How To Kill Your STEEMIT Account: Steal Content, Like This Guy

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hey, my wonderful followers!

It's @shayne here with a cautionary tale.

Don't steel content.

I'm telling you... just don't do it.

I was warned by @jonny-clearwater that someone was posting my YouTube videos without permission. When I went to check out this profile for myself I also saw unsourced videos by @andrarchy, @trevonjb, and many others.

So I left this message on one of their posts with my video:


I gave this account 12 hours to do this simple request, and in that time they posted about 10 more times on their blog -- all other people's content -- so I figured that was a "go ahead" signal that I should start flagging all the content that was unsourced.

So I started flagging.

Luckily, I'd hardly voted that day, so my vote power was all charged up.

After a while, this is what their wall looked like:


After doing this, I went to bed.

Their response.

I woke up about an hour ago and found this response. Mind you, this was about 19 hours after I had posted my warning:


And the post that had my video in it was changed to this:


Good, he removed it. I don't like the begging for compensation, but he removed it.

So after I post this blog I'm going to go back and un-flag everything I flagged.

But before doing that, I left this reply, because you spammers need to understand something about Steemit: it's not the same as other social medai; if you abuse Steemit, the Steemit Community will repay you in kind.


I'm not trying to be mean.

My hope is that this experience will teach this user to stop abusing the Steemit platform and the Steemit community. Because what I said above is true: bots will flag you into the grave with zero remorse and no option of recompense.

And further, I hope that this users experience can be a warning to others through this post.

Don't spam other people's content on your blog.

Don't plagiarize.

Do your own work on Steemit -- that's how you will make it here.

How to use other's content.

You might see me posting content by Mike Cernovich and InfoWars with minimal commentary.

This is because I have permission to do so.

If you want to post content from other people on Steemit, either get permission first, or make it part of a larger commentary, which would make it fair use. And if, when you ask for permission, the content creator says no, don't use my content -- respect that.

And if someone wants you to take their video down, have some respect for their wishes and consider it.

I'm not saying you have to remove the content if you don't want to -- for instance, if you're doing a critical commentary about the person's video and they just don't like what you're saying and ask you to take it down -- you can leave it up, just be prepared to get flagged.

What do you think?

Steemit is still an experimental platform, and we are all learning how to use it together.

It's challenging to discover the boundaries of good practices on a new platform with no centralized use rules. But the community here is good -- much better than other social media (imo) -- and with the pressure of reputation-based power, people are incentivized to be decent to each other.

And I like that.

Follow me @shayne

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"Steemit is still an experimental platform, and we are all learning how to use it together."

stealing is still wrong.

check out my new voting btw

Impressive! This is crazy!

But yes, stealing is bad m'kaaay.

steemit is a good platform which relies on valuable sharing contributed by everyone, please respect !!!!! that guy is destroying this wonderful community, please stop doing this and do not register a new account to do it again!! that is disgusting!

Respect is the key word in this. Respect the platform that pays you for posting, and respect others by making your own content.

That CHODE learned his lesson!

I hope so

Man, this hard fork is somethin'. Just up voted you here and it jumped like .60 cents............ CrAzY!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Right??? Mine is worth about $3 now... see?

I do! Thank you!

I think you should keep the downvotes on the account. I've encountered quite a number of these accounts. They talk about reforming, but then keep on doing the same thing thinking that no-one will notice.

Great job. I can't stand it when people post other's content like that, especially when it's all they post. Glad the Steemit system is working as intended, through the use of flags.

I think you should not bother trying to redact the name of accounts you have issue with. You missed all the other mentions of @cryptocharts here, on each post.

There's really no need for it. Everything is in the open on the blockchain.

Oops, you're right lol

I just spaced it. I'll go back and fix it.

why? this person deserves no protection. just saw a way to make free $$ so decided to steal to do it. And will likely continue to do so.

I think it would be helpful if someone made a post about copying rights etc.. Because not everyone is aware that there are some rules and laws regarding this matter. Thanks @shayne for sharing this information. ;) Definitely an upvote

He knew what he was doing and he ignored warnings also

I would not unflag personally.
You flagged content that he has no intention of crediting the original source.
I'm glad I caught it and was able to inform you of it.

Respect is a big word! 🙃

You show the power of the steemit community who values original content and to properly sourced their content as well if they are showing examples from fellow steemians.

Agreed. It's really not hard to come up with your own content. Don't be so lazy. Be creative be honest and be someone the community values..................

I've found Steemit great so far with the little amount of spam I've found.
Coming from a background of trawling through thousands of spam websites for clients Steemit seems relatively clean compared to the rest of the web.
I only hope this is because the cheetah bot and others are doing a good job and it's not due to arrive in the future.

Great info. I've only been on for a little while so I always appreciate any tips people an give me. Upvoted and resteemed

Word! Thanks for spanking the kids. I was busy steeming and I couldn't find my belt.

I'm glad to see this post here.
As an artist, I can't help but get a little dishearten how often I see unsourced art on steemit and other blogging sites. It's not something I think people tend to think about.
Source your artist, support you artist :)

I'm also an artist, and it really sucks to see someone taking your stuff as their own.

It happens a lot with game development.

I think that if the content you are objecting to being pilferred is in fact simply a repost of your own opinions, then there is no need to get permission to post it. You should be glad that someone else is spreading your word if you believe in it. I can understand getting up in arms about proprietary information. But opinions aren't proprietary.

