it out to eth/btc/etc are simply robbing the real users, and they are not what we cater to!

Steem as you point out is designed to have LONG TERM users INVEST in their power, Steem Power is also known as Vested Steem for this reason. Take a look at this article as well it goes into detail without too much mumbojumbo how this a works: https://steemit.com/steem/@bigdeej/steem-sbd-steem-power-vesting-what-are-all-these-things-really-pro-tips

Yes! Ive taken your advice already and powered up 7 steem for the week - only cost 4.5sbd at the current exchange rate, safe to say 1 a day is very doable, plus a little extra every now and then!

Love your work @shadowbot

Keep it up!!!

Glad to have you on board! Great steemians like you are what make this community possible!

I like the way you think, i appreciate that, and i think the same! If you want to grow the first thing is invest in yourself and reinvest your reward to grow more you and the community! I'm here since a month and i will try to grow better and faster! Thanks for this post resteemed it!

Agreed, if you don't value your own content and the steem community why should anyone else? We always keep our earned SP vested and only use our SBD to pay the bills (servers programming promotions etc)!

Is powering up one of the ranking up criteria? And if so how much should I be powering up for some extra ranks?

Great question, Powering Up DIRECTLY is used in the Pool Priority and Voting Weight calculations (they are the same formula so the same number, IE your pool priority is the voting weight you will receive from casters over the FVL). You can see here exactly how things work: https://steemit.com/steemit/@shadowbot/voting-allocations-have-been-upgraded-critical-update

Also check this:

Remember the more SP you have directly increases your priority in the pool. @grandpawhale (who does not make posts for some reason) has over 100,000 SP and just a 2 Shadow Rank and is the top priority. If they were to decide to make a post despite being one of the lowest Shadow Ranks they would be the top priority in our pool.

Is there a problem on @shadowbot .. My account upvote others (no problem) but to my post upvoted last time 1 day ago.

The problem is you didn't read the post, You joined 5 days ago and you have a shadow rank of 1 so ask your self what are you not doing right? Well one would be to be patient, work hard, build up your shadow rank, post good original content and "IF" you have more then one account stick to one account until you get good enough to spend time on your others. You know what i mean? You have been a member of the pool for 5 days and your sp is 15, what are you expecting? magic bunnys to float from the heavens and rain bunny money on your soul? 2.661 STEEM (+12.341 STEEM) you don't even have 3 steem of your own, 8 days ago Claim rewards: 4.478 SBD and 0.772 STEEM POWER <-- but you could of. try and put in a steem when you get your payout. It matters. All I'm saying if you're going to do it your way don't come on here complaining about how shadowbot isn't working for you and if you had read the post that you're complaining about you would of understood why.

"The reason we have the Pool Priority directly linked to both your Shadow Rank AND Steem Power is to ensure that those who INVEST in creating good content will earn more Shadow Rank while those who earn well and re-invest in THEIR steem account via Steem Power directly get more priority in the pool!"

**There were 5 total criterias used to determine how much boost each caster received:

1) Voting Power: Maintains Voting Power above 95% average
2) Good Author: Average post receives over 2 times more in organic rewards than from Shadow Rewards
3) Powering Up: Increasing Steem Power over time (Powering Up)
4) Booster: Gives more rewards than receives from ShadowBot
5) Dolphin: Has over 5,000 Steem Power currently**

I know the rules and I read the post. I know my shadow rank is low which is 1. I am trying to write original content. If I have a steem, power up to steem power. I am new at shadowbot. My first 5 days in the system. And in the first 4 days I have upvoted 41 times. After that I have nothing. So that I asked, if there is a problem on system. Maybe under maintance. Are you understand me?

hi @sefalist, there is something on sundays like a minnow day where only the low rank people are voted to make sure everyone can get something, but on other days your post will be much farther down the queue meaning a higher delay on votes as the FVL voters are busy voting on higher rank posters that have been around much longer than you, or are bringing hundreds of times your steem power to contribute. Having only a few SP, and a new account at rank of 1, it means you are about as close to the bottom as you will ever be, but the good news there is the only way to go is up. Your rank will increase over time, so just be patient, and power up whenever you have the chance.

Thanks for answer @alphacore . I'm trying to power up as much as I can. I was just trying to understand the system, but I think I'm misunderstood. I'm trying to write original content, I do power up once a week, I use upvote boots, I do upvote with high quality and I think it will bring a lot of revenue, I never withdraw steem dollar and do not think about pulling. Is there anything else you can recommend?

This is all good, the only thing missing is time! Best advise I can give is to not worry about what your rank is in shadowbot, and to just leave it in the background and focus on your normal steemit growth, then before you know it you will have a much higher rank in queue and it is a lot better than if you watch it for change over time. Patience will pay off in the end because rank increases are calculated only one time per week right now, so waiting around watching for it to change or giving it too much thought looking for immediate impact can drive you crazy :)

Thanks . I will do and wait time passing :-)

@shadowbot you are great keep it up and when will YOU lounch shadowchat ?? Resteemed

We are planning for a March 1st, 2018 beta launch, we are in alpha testing and development still, there are a few core pieces that need to be completed before we can roll it out fully for a beta test with all our members!

GReatt Thanks for reply we are waiting

Follow me.

Shadowbot is a great pool, seems to working nicely.
But one thing is confusing me now: "while maintaining a good balance of manual voting and ShadowBot automated voting."

So a 90%-100% automated voting efficiency is bad? I was hoping to get that automated to be 100% efficient, because I'm totally lazy and I was thinking this was the intention of the bot.
So should we vote other stuff up outside of the pool to be rewarded?

Plus I wish i could invest 1 SBD per day, but for that i would have to generate 1 SBD per day. No idea how to achieve that right now. xD

staying at ~100% voting power is optimal for the rank increase and helps the pool a lot more, but for certain people is not optimal for their personal growth, so the threshold is a bit lenient where the occasional vote won't damage your shadow rank increase and have you less valued than an idle account, but the main point with that mechanic is voting a ton outside the pool (like me) will slow the rate of increase in your rank because you drain your voting power down and contribute less overall relative to someone with an equal amount of steem power remaining at 100%. For example, my voting power hovers in the range of 20~40% from curation experiments, voting on comments, or whatever else it is I am doing at the time, so my rank increase is slower than it would be if I were more moderate in my voting outside the pool, and someone else with 2000SP could rise their rank faster from being more conservative. So if your primary concern is to increase rank I think 95%+ is the target range to maintain, and I would advise to aim for that until you have a really good reason for deviations :)

Like that one :P Thanks for the information!

Congratulations @shadowbot!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 3 with 1140 upvotes

I do understand what you suggest, but my vote power and bandwidth are quickly depleted, so it is hard to work on one's steemit blog not to mention to do that without having the freedom to use manual votes. I am trying to work my interaction, curate responsibly, but when I don't have the bandwidth to even publish a post, it becomes a problem to generate good content. I am not sure what the problem is. I like the concept but staring at me in the dashboard is the same Ranking level forever. I bought 17 STEEM yesterday and still nothing happens.

Obwohl ich fast immer 100% Power hatte, hat der Bot kein einziges mal in den letzten 24 Stunden gevotet. Ist das nur bei mir so?

SO how do I get started?

Grab your private posting key and login: https://shadowbot.us/shadowbot/login.php