Some suggestion for improvement of Steemit Community, Suggestion belongs to extra rewards features to facilitate the minnows

in steemit •  8 years ago 

 I am realizing from last few days that the interest in steemit specially by low reputation rank user is in decline ,The main reason behind this hidden truth is no coverage is given to the posts shared by users have reputation rank below 50. I browse 35000 Steemit users and I prepared a list of the members have more reputation rank and more Steem power, almost 300+ users (Steemit community members) have high reputation rank above 59 and only 12 have High high Reputation rank above 69 to 72. Other only 500 have rank in between 58 to 50 and below 25 to rank 1 are 34000 + members.(actual members are more than 50000).

 No coverage to the post shared by Low rank users

 May be the whales don’t agree with me but the minnows will definitely agree from my this observation and in my opinion this is the main fact.  For example a user having  rank 25 shared the same category or same level post (original new content) as share or shared by a whale having rank above 60 and more steem power will not get upvote or coverage through comments because…. No will open(read) the post as everyone will think… That the user has 

>Low Steem power  

and due to low steem power and low reputation ranking and user past reputation shows that user always share low category(copy paste or non-attractive post) so the users specially whales neglect the post.  But If any Whale having reputation more than 60 share a simple post (just 500 words article) Everyone in no time without reading the post carefully upvote and leave a comment.

 I write above statement as I have seen and I have personally up voted one whales in the beginning of my journey in Steemit. Who shared only 200 to 300 words article and make a video to teach the steemit rules and opportunities but in my opinion 90% users including me did not watch the video but click for upvote, and in comments section one whale share the truth that every one upvote your post but I think only few have watched the video. 

Everyone can surf and observe the steemit daily trending page and 30 day trending page  only the top 200+ users are getting rewards and getting more power in steemit but the remaining thousands of users don’t get single penny even they have shared some good post but due to no intention or coverage by the whales they are still minnows. 

My Suggestions with humbling request to Steemit Administration. 

I have linked with social networks since 2009 and in this period I have joined some good and some bad social networks though which I have gotten some experience which I want to share which directly link to Steemit great community (still great community but in future if remain some rule it will lose the popularity and coverage).  In Steemit the Steemit administration link the social rewards with only up vote or down vote on the content shared in platform. The theory behind this great social rewards sharing platform is good but with only upvote it is unfair because… The upvote is again directly linked with steem power ( it is good as this will avoid steemit from dummy accounts or spam culture) but due to this  the total power is in Whale hands and they can change the game any time which is unfair in social platform. 

My suggestion with due respect 

I have joined some social rewards programs in past,in which I have selected only two in which one is now inactive but the other one is still active with more power. The first one I have joined was Bubblews social reward program which was no doubt great program and paid thousands of members through paypal. In Bubblews the administration have set the revenue with the post like, comments and views as more views and more like you get more revenue generated and daily every user who share creative and new content get some revenue and every one was happy but due to some unavoidable circumstances the admin inactive the social program. The 2nd one which have joined in 2009 and the program is still active was Fanbox and changed the site name ( ) .This is interesting social network in which with more power you have more ability and opportunity to earn huge .

This network has some draw back as 

It pays the revenue to its members after 90 days (Maturing the earning) 

It has also some monthly fee.

 We only concern and will focus  with the earning opportunity and way of social rewards through which everyone who contribute in the network can get some or more rewards by its power and its creative content which is more coverage or liked by the users. The social network rewards the users by the following ways When any user with more power share a post and a user with more power views the post the user  get more revenue and if the user get views from low power user then he will get less revenue but will get something than nothing as in steemit if you don’t get upvote from whale you did not get something. If high power user share creative content and someone with low or high power view or like the post the high power get handsome rewards.

 So keeping in mind the above two social reward site revenue sharing methods if  Steemit apply the following social rewards criteria.   

 If any user share a post (original ,creative new content) and if with low steem power or high steem power  user view the post ( as low steem power upvote power is in cents or zero) then the post sharing user must be rewarded with some bucks and again it should be categorize  in two parts 

 1-Low Steem power or low reputation users  

2-Whales or high steem power users  

 If low power user view the post and that user view the post for 30 seconds then the rewarding for the post through this user should be as per rank (  steemit may define the rate for user, for example rank with 25 views rate for 30 seconds is $1 and up to 49 remain $1 and from 50 to 60 it may be $5 and above 60 it may be $10). The upvote criteria remain same as previous in steemit.
 This will help the newbie and minnows to get some rewards from steemit and it will encourage the newbie and minnows also but   Some strict rule must be applied by steemit like The content must be creative, original and new. No spamming Views rewards must be in steemit if any user share the post in other social media sites like Facebook twitter then the views rewards should be disabled for outside the steemit.
 I personally request to all users specially whales please support us and give some positive suggestion as the steemit is a worldwide social reward platform which is designed to facilitate and to change the lives.

 I am electrical engineer and at the moment working as senior plant operator in power generation sector. I have interest in social networking and I have joined a lot of social networks with some social rewards programs too but I think the steemit is well planned but if the reward criteria not changed it will lose it popularity in near future this is my opinion may be its wrong but i realized it.
   Please leave good suggestions in comment section.  

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