The point is really about the behavior of the Steemit community. If someone has their own opinion about posting content but fail to understand the perception of the general community, they're going to get burned. This is a warning post to people to be careful about how they use other people's content, especially if those people are on Steemit.

I didn't actually go and visit the steemit blog of the culprit you are referring to. But I see plenty of examples of others generating income by borrowing the "content" of others via posting Utube videos that belong to others. So it's not an "isolated" incident. In disclosure, I am also of the opinion that if you actually took the time to rectify the problem in court you would run out of attorney's fees before you were satisfied. But of course I am a true "contrarian" when it comes to determining "true" value of not only a steemit spew...but of STEEM, ETH, BTC et all. :-)

Honestly it's great to see a platform with some protection from plagiarism. It's the best type of copyright.

I don't like the "presumed" consequences of what it is like for someone if what @shayne is saying is actually true. If an army of followers of a whale or two decide to make you a target and collectively flag you, that opens the door to censorship. And that opens the door to contrarian points of view not being heard. Just because 99% of the sheeple all believe the same doesn't mean the 1% who take an opposing pov should not be heard. Many of the biggest trend changes in history came when the "1%er's" were not only not being heard...but being "censored" by the 99%ers. Steemit would be no better than CNN basically.

Don't steal content...period
If you use someone else's content, credit the source.
Very simple to understand.
You do not have the right to make money on someone else's work

But then again, another steemian just posted something along the lines of >>> "I just made a shitload for a reason that I can't even understand"...and that one sentence alone "garnered" $23 for far. The windup? Your opinionof the value of "content" may be "highly" out of whack so have a good time proving it isn't in a court of law. :-)

That has nothing to do with the topic at hand. This discussion is about stealing content, not the quality of content.
As for stealing content around here, courts aren't needed, you'll be flagged to nonexistance

You meant to say "selectively" flagged. A person with a rating like I have for instance has no power to get anyone censored. Others do. "Hardly" a system of equal "opportunity,"

You have the same opportunity to build your power as anyone.

I never argued that point. I simply stated that it is MUCH easier for someone with a following to do well. And if you do some research I bet you will confirm my "suspicion" that some are coming in from day 1 with a "built in" following from other social media sites. Again, that "skews" things a bit and puts newbies in a head wind. Go ahead and try and compete with Amazon in their new venture with Whole foods as another "real life" example. You can't becuz of "scale"...your new and improved and "potentially" better idea may be doomed from the getgo...just becuz of simple herd mentality.

I warned him and he kept on posting theiving posts for hours afterwards.
He isn't sorry, he's simply apologizing to you because you caught him.
Plain and simple


Hey, there's a typo..

Don't steel content.


Good post, and totally agree!

Especially with hf19 now in will quadruple the money he is stealing

Wow, he was really begging you.

I'll never support plagiarists because I know the hard work I put into creating my content... For them to just take it and use it is just a kick in the nuts. I could easily take other people's work and post it as my own but I want to make something new, something of value, that adds value to the community and shouts my unique voice out to the world. That's the mindset of an original artist.

You did the right thing and you did even better by letting us know. I love Steemit for the fact that the power is indeed in our hands.

Long live decentralized power, long live Steemit!

I'm new here so I'm a little confused. I understood this to mean someone was posting youtube videos here, made by various people. Youtube videos are shared all the time everywhere, and even embeded on websites. I've never heard of this as being wrong or spam. In fact, some videos go viral as a result.

How is it different here? Am I missing something? I posted a guys youtube video here that I came across that I thought was cool. I did it just as if it were Facebook. Was I wrong?

Please help me understand.

Steemit has a voluntary community police system, that's what's different.

On Twitter, if someone posts your content without permission, you can downvote their post, and maybe complain about it, and nothing much of anything will happen.

Here on Steemit, especially since there's a monetary element, if someone posts your content without permission, you can flag them, and it affects their post dramatically.

If you are posting other people's content without commentary or accreditation, you are playing with fire.

So basically if you say something about how you found the content, like I was watching youtube videos and I thought this was cool, cute, or funny etc., you're acknowledging it's not your content are you ok? As opposed to posting w/o comment or obviously trying to give the impression it's yours.

People share content everyday, and don't get permission to do it. Probably because if they had to do that they wouldn't share, too time consuming, and it links back to the creator, not the sharer anyway. Videos would never go viral if everyone had to ask permission to share. Most content creators actually want people to share their stuff to get it out to a larger audience, so I don't want to follow outside rules that may cause problems.

Maybe the difference is here the sharer can get a benefit that is not available on other platforms? Or if the content creator happens to also be on steemit?

thanks for the info... @shayne please keep educating us especially new members like me on this issue...
I just sent my first 2 posts today...will love if you check them out for possible upvote and constructive critisism....thanks

It's so important to me to save my upvotes for original content. People who take the time to do the work are the ones who deserve the rewards, not the ones who post/steal someone else's work.

I'd rather spend my time reading/viewing content or working on my own stuff than checking to see if work has been stolen before giving it my upvote. But maybe that's simply part of being a member of this site -- we're all responsible for ensuring the content we support is original, not plagiarized.

So thanks for taking the time to call out this individual and for sharing the story so others are aware.

Great job.......I have encountered more and more plagiarists. @ranuganteng has posted about 14 posts TODAY........all look to be copy/paste,,,,,,and getting decent rewards. I hope you don't mind, but I am using your post on plagiarism to warn them. With the rewards going up after the HF, it will only get worse.

I don't mind at all